Ch.22 Harry POV

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It has been 3 days since Steph left. I can't build up the nerve to call her. There is not a bone in my body that wants to hear her voice because I would want her to be here. I decided to go to the gym instead. I made my way into the gym with my basketball shorts and muscle tee on. I get to the weight room and start bench pressing.

She meant so much to me and I won't have her back for a month. For all I know, she could have completely forgotten about me. I hope not, because she is mine and I need her. I start to lift and I can feel the tension in my shoulders. I haven't done this in a while. I keep going and start to grunt. I have almost 150 pounds and I can feel myself getting stiff in my shoulders. I place the weights back on their pedestal and I move my shoulders around.

"You got a fight, Styles."

I sat up and saw Tom looking at me. "Oh, yeah, when?"

"Two weeks. You better get training."

"Yeah, yeah."

He walked away and I went back to lifting. This is slowly getting easier. I keep my steady pace and build a nice sweat. I was pressing for almost two hours when I see John's kid walk in. He goes to the back and wraps his hands. He walks to the punching bag and starts punching. The bag sways and I keep watching him. He has a pretty good punch. I turn back to the weights and start lifting. The sensation building in my arms is indescribable.

For Steph. Your doing this for Steph. I keep reminding myself.

I hit the treadmill next and run 5 miles. I am a sweat monster and I decide to grab water. Tom walks over to me and starts talking, "You need to be here every day in order to win this fight."

I looked at him, "Okay, who's the opponent."

"Devin Turner."

I look at him with a glare. "Are you kidding me?"

He looked at me and followed my actions, "No, I'm not."

Devin Turner was a beast. Undefeated, massive beast. I can't believe he is my opponent. I tell Tom I'll be here every day and that I will get buff. This guy was a machine when he was in the ring. He can pinpoint your weakness in seconds. I start by doing push-ups and move to my sit-ups. I do ladders and to the treadmill another 5 miles. I stayed there all day and I shower and leave. On my way, Tom stops me.

"Harry, no junk food. I need you healthy."

"Got it."

"Oh, and Harry, tell Steph you love her tonight."

I smiled and said okay. I walked to the car smiling and drove to my new apartment. I got it furnished and it was pretty nice. I had made the master bedroom perfect for Steph and me. It was black and had a white bedspread. My job as a boxer was pretty good with money. The walls in the living room were brick and I put a sectional tan couch there and a flatscreen on a dark wood entertainment center. The kitchen was all stainless steel. Everything was perfect, but lonely. I walked to my room and lie on my bed and put on TV. I grabbed my phone and see a new message. It is from an unknown number. I opened it and saw a picture of Steph looking out a balcony and writing in a journal.

She misses you like crazy. Her new friend here, Mario, isn't helping her. Her nightmares are coming more frequently and can barely get 4 hours of sleep. She misses you and is writing a letter journal to you. (Don't tell her I said that) She loves and misses you so much.  Karen :)

I smiled and texted Steph.

H: Hi, baby girl.

S: Haz, I miss you like crazy. I haven't been sleeping at all.

I didn't text her back. I immediately called her and she picked up after the first ring.

H: Baby girl I miss you so much.

S: I need you so bad. Do you know what time it is here?

H: No baby what?

S: 3am. I haven't slept in three days. I need you so bad.

H: Come home then.

S: You know I can't do that. I haven't even met the family yet. Only a boy.

H: What boy?! I was getting angry and... jealous?

S: No, Harry, he works for Karen and Papa. He is just someone my age to hang out with.

H: I don't want you hanging out with him.

S: He isn't doing anything. We just ride horses together.

H: What!? Now, I'm furious!

S: Harry, he is the stable boy. All he has been doing id teaching me to ride horses. Nothing more, nothing less.

H: As long as you know your mine.

S: The ring is on my hand proudly.

I smile knowing she was too. We really are opposites. She is like this light, angelic and beautiful, while I am the darkness, mysterious and scary. She has made me come out of the darkness and be something good for her.

H: I'm glad, but I do have some news.

S: Are you okay?

H: Yes, I, uh, am going to be in a fight.

S: What!? Why?! When?!

H: It is just going to be a match against a challenger and it's my job Steph. I will be fighting in two weeks.

S: You better stay safe.

I smiled, knowing she cares about me.

H: I will baby girl. I love you and miss you so much.

S: I love you too Harry. I miss you.

H: Goodnight baby, try and get some sleep.

S: I will. Goodnight. I looooovvvvve you.

She hung up and I fell onto the bed with a smile. I love that girl so much. She is my everything and I need her. I fell asleep hoping she is okay and safe.

I woke up to the sun shining through my window. I got up and checked my messages. I had one from Steph. I opened it and found a picture of her left hand, her ring on display. I did the same and sent it to her. I smiled and changed to get ready to go to the gym. I walked to my car and got in and drove to the gym. I walk in and find Tom ready with the hand pads.

"Let's work on strength."

I nodded and set my bag down. I grabbed my gloves and laced them up.

"Let's fight."

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