Love is pure madness

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I gotta think of something to publish for Halloween! But how.. Wait.. Oh.. What's this?

 What's this?

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Oh. Oh. Is that.. A crossover of my 2 current favourite things aside from food? Oh my alpaca it is! Now.. What do I do with this? Hmm.. Oh! I know! Huehuehuehue..


"Natsu! You better be ready by now!," Lucy tapped her foot impatiently before speed walking towards the mirror to look at her perfectly drawn heart on her face.

"Do I have to put on lipstick?" Natsu's groans echoed through the bathroom walls as his hands were placed on the edges of the sink and he was pouting at his reflection. Although I do look mighty fine with this suit, I must say. Heh.

"Come on Natsu, you and Happy always play with my makeup why don't you want to smear it all over your face now?"

"Because that was to mock you!," he turned his body sideways to face her, "I didn't think I would actually need to do that one day in my life."

"Do you want me to do it for you then?" She leaned on the doorframe as he played with the lipstick before nodding at her with puppy dog eyes. "Okay, come here." He did as she told, standing close to her and looking at her face as she applied the 'unicorn blood' on his lips.

After she finished, he moved his lips so that everything is even something he saw Lucy do often when she's experimenting with makeup or putting on her lipgloss. "It.. Feels weird," Natsu rubbed his hand on his lower lip smudging it down his chin.

"Natsu! Don't you'll— wait that's actually.." She applied some on her fingers before smudging it on his chin going down sideways. After she did so, she applied some on her own lips which made Natsu blush a bit which was unusual. They had indirectly kissed using a lipstick.

"Ta dah! Now we're the mad couple!" Lucy turned around and went to fetch her baseball bat, bending a bit as she did so. And of course, Natsu couldn't resist but stare at that a—hem buns. "Ready to go?," she smiled innocently at him despite her leg appreciating costume.

"Mhm," he grinned widely at her before laughing maniacally as they had practiced the night before, since Lucy wanted to go seriously with this, "let's go doll." Lucy giggled as she leaned her head on Natsu's shoulder and went out the door.


"Freakin' clowns..." Lucy huffed, 'causing the strand of hair that had moved in front of her face to uncover her eye.

"Did we kill them?"

"I hope not.. At least they learned their lesson though."

"Yep.. Never mess with a girl that had a past with clowns..," Natsu looked towards her after circling the pile of unconscious bodies, "yet she chose to dress as the lover of Gotham's Clown Prince of Crime."

"Couldn't help it," she shrugged, "I'm obsessed with the movie."

"Yeah and that's why we had to watch them every night until they stopped showing in the cinema," he rose a brow.

"Hey we missed a night or two!," she smiled awkwardly at him before he came and hooked his arm with hers.

"Let's just continue trick or treating shall we?"

"Yes, Puddin'." He smirked in response.

I feel like I could've done better but here's my late Halloween one shot! I don't own the characters or the idea of Gotham or the picture.

I actually thought about adding Happy on here with the costume of the two hyenas but eh, alternate universe with no mages. And the blue cat being an ordinary cat with no wings, and what I mean by them playing with her makeup is that Natsu experiments with her makeup on Happy just in case they have a future daughter and she needed some tips (but why would you ask from your father 😅). Of course Lucy doesn't know that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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