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Harry POV

I don't care about her.

I don't care about her.

I don't care about her.

Oh who am I kidding, I do care about her.

It's been a week since the incident with Steph. She hasn't seem happy lately and I think its my fault. I have finally moved my bed to my window so I could lie on it and watch her house all at the same time. I have watched her house and nthing is happening. I am afraid she doesn't like me anymore. I don't ever think she did like me.

I am a scary person to her. I think I scare her. I have decided to stop trying and haven't come out since.

My phone started ringing and I looked and it was my mate, Zayn.

H: Hey Zayn, what's up?

Z: There's a party at my place tomorrow.

H: I'll be there. Do you mind if I stay there for a couple weeks. I need to get out of this hell-hole of a town.

Z:Yeah  no problem. Are you flying in tonight?

H:Yeah just bought a ticket to LA. See you at about 10.

Z: Alright man, see ya.

Finally I can get away from my problems and leave this place. I pack up and leave, going to LA and hopefully forget about Steph.

Steph POV

I have no idea how to confront Harry about this. I have been lying on the floor in my living room for what seems like forever and I cant think of any way to talk to him about his possible crush on me.

I hear a car door slamming and I quickly look up to see Harry leaving. I wonder where he's going? Anyways its morning and I have no idea what to do.

I cleaned, watched TV, took a jog, and now at 9pm, I am reading a book. I hear the doorbell ring and I run downstairs. I open to see Hunter.

"What do you want?"

"I came here to apologize," he said.

"Why would you apologize for something you purposely did?"

"No, it was a mistake."

"It wasn't a mistake. You knew I wasn't going to be around so you took it upon yourself to go find another girl,"

"Please, Steph, you got to believe me."

"No, Harry came to me and said this relationship is for money. I am starting to think he's right."

"Wait you talked to Harry?"

"Yeah, he came to apologize."

"You talked to him after I specifically told you not to?" he stated angrily.

"Yep, and you know what? He told me the same thing. To stay away from you. Which is exactly what I am going to do."

"Do what?"

"I am going to stay away from you, you two time cheater!"

"But Steph-"

"Don't 'But Steph' me."

"Steph, I-I,"

"I what?"

"I love you."

"No, you don't. If you loved me, you wouldn't have cheated." I slammed the door in his face. God, I hate him. He is a player and needs to learn how to treat girls.

I decided I had enough for today, so I went to bed.


I heard the door being pounded on. I looked at the clock to see it was 6:45. Who is at the door at this hour?

I made my way down to the door and opened it to find 2 police officers.

"Are you Stephanie Flinn?" one asked.


"Your father was shot in Las Vegas and was killed. We have come tell you that no one has custody of you so we need to take you to the adoption center."

"What? My father is dead? Where am I going to go?"

"Your going to live with us," said a voice behind the officers. It was Anne! She wants me to live with her!

"Okay, we will need you to come down to the station for paperwork," said an officer.

I cant think straight. So much is happening right now and I can barely speak. First Hunter, then Harry, now my dad. I can't believe this.

"Honey, go in the house and go to the guest bedroom. Get some rest," Anne said. I couldn't move I was still in shock.

I started walking and came to the house. I opened the door and was greeted by Gemma. She gave me a huge hug and whispered 'I'm sorry' in my ear. She led me to the guest bedroom to let me get some sleep.

I didn't leave that bedroom for about a week. I was so distraught that I only came out for his funeral. I was balling my eyes out. When we got back home, I went upstairs and into my room. We moved all of my stuff out of the house and into the Styles' guest room. They are very nice. They even helped put our house up for sale and sell most of the stuff in the house. Since the funeral, I came out of the room to eat and actually went on a couple jogs. I haven't talked to Kay and Nina lately just because I don't want them to see me like this. My life took a complete turn and went from being happy and on top of the world to sad, depressed and lonely.

Harry POV

I thought coming to LA would get my mind off of things but now I can't even enjoy myself. I haven't drank but I did start smoking again. It took my mind off things but as soon as it reached my lips, I'd see Steph. I also got another tattoo. This one had significance. A cross on my left hand. It symbolizes to keep faith and believe that something good will come to you. I hope Steph will come to me.

I am currently at Zayn's place helping him clean up from a party. Since I got here about 2 weeks ago, we had thrown 4 parties. I told him that I was actually going to leave today and he said that was alright. I packed my things and headed out on a plane back to Wisconsin. I got home at around midnight. Once I reached my street, the sight I saw broke my heart. Steph's house was for sale. She's moving. I'll never see her again. I wont be able to see her beautiful face anymore. I wont be able to see her smile. Nothing. She will be gone.

I walked into our silent house and climbed the stairs. I was on the verge of tears. Steph, the most beautiful girl, is leaving. I will never see her again.

I got to my room and stripped to my boxers. I lay in my bed awake and once I'm almost asleep, I hear crying. It was a soft delicate cry and it came from our guest bedroom. I carefully opened the guest bedroom to see it transformed into a girls bedroom. I look on the bed and see a broken girl crying. I got closer and noticed it was Steph. I was beyond happy but still curious as to why she was in our guest room. I made my way over to her bed, crawled in with her and held her. She was shaking so I held her closer. She was absolutely freezing.

"Harry," her voice croaked. Her voice, her beautiful voice was broken.


"Please stay," she said.

"I wont let you go," I said, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

This moment right here was perfect. Except for the fact that Steph was crying. I had Steph in my arms finally and I couldn't help but smile at how perfect this moment is.

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