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Steph POV

I was so caught up in the moment that I heard someone clearing their throat behind me. Both me and Harry pulled away, but he never let my hands go. I look at the doctor and he tells me they have to run tests. I tell Harry that I have to go, but he begs the doctor to go with me. The doctor declined every time. I gave Harry one last kiss before I go. "I'll miss you," I say.

"I'll miss you way more," he said smiling.

I went to take tests. Basically same old same old. I had to look forward and tell him how many fingers he was holding up. That kind of stuff. That took up 3 hours of my day and it was almost 2pm. I told the doctor I was hungry and he took me to the cafeteria. When I got there, all these little kids were playing and eating. It was so cute. I was I was little again. No care in the world. Now there is a murderer on my back. Oh, that is a scary thought. I ate a grilled cheese and had a glass of apple juice. It was okay, standard hospital food.

When I was done, the nurse, Mary, wheeled me back to my room. Harry greeted me immediately with a kiss on the cheek. Harry picked me up and placed me back on the bed and hugged me.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm better. My head hurts."

"I'll get you some pain killers," the nurse said.

"Okay," I said and she left, leaving me with Harry alone. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. He looked up at me and smiled. He smells of aftershave and Old Spice deodorant. He's in a tux and I decided to ask him why.

"I am in a tux because I have not left your side for 6 days and this is what I was wearing on what was going to be our date."

"Oh, well you look very handsome and hot in the tux," I said blushing.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. The nurse came back and gave me my painkillers. Then my doctor walked in with the test results.

"It would seem that you have a concussion. It is a very mild one so you should be able to go home tomorrow. We would like you to stay here overnight just to make sure you are healing correctly. Sound good?" he asked smiling.

"Sounds good," I replied.

Harry looked at me and frowned. "What's the matter?" I asked worriedly.

"I wanted you to come home today so I could sleep with you next to me," he said upset.

"Aw, does poor little Harry miss me?" I said in a baby voice.

"You have no idea how scared I was. I thought you were leaving me and the first night I tried sleeping with you, only to be awaken by an angry doctor, telling me I can't sleep with the patient. I wanted you in my arms so bad."

I was so shocked at this. This 19 year old, tough and tattooed boy needed me. I need him too but he sounded desperate. I thought it was cute.

I pulled Harry into a hug and I felt tears in his eyes. "I never left your side. I didn't want you to wake up and me not being here. I wouldn't be able to live with myself," he choked, "Now that your in my life, I can't picture you not in it."

I started to cry too and could not believe what I was hearing. He cares. Harry cares about me and wants me in his life. I am pulled out of the hug and Harry starts to wipe my tears away. I gently put my hands on his cheeks and wipe his. "I feel the same way," I tell him. He looks into my eyes and pulls my head towards his and our lips connect in a passion-filled kiss. He swiped my bottom lip and I allowed him the entrance. The same butterflies and sparks fill my body and I know I am safe with him.

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