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Hey Lovelies!

I am beyond mad with Wattpad. It erased a ton of votes I received. I thank all of you who helped me regain my votes. Please follow to know my statuses. I will update my status and I will continually post updates on the story. Please keep voting. It means a lot and read the author's note at the end on what to know about the next chapter.

Thank you!!

Steph POV

It replays in my head, over and over. It brings tears to my eyes and I slowly begin to read the rest of the journal. I feel so loved reading this and I know I am not in a fake relationship. He loves me. So deeply and passionately and I feel the same. I grab my Starbucks and throw it out and make my way back. I see Hunter's car and he drives me back to Karen's. I go in and talk for a while and tell them I am going out for dinner with Harry. They say goodbye and I walk back to the apartments. I reach Harry's and open the door. Harry is pacing in the living room, puling on his hair. I walk in and he looks at me. He runs to me and engulfs me in the biggest hug.

"I thought you left me," he whispers in my ear. I feel his tears on my shoulder and I bring my hand to his head. My other hand is rubbing his back and I try to calm him down.

"I won't ever leave you Harry."

"Then where were you," he sniffles, pulling back and looking into my eyes.

"I went to the park," I said.


"And I read my birthday present."

I walked over to him placed my hand on his cheek. "After reading that, I am never leaving you. Because I know that you are truly regretful and love me. Faithfully."

He smiled and I kissed him softly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him.

"I made you dinner," he whispered on my lips. I closed my eyes and placed my forehead on his.


"Yes, I made you Fettuccini Alfredo."

"Yummy." He laughed and walked me into the kitchen. He pulled my chair out and I sat down. He grabbed the prepared plates off the counter and the steam hit me. It smelled delicious. Harry sat across from me and I looked at him. His face illuminated in the candle light. I loved the way his eyes glowed. The brilliant green made me want to stare at them forever.

"I love you baby girl."

"I love you too."

We ate and made small talk, but most of the night we stared into each other's eyes. His smile made my heart flutter and I never want to look away. I finish my dinner and carry it to the sink. I feel Harry's presence behind me and he wraps one arm around my waist and the other extended, placing his plate in the sink. His hand then travels up my arm he tilts my head to the side. He starts to kiss up my neck and I shiver. I can feel him smile and I place my hand on his. I turn and wrap my arms around his neck.

"What did you do today?" I ask.

"Discussed business with Tom and the rest of the staff at the gym."

"Oh, okay. Is there anything important happening?"


I laughed as he rolled his eyes. I held onto him tightly and he did the same. He placed his arm under my thighs and picked me up. I placed my hands on his face and brushed his hair back. He closed his eyes and smiled. I kissed around his face and gentle placed my lips on his. He kissed back and then pulled away. He placed me down.

Tomorrow (Punk h.s) [Completed]*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora