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Harry POV

I want you to stay.

"Please baby girl, don't leave me."

I have started singing to her every day because she needs to hear my voice. I am starting to lose myself, I am barely eating, I haven't left the hospital, and Karen is not helping me. She and Jeff are inseparable now and I am watching as my love is on a hospital bed, unconscious and barely hanging onto life. It has been almost a week since my friends visited me.

"Harry, boy, you need to shower. I swear it smells like something died in here."

I looked at Dr. Harris, Steph's med guy, "Sorry but I can't leave her."

"There is a shower right down the hall in room 412. No one is in there so feel free to use it," he said. I nodded and kissed Steph's forehead. She has become warmer, so I know she isn't dead, just unconscious. I walk to the side of the room that has clothes on it that Karen has brought me. Lorenzo has stopped coming here. He doesn't want to see her like this anymore. Her hooked to machines and needles in her just isn't his cup of tea. It isn't mine either but I love her and need to be by her.

I make my way to the shower and strip to take one. I get out and get dressed and make my way back to Steph's room. There are two doctors running in and out of the room. Once I reach the room, I see Karen on the bed and stroking Steph's hair. Steph's heart monitor is slowing down, which isn't good. I run to her and grab her other hand.

"I need everyone out!" shouted one of the doctors.

"No! I can't leave her," I shouted, but Karen pulled me to her and dragged me out of the room. She led me to the waiting room and sat me down. I cried. Again. I am pathetic.

"Why does everything have to happen to her. Why!?" I yelled. "Harry..." Karen started but cut me off.

"No, she is mine and I failed her. I didn't protect and I should have known better then to let her go home alone. This is all my fault. If it weren't for me we wouldn't be here," I cried. Karen came and knelt in front of me.

"If it weren't for you, Steph wouldn't be alive. Harry you have done so much for her and I am thankful for that. You are a better person to her when it comes to us. She loves you so much and I know she will pull through, just for you. You need to have faith," she said and I realized that I already needed faith before. For Steph. I looked at my left hand. The cross and ring shown proudly. I smile, remembering the time Christie and Steph saw it. Both thought it was beautiful and loving.

"See you have faith, look at you." I looked up and smiled. I stood up and gave her a hug. "Thank you so much Karen, you really know how to help people get better."

"I'm a doctor, it's what I do," she laughed and I joined. We sat in the waiting room for about an hour, Karen and I mindlessly talking. We watched as little kids played in front of us and at one point, a 4 year old girl asked if she could play with my hair and I let her. I sat on the floor while this little girl stood on the chair, playing with my hair. Karen could not stop laughing, but it felt good letting this little girl do something other than thinking about being in the hospital. She finished my hair and took me to play dolls with her. I had a doll named 'Buttercup' and she had 'Strawberry Shortcake'. I played with her for another hour and her doctor came and picked her up. I said goodbye and walked back over to Karen.

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