So much NaLu!

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I uninstalled the Wattpad app on my mobile devices to avoid distraction in my studies, although I can still log in on my laptop I barely use it. So for this farewell, here are some videos I want you guys to watch and the other one is to listen to.

So much NaLu in this episode!

"That's right! Feel the burn!" 


Happy is like #1 NaLu Shipper

That Aries and Diaper Guy moment 


It fits right? Because this one shots book's name is Everlasting Love NaLu One Shots.

*sniff* I'm really gonna miss you guys so much. Give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek please 

I love y'all so much. Math is a pain the ass. I wish you all the best in life. This is dedicated to you. YOU.

Even if I've never talked to you here, EVER, just by reading this I appreciate it already. 

Never thought this would even happen *tears of joy start streaming down moi face* 7 published works, 200+ followers,7K reads on this book, 2k on I.T.W.J.A.D., 1K for M.O.O.M., and the other two have more than 100 while 'Lucy's Dream' isn't passing 100 yet I suggest you read it though. It's a cute NaLu one-shot I thought of on a whim before this book was created. Also the first book I marked as completed.

*sigh* the journey. But it's not yet ending. It's just like Fairy Tail Zero when they focused on Mavis and the founding of Fairy Tail and all that and left the present time-- Natsu's training and all that. 

But in my version, I'm gonna focus on improving myself for my future life and I'm gonna leave this for a while but I'll be getting back to it. I can't promise you that I'll still have the desire to write when I come back but I had fun and was passionate in writing, so perhaps I will.

 I just need to improve myself, that's all. Although life is a fairy TAIL,it's still hard.

*blows a kiss to you* 

This'll be the last part of this book for now. It ain't completed yet, though! And...whenever I get any ideas for new one-shots I'll just write it on my notes app.

I know I'm gonna miss a lot of things here in Wattpad but when I get back, please share to me okay?

Arigato gozaimasu minna-san! ( JAPANESE |Thank you so much everyone ) 

Paalam muna! ( FILIPINO| Good bye for now!)

Everlasting Love NaLu One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now