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(A/N: If you play Autumn Leaves by Ed Sheeran and Stay by Rihanna, this chapter is much more touching. Don't forget to vote and comment!)

Steph POV

Harry stole my heart. I knew I would somehow get involved with him. But he was mine. And I was his. He has me completely and we are going to be together forever. It is a frightening thought but I really do need him in my life. He did nothing to hurt me ever. He just was a dick to me when I was with Hunter. I don't blame him, Hunter is horrible. I just have to face him at school. But it is still summer. I have a month and with Harry and I need to be with him.

We are currently lying in the grass, looking at the moon. He has an arm around my shoulders and I am pressed to his side. Our fingers are intertwined. It is almost 2 in the morning and we are almost asleep.

"Harry, we should go back."

"You right. Let's go."

We back to the house together, never letting each other go. We climb the stairs silently and go to his bedroom. He hands me one of his shirts to change into and I go to the bathroom to get changed. I come out and Harry is in bed with no shirt on. And he is hot!. I try to move but I'm frozen. I slowly move towards him and he pats the empty sit of the bed for me to enter. I slide in and he protectively wraps his arms around me and pulls me up onto his chest. I let out a squeal and he deeply chuckled. I just stared at him. He really was beautiful. His tattoos covered his skin, making him covered black. I was still white, so we looked opposite. It really was a contrast. But I don't care.

Harry moved my hair out of my face and looked into my eyes.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered to me. I was speechless as to how he wanted someone like me. Broken and young. Way younger.

I moved some of his hair out of his eyes and just stared at him. "Why me?" I ask.

"Because you are everything I could have asked for. You are beautiful, and I finally felt alive with you. I hid my feelings, afraid of getting rejected, but you helped me realize that I have feelings. You brought me back to life. You love me. And I know you mean it. I have never had a serious relationship and when I first saw you, I knew I wanted you that way. I want us to grow old together. I want you to be at my side forever. You are perfect to me. Everything about you."

I just looked at him and he wiped the tears from my eyes that I didn't even know were there. He sat up, me now straddling his lap. He grabbed my face in his hands and tilted my face to look into his eyes. "You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I am going to tell you my life because I am yours and you need to know my story." I nod and move off his lap and sit Indian-style across him.

He takes a deep breath and starts, "Well, I was born in Holmes Chapel in Cheshire, England. My childhood was a normal one, I went to school, had friends, chased girls around with worms on sticks, ya'know, same old, same old. When I was about 10 was when my parents got a divorce and I couldn't live with myself because I blamed it on myself. I was depressed for years and I never really talked with my parents anymore. I acted completely different at school though. I was me at school but when I got home, I went into a depressed state because I knew my life was different," he took a deep breathe and I grabbed his hands and kissed them for reassurance.

He looked up at me and continued, "When I was 13, was when I got my first girlfriend. All we did was hold hands, kiss each other and go to the movies. She was nice and all but nothing compared to you. She was popular and snotty, I only thought she was hot so I went out with her. We dated until I was 15 and she was 14. I was a year older than her. We never did anything with each other apparently so she broke up with me. I didn't care so it didn't bother me. On my 16 birthday, I was at a party and decided to start smoking. I got high and lost my virginity to a girl named Hannah. She was nice and all but I regretted it. She was almost 21 and I was 16. She took advantage of me in my high state and regret it so much. I have smoked ever since but I stopped smoking when I met you because I thought I needed to stop to be with you."

I looked at him. "You never have to change for me. I love you the way you are." He leaned and gave me a quick peck on the lips and smiled.

"I did it also because I needed to. But when I was 17, I got my first tattoo. I kind of got addicted and continued getting them. They all are my stories. I was in the shop almost twice a week and always got something to add. My mum thinks they are each unique and loves them. When I was 18, I turned to drinking. I turned into a drunk and was a horror to be around. I was arrogant, rude, and swore a lot. I went to the club almost everyday and always woke up with a nasty headache, no clothes on, and random girls in my bed. I was a mess in life. When my parents decided to make our family move to America, I was against it. I then realized that most of my best mates were coming here for university so it wasn't horrible, just they are in LA or New York. I am here. I hated the fact of leaving England but I thought it would be a good start. We arrived here and I did not get a fresh start. I went to the club when I got here and got drunk. The next day I was forced to go to dinner at there house and I never expected what happened next," he said staring into my eyes.

"I met the love of my life."

He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me. I hugged back and he whispered, "And that is why I turned my life around. Just for you to be mine," in my hair. I hugged him and didn't want to ever let go. I think Harry felt the same way.

"Don't let me go Steph, I love you too much for you to ever leave me."

"I will never leave you. Never," I said.

We just sat there. I didn't want to leave this moment. I knew his story. I have to tell him mine.

I pulled back and started, still in his lap. "My childhood was much like yours too, school, being chased by worms," I said laughing and continued, "I came home from kindergarten one day to find out my mom was in the hospital. She was really sick and I prayed every night for her to get better. It was a bright May day and I was visiting my mom. I was in the room, holding her hand, she was looking at me. I was praying and holding her hand for dear life. My dad said she was leaving to see the angel soon. I stayed with her all day. It was around 3 when I felt her go cold. I looked at her and saw her sleeping. Daddy was crying and I didn't know what was going on. I knew when my dad said she was by the angels, I knew she left me alone. My mom was gone and so was love. I recovered from that with the help of my best friends Nina and Kay. They were always there for me, unlike my dad. When I was 12 was when I always walked home to an empty house. Now my life has changed and I have the love of my life here with me."

I took a deep breath and was relieved that he knew my story. He pulled me to him in another massive hug and whispered, "Your story is way worst than mind and you still are an amazing person. I turned into an ass and you were an angel. You still are. Perfect and beautiful."

I pulled away from his embrace and kissed him, gently and passionately. I always let him dominate my mouth, mainly because he treated me with care. I want to give myself to him and letting control the kiss was least I could do.

He lays me down and places his knees on either side of my waist. Both of his arms are bent next to the sides of my face, holding up his weight. I put my hands on his neck. We kissed as if it were our last. I love him so much that this kiss is everything to me. I believe he is a perfect person, amazing in everyway, who helps me. Who loves me, and helped me learn to love again.

He moves one of his hands to my waist and he puts it under my back. He pulled me up to him, and continued to kiss me. He starts to move his mouth down to my jaw and starts to leave kisses along my jaw and the top of my neck. His hand moves up my shirt and I grab his hand and help him pull off my shirt. He pulls it over my head and starts to kiss my collarbones. I pull his face up to mine and kiss him on his lips. He wraps his arms around my back and pulls me up to him. He pulls back and lays down next to me. He pulls me into his chest and we lay there breathless.

"I love you."

"I love you too," I say back.

"So much."

We lay there and I finally fall asleep. Harry still kisses my head and I fall asleep to his heartbeat, knowing that his heart belongs to me.


I woke up in the morning without a shirt on. I was in a sports bra and my booty shorts. I look over to see Harry lightly snoring. I start to trace his tattoos and pepper kisses all over his face. He hummed and opened his eyes to meet mine.

"That was the best way to wake up," he said smiling and kissing my forehead.

"I had the best night of sleep, no nightmares thankfully."

"I am just that amazing."

I laughed and saw it was almost noon.

"Ugh, I don't want to get up. I want to stay here."

Harry laughed at me and said "Why don't you call Karen and tell her to move in Tuesday?"


I grabbed my cell and called Karen. She said it was fine just that she wouldn't be able to be there long because of work. I said that Harry and his family will help me and she said okay. I said my goodbye and lied back down on the bed. Harry immediately pulled me to him and kissed the side of my head.

"You smell amazing!"

"Thanks, Gemma put Moraccan Oil in my hair to make it pretty last night."

"Of course, my sister made you smell absolutely delicious. You are now completely irresistable," he said before smashing his lips against mine.

I kissed back and I felt perfect and in love. I pulled back and looked in his eyes. He looked at my hand and pulled it up to his face. He sat up and I followed him.

"Are you okay Harry?"

"Yeah, I just wish I can glue our hands together."

"Um, that's romantic but I really don't want to be in the bathroom with you in there."

He burst out laughing. I love his laugh.

"No I do admit that's gross, but it's because I never want to leave you side."

"Well, I do still have to go to school and I'm not going to live with you anymore."

"Oh shit, I forgot about your school. I am going to die all day while your off at school," he said turning his head down.

"It's okay. I'm going to be a freshman and I will only have 4 more years after that."

"Okay okay, but your staying with me the rest of the summer."

I looked him and smiled. "Of course ill be with you. Forever and Always remember?"

He looked into my eyes and said "Forever and always. I love you baby girl."

"And I love you my superhero."

He looked at me, "Baby girl, I'm no super hero."

He put his head down and I pulled his chin up and placed mg forehead against his.

"You are my superhero. You saved me from John and made me feel like the only girl in the world. You are beyond a superhero to me. You are my only."

"That is truly the nicest thing anyone has said to me. Aside from everything else you have said to me in the past 2 days. You really are my love. Every single thing I have is right here."

"Well, you are amazing and are all I ever want."

He leaned and pressed his lips to mine in a passion-filled kiss, both of us never wanting to let this moment end. He picks me up and puts me on his lap and continues the kiss. I pull back and move his curls away from his face. I kiss his forehead and he hums.

"You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen," I tell him. His chestnut curls and green eyes make him irresistable and any eyes that lay on him surely must stop and stare at him.

"Baby girl, I think it's the other way around," he said while laying us down and turning is over, him now straddling me, "because you are the only girl I have ever seen with this much beauty."

I pull his face to mine and kiss him gently. "I love you Harry."

"I love you more. Way more than anything an everything in this world, because you are my world."

My heart fluttered at his words and I quick kiss his cheek. We stayed there for the rest of the day basically. We just talked and enjoyed each other's company. We were beyond in love. We had such a bond with each other that nothing could break us apart. I love him and he loves me.

"Steph, don't ever take that ring off."

"I wasn't planning on if because every time I look at it, I think of you. My love and my world."

He took my hand and put it to his heart. I took in a deep breath and just felt his heart. The heart that belonged to me. I placed my forehead against his and moved his hand to my heart. We lag there in silence. Our hearts did the talking. Harry placed one of his legs over mine so we were as close together as possible. This was perfect.

It was getting close to 7 when I told Harry that we should get food. He ordered a pizza and only left the bed to get the pizza. We ate the pizza, me having 2 slices and Harry finishing the rest. He was so fit and ate so much, it doesn't make sense. He threw the pizza box to the ground and tackled me into the bed. He was hovering over me and gently pulled back the strands of hair that were in my face. I placed my hands on his neck while his we're tracing my face. I closed my eyes while he traced my lips, nose, eyes and eyebrows, and moved down to my collarbones. His fingertips were very light and delicate. He gently placed his lips on mine and left a lingering kiss to them. Each thing he did to me in this moment was passion and love.

"You are beautiful in everyway and are truly the only thing I need and want
forever. I love you so much, baby girl," he whispered against my lips.

"I love you too, my one and only."

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