Insane Lovers

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Ahh, doesn't it feel amazing.. When the person you love.. Is as crazy.. As you?

One that understands why you just burst out laughing all of a sudden? Into a fit giggles.

When you get so frustrated with yourself and the voices in your head, and you try to cover your ears but it's coming from your brain.

But he's still crazier than you. He was the one that made you let your inner demons out. And it feels so damn great.

I sat on my beloved's lap while stroking the back of his neck, tugging on some of his pink hair every now and then. Gonna have to redye it for him again.

I feel his steady heartbeat and vibrating chest as he spoke to the man in front of us, I appreciate how he still acknowledges my presence by tracing circles on my lower back. I love how he enjoys my company as much as I enjoy his even though he's got his own company to run.

I leaned my head close to his neck, his words becoming a hum that's rumbling satisfyingly to my ear.

Does he find it annoying that I'm being clingy right now?
Am I too heavy for him?
Did he find the tugging and stroking irritating?
Will he be mad if I--

"Luce? Luuuuce?"

"Huh? Uh yeah?"

"I asked if you--" could get off his lap? Step out of the room? Go home? "--would like something to eat?" I stared at him for a second, especially his eyes. They were so.. Intense. My gaze went down to his lips. It made me bite my own and I guess I stared too long because the next thing I know, his hand cupped my cheek and he lifted my face to look at his eyes again.

"Are you okay, my princess?" I felt something weird then.. My stomach growled. Natsu's smirked, amused. "I'm sorry if that talk took long enough to make you hungry."

"Uh no, i-it's okay." His eyes furrowed as he heard me stutter, "I'm actually craving some..uhh.. food right now." As I said that I stood up on my heels and looked through the glass that showed the view of the city. It was so alive at night.

"Luce, you still haven't answered my question."

"If I want food? Yes! Yes! I always want food, I'm always hungry. Haha.."

"No," he stood up now face to face with me although he is taller than me so.., " I meant if you were okay." My mouth opened to answer but closed again, not sure how to actually answer such a simple question.

I've been staying up quite late the past few weeks, having trouble sleeping or just don't want to sleep at all. "I'm sorry, it's just..The voices.. They.." Tears started welling up in my eyes and after Natsu noticed them, he pulled me into a warm embrace.

"Shhh... It's okay... I'm here..." He kissed the top of my head but didn't pull away, he started humming to me. I grasped his forearm tight as tears flowed from my eyes, soaking his white button down shirt.


Leaning my head under his jaw, I closed my eyes as I felt Natsu intertwine his fingers with mine. We were on our way home after he decided to cook something for us, knowing that seeing our pet babies would make me feel much better. I opened my eyes slightly seeing the tattoo he let me put on his wrist after... We marked each other. If you know what I mean.

I started to doze off but before my consciousness went into slumber as well, I heard my dearest lover say sweet words to me.

"I'm sorry I can't do anything to help, thank you for accepting.. Me and my craziness and being a part of it. I love you Lucy Heartfilia."

You do so much for me and you don't even realize, you're the reason I still want to get up every morning. I love you Natsu Dragneel.

I'm fookin OBSESSED with Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn and The Joker! And if you may or may not have noticed this was a crossover of that awesome couple. I hope you enjoyed it I just kept stuff flowin', I didn't really plan anything I just had an idea to the beginning and that's it. 😂😂😂

Oh and up there is my current favourite song, I just realized how long it's been since I added a song or video to my chapters/works on my phone. The last time I did that was before that feature was glitched or broken which made it unable for me to add vids and go crazy with that feature. But I guess they fixed it.

Well obviously if they hadn't then you wouldn't be able to add that there.

Yeah.. Someone told me that in my mind. I'm just gonna give that voice the look in my head. 😑

Yeah I'm weird, got a problem with that? Just kidding! Have a great day, you're an awesome person! I mean it.

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