Long Distance Relationship

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Lucy's POV

Tomorrow's Valentines day....and Natsu isn't here with me. A lot of my classmates are asking me if I could be they valentine, but I rejected all of them—even though this senior year student named Loke doesn't stop flirting with me even if its lunch time which makes my food fall out of my mouth— Since my heart belonged to my boyfriend, Natsu who was in United States. He's been there for 463 days, we always chat in Viber, everyday we video call with FaceTime. Even if I see him every day, I still miss him. I miss his warmth. His kisses. His bear hugs. His rock hard abs. His luxurious pi— salmon hair. I miss his touches.

Right now I'm walking down the hallway, on my way to my locker. Once I found it, I fumbled with my bag to find a certain keychain. It had a flame thingy, a stuff toy snowman which I called Plue and the key with a sapphire on the top. I put all of my books inside and slammed the locker shut when I noticed a human presence beside me.

"Hey girl." Loke flirtatiously said while his arm was on the locker beside mine. I scowled at him.

"E-excuse me" squeaked my classmate Levy. Thank you so much Levyyy! "That's my locker right there." I had the urge to laugh but I held it back as much as I can.

"Let the girl put her books in the locker, Douche—"

"Gajeel,"Levy said firmly while staring at Gajeel....or perhaps glaring...?

"Just...get out of her way.....w-we have a date to go to."I walked out with my bag on my shoulder swinging, while having a small smile on my face. When I reached the gates I started sprinting towards my apartment. I changed clothes and grabbed something to eat from the fridge and heated it up in the microwave.


It's done. I took it out of the microwave and settled myself down on the couch and turned on the tv and watched 'True Horror Stories'.
After I finished eating my snack and the show ended, I decided to take a night walk but before I reached the door. My phone rang. I picked it up without checking who was calling.


"Hey baby." I gasped.


"Ouch. Haha, not too loud Luce."

"Sorry......why are you calling me? Isn't it like......sunrise there?"

"Well.....I got my reasons."

"Natsu. Dragneel." I said in a serious tone of voice.

"Aww...do not be like that Luce. Listen to me, walk out the door with your eyes closed."

"Wha— what if I trip and fall down?"

"Just trust me."

"....okay" I reached out to the doorknob and closed my eyes while my other hand was holding the phone to my ear. "I'm here," I said to the open, and Natsu on the phone.

"You can open your eyes now, but only look down."

"What the heck is this Natsu?!" I complained, becoming impatient.

"Just do it, baby girl." I did as he said, and what I saw were rose petals leading to....

"Hey gorgeous"

"Natsuuu!!" I threw myself to him.

"You really missed me that much?"

"Of course, I missed you! Y-you dummy!"

"Sexy dummy."

"My sexy dummy." And then we shared a long passionate kiss, it felt like the world stopped. It felt like we were the only people in the world. He made me feel like I'm the only girl in the world.

After our romantic moment under the orange sky, since the sun was just setting. Natsu and I went into my apartment and sat down on the couch—well Natsu did, since he made me sit on his lap.

"So what are you really doing here, Natsu?"

"Why? Can't a guy visit his girlfriend?" I gave him a look. He sighed. "Okay. I just missed you okay? And I wanted to make sure that I'll be your valentine this year since I didn't... last year..... I'm not satisfied with looking at your face from the screen of my laptop, I don't wanna give you flying kisses or kisses on the screen just so smudges of your lipgloss would be on the other side. I want to feel your lips on my own."

"Aww....I love this sweet side of you," I said as our lips crashed into each others again.

After our make out session on the couch we got ready for bed. I have a guest room in my apartment but, what's wrong with sleeping beside your boyfriend—who was away from you for 1.27 years. We cuddled with each other, when I couldn't sleep I played with his salmon tufts and murmured, "I love you Honey Bear."

"I love you too Mama Bear" he replied in a sexy husky voice and hugged my waist tighter. I blushed at what he called me 'M-mama...?'

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