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Hi Lovely people who are reading my story.

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Steph POV

I woke up to Harry tracing my face. It was relaxing and I miss being in his arms all the time.

"Good morning baby girl," he whispered kissing my forehead.

"Good morning baby," I said with a smile. He laughed and pulled me onto his chest. I held my weight up in my forearms, which are placed on either side of his head. I looked down and into his eyes and smiled. His hands placed on my waist and my fingers played with his hair. I placed kisses around his face and his eyes closed. My legs were on his, his hair tickling my legs. I moved my hands to his face and traced his eyebrows. My lips gently placed kisses to his eyelids and moved down his nose. I ghosted over his lips and kept breathing on his face.

"Please kiss me," he pleaded against my lips, occasionally feeling them brush. I decided to play and I kissed his chin and his upper lips. Ii felt his get hard beneath me and I smiled. I felt kind of bad too so I started to move my legs to straddle his waist. I started to move my hips and I hear him moan.

"Please baby girl, shit," he whispered. I still haven't kissed him, just continually letting our lips brush over each other's. I kept moving my hips and he moved his head to try and kiss me. I turned my head, a smile on my face, and felt his lips collide with my right cheek. I felt him whimper as I hit a sweet spot and I am sure it mixed in with his torture. I turned my face back and his eyes were closed. His eyebrows were scrunched together, so I kissed the crease in-between. I finished my rock and stopped moving.

I placed my legs back on his and placed my hands on either side of his face. "Please, this is torture," he whispered. He opened his eyes and they were sad. I leaned up and kissed his lips gently. He moved his hands to the side of my face and kept my lips placed on his. He deepened the kiss and rolled me to the side. My hand placed itself on Harry's right shoulder and he grabbed my wrist in his hand. His soft lips moved in sync with mine and his tongue moved into mine. He held me closer to him, protecting me from the room, holding to never let go.

He moved us so I was under harry, his forearms holding up his weight, placed next to either side of my head. I place my hands on his ribcage and felt protected. Harry's body was over me, shielding me from the rest of the room.

"I love you baby girl," he whispered on my lips.

"I love you Harry." He placed kisses to my face, eyelashes fluttering on my forehead. My eyes were closed and I felt so comfortable.

"I have to leave by 1. I am going shopping with Karen."

"Okay, but I want you to come back here later okay?" I opened my eyes and met his.

"Okay baby." He smiled and pecked the tip of my nose.

"I love it when you call me that," he beamed. I laughed and he moved his arms to be under my back. His large hands cupped the back of my head and I looked into his eyes. His gaze glanced down to my lips and he looked into my eyes.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered, his green eyes sparkling, looking into mine.

"So are you. I still can't believe you are real."

He smiled and looked into my eyes. "I still can't believe you love me."

"Of course I love you."

"But I am horrible."

I looked into his eyes and grabbed his face in my hands. "Not to me."

He looked into my eyes and smashed his lips on mine. I kiss him back and he flips us back over, me on top. He started to sit up, me straddling his lap. His arms wrapped around my back and he moved his legs, Indian-style. I wrapped my legs around his torso and he held me closer, our lips never leaving each other. His hand moved under my shirt, letting me feel the coolness of his ring. He started to move it up and I helped him pull it off. I wasn't wearing a bra or anything, so I was bare chested. Harry pulled me to him, our chests pressing together. He moaned into the kiss and we fell back onto the bed.


"I love you," he whispered on my lips. He was protectively holding me. I was on my side, pressed into his chest, his legs wrapped around mine.

"I love you too," I whispered with my eyes closed. We were still in our underwear, but we were both topless. I was wrapped in his warm embrace, content in his arms. I didn't want to move but I heard my phone ring. Harry extended his arm and grabbed it for me. It was Karen.

S: Hello

K: Hi little girl. I am calling to tell you that Jeff got sick and we can't go shopping.

S: Is he okay?

I feel Harry placing kisses around my face and I am trying really hard to concentrate.

K: Yeah, he just is cold and is coughing and sneezing like nobody's business.

Harry starts to kiss my neck and I glare at him. He laughs and pulls back.

S: Okay well, can I stay with Harry for the day?

K: Yeah sure, please be safe.

S: I will. I hope Jeff feels better, I'll see you later.

I hung up and Harry moved his arms around me again. "I can stay with you today." He smiled and pecked my lips. He pulled me totally into his chest and kissed the top of my head.

"Do you think you will be okay for 3 years?" I ask.

"I don't know. I can't imagine it. Once I am in the camp, I can't leave. No one is aloud to leave. Even if I want to, I can't. That's what I fear. Is that I am going to regret going and leave you here."

"I hope you know that I want you to go. You need to chase this dream and do it. I hope you realize that you mean everything to me and you need to do this."

"You, Steph, are my greatest dream."


We stayed in bed for most of the day and I decided to go home. Harry picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to the closet and placed me down. He grabbed my bra and put it on me. He pulled his shirt over my head and kissed me when my head got out. I laughed and grabbed my jeans and pulled them up my legs. He started getting dressed too, pulling on his black pants and a white long-sleeved shirt. I walked out of the closet and grabbed my phone. Harry followed me and picked me up and carried me to the living room.

"Are you going to come to my house later?" I asked.

"Sure baby girl, anything for you," he said smiling.

He grabbed my coat and helped me put it on. He grabbed his and we walked to the car. We got in and he drove me to Karen's. I got home and kissed Harry goodbye. I walked inside and went to my room and watched TV.

Harry POV

I went back to my house and read her journal again. I love to read this. I have memorized almost the whole book and I fall in love with her all over again every time I read it. I relax on the couch and read every word on the page. I smile and put the book down. I walk into the kitchen and make a sandwich. Just when I sit down my phone rings.

H: Hello

T: Harry I have some news.

H: Okay, what is it?

T: I may need you to brace yourself, it isn't good news.

I begin to get anxious.

H: Tom, what is it?

T: The camp that we are going to for extra training, it's changed.

H: What do you mean it's changed?!

T: The day it starts changed.

H: Well, when is it?

T: Uhmmm

H: For shit's sake Tom! Spit it out!

T: The day after Christmas our flight leaves and we won't be back for 3 years.

I froze. No! Christmas is in 3 days and I have 3 days left with Steph.

H: Uh, okay. Do you need me in the gym?

T: Just tomorrow morning.

H: Okay I will be there.

T" Thank you Harry. I am so sorry about this. I know it was hard already. Please just promise me you will work hard.

H: I will Tom.

T: Thank you, see you tomorrow.

I said goodbye and hung up. How the hell am I going to tell Steph? This is horrible. I check the time and see that it is 6. I have 3 hours until I need to go to Karen's. So I ran and got my coat and drove over to the jewelers.

"Hi, how may I help you?" the man asked.

"Uh, can I see your bracelets?"

"Sure, we have a large selection and it's right over here."

"Thank you."

"Please ask if you need help." I nodded and he walked away.

I tried to find something that would really make this Christmas special. I could not feel worse than leaving her with only a 3 days notice. It doesn't help that I will be gone for 3 years too.

I glance over the bracelets and see the perfect one. It is silver and you can put charms on it.

"Sir," I called to the man over the room. He got up from his chair and walked over to me.

"Did you find the one, son?" He asked.

"Call me Harry. And yes I found the one."

"Alright, Harry, I am George. Now who is this for?" He asked.

"My girlfriend." He nodded and pulled out the chain that I pointed to.

"Do you want to see the charms?" He asked and I replied with a yes. He brought over the charms and I looked through them.

I found a heart, raindrop, daisies, a green charm, and an H.

"Do you want it wrapped?"

"Um, no thank you," I replied. I needed to get home and prepare for tonight. I still have no idea how to tell her this.

I thanked George and walked out. I got in my car and drive to my apartment. I walked in and grabbed a box and weapping paper. I put in my Conway and Loretta tour shirt and I wrapped it up. I am horrible and I hope it will be enough for her before Christmas.

What I am doing to her will be hard and I know she is trying like she is okay with it.

But I know she's not.

I know her so well that I know she will try anything to make sure I am okay. But the thing is, is she can't communitcate with me at all. That is going to be the worst. She can't talk to me and I can't talk to her.

I walk to my room and start to take her clothes out of my closet and folding them on my bed. My eyes are filled with tears but thy can't fall. I fold her small pieces of clothing and put them in a suitcase.

I grab the bag and place it by the door. I can't stand this feeling of leaving her again. This hurts so bad. And I know that when I get home we will be together, get married, and live happy forever.

The thought put a smile on my face. Getting to see my baby girl walk down the isle, to become Mrs. Styles.

I walk and grab my coat and phone and walk to my car. I hop in and drive to Karen's. All the lights are off so I park and walk to her balcony. I climb up and see Steph sitting on the couch with tears in her eyes.

"Baby girl, what's wrong?" I say, immediately running up to her and pulling her onto my lap.

"N-Nina. She was in an accident and is barely alive."

I hold her tightly, trying to comfort the cold, shaking body in my arms.

"Shh, everything will be okay. Do you want to see her?" She nodded her head and got off my lap. She walked and got her coat and put on jeans. She walked over to me and hugged me. I held her close to me and kissed the top of her head.

I can't think of a good time to tell her about me leaving. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and there is no way this going to be easy.

Steph pulled away and grabbed my hand. We walked I the balcony and I went first. She climbed and I caught her. I carried her to the car and placed her in. We drove to the hospital and made our way in.

Steph POV

We walked to her room and I braced myself for the worst. I took a deep breathe and we walked in.

Mr. and Mrs. Martinez, Nina's parents saw me and I ran and hugged them. They were more of parents to me while my dad was drinking. I was so afraid to look at Nina. She was walking home and she was hit by a car. It was horrifying news to hear 3 days before Christmas.

I turned and looked at her. Stitches covered her face and arms. Bruises all over face, she looked dead. Her heart monitor was slow and I started to cry. I walked to Harry and he hugged me. I sobbed into his chest and I heard her voice.


I turned and saw her looking at me. I ran to her an held her stitched hand.

"Steph?" She whispered.

"Yes, what do you need?"

"I need to tell you that I have always loved you and I want you to be happy."

"You are not leaving me."

"Steph, your mom is so beautiful," she whispered and her eyes closed. Her heart monitor stopped and the room was surrounded in sobs. Mrs. Martinez was crying loudly as Mr. Martinez held her, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Steph?" I hear Harry call. I can't move. I still have Nina's warm hand in mine as I hold it. I ignore him and watch her face relax.

My crying has since ceased and I have been here holding her hand. It is now cold and I realize she is in a better place. I get out of my sitting position and hug Mrs. Martinez again.

"I am so sorry," I whisper. She rubbed her hand up my back and held me.

"She is in a better place. I know she is safe." I pull away and see her smiling. I return it and say goodbye.

I walk to the waiting room and walk to Harry who has been here for almost an hour. He stands and hugs me.

"Are you okay?" He whispers. I nod and he pulls back.

"Do you want to go home?"

"Yes please. But take me to your house."

He nods and places a hand on my back. We walk into the parking lot and to his car. I get in and he grabs my hand. He drives to his place and parks. I get out and he joins me. He opens his door and we walk in. I run to his room and lay on the bed. He later walks into the room and laughs.

"What's gotten into you?" He asked.

"Well, I need to sleep and I am happy my best friend is in a good place."

He smiled and nodded. He walked over to me and I noticed a suitcase by the door. I got off the bed a looked at it. I opened it and it was all my clothes. I look up at Harry and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Are you breaking up with me?" I choke out.

"No, no. Baby girl I would never." He walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Why did you pack my clothes?"

I feel him tense around me and I pull back. I stare at him and see tears in his eyes. I place my hands on his cheeks and wipe his tears.

"You can tell me. I promise it's okay."

He looked into my eyes and his depth captivated me. His green eyes looked into mine with such passion but I knew this news wasn't good.

"My camp. It's date changed."

"Okay, when do you go?"

His hands placed themselves on my cheeks.

"The day after Christmas."

I gulped and tried to stop the tears that threatened to leave my eyes, but they spilled over. They fell on his hands and he wiped them.

"I am sorry," he said pulling my head into his chest.

"No," I said pulling away, "I am happy for you. I want you to go."

"No you don't. I know you."

"Okay fine, I don't want you to go."

"Then I won't."

"But you need to. I want you to do this."

"I love you baby girl."

He pulled me to him, wrapping his right arm around my waist, his left hand held my head to his chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him close to me. I felt his tears on the top of my head and I rubbed my hand up and down his back.

"You are so strong Steph. I am so sorry about all of this. You having to find out this way. I wish all of the pain to just go away. Everything that ever hurt you, I want it to vanish."

I looked up and into his eyes. I wiped his tears and pulled his face to mine, meeting in a simple, innocent kiss.

"You take away my pain, Harry."

(I know, seriously sad chapter. This book will be ending soon. I don't know if I should make a sequel because I don't get feedback. PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU WANT A SEQUAL OR I WON'T MAKE ONE!!! I hope you keep voting and reading. Thank you!)

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