Father and Daughter time!

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Natsu's POV

Luce was out with the girls since she really needed a break, she's been taking care of Nashi 24/7 while I was at the guild doing my duties as the guild master. Good thing I had a week off.

I threw my legs off the bed and went to the bathroom. I was shaving my growing beard when I heard Nashi crying in her crib. Shoot!

"Hey baby girl. What's wrong?" I looked down at her to see that she already stopped crying and was now laughing loudly. "W-why are you laughing?"

"Hahahahahaha!! Dada!! Santa!!" Then I realized I still had shaving cream on my face.

"Oh haha, I guess I do look like Santa...............wait, you just said your first two words!"
"Nah nah.......first...mama.....two....dada.....twee.....santa....four....numbahs!" (Lol 😂)

"Oh my gawd! My daughter is a genius! But why did Luce never tell me this?"


"Oh." I lifted Nashi in my arms and promised that, "I will spend more time with you guys from now on. What do you say about going to the guild tomorrow Nashi?"

"Yaayyy!!!" She cheered and I nuzzled my nose on her little one—after I wiped off the shaving cream of course.

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