Pickup Lines

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I got these from illumilucy 's book 'Pickup Lines' 😄

Lucy was feeling down as she was walking through the streets of Magnolia.

"Luce!" Natsu panted as he was able to catch up with her. Lucy only looked at him, they didn't say anything to each other and just kept walking side by side. Their shoulders would brush by each other sometimes which made Natsu's want to hold Lucy's hand grew. "Uhh...Luce..?"

"Hmm?" Lucy turned to Natsu again.

"Are your hands feeling heavy? 'Cause I can hold them for you" he grinned toothily at her but there was also nervous sweat on his forehead. Lucy giggled quietly as she rested her hand on Natsu's outstretched one.

"I'm not a cigarette, but you can light me up anytime." Lucy said as she looked up at Natsu again, showing a small smile. I see where this is going.

"I'll give you a kiss, if you don't like it...." Natsu stopped in his tracks making Lucy stop as well, he leaned closer focusing on her kissable lips. "You can return it" he whispered as they locked lips. Lucy did not only kiss back, she also wrapped her arms around Natsu's neck to deepen the kiss. They pulled away panting. She hummed as her head was on his shoulder.
"Natsu...." He looked down at her ".....I got nothing" they chuckled as they walked towards where their feet will take them.

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