With all my.....

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2:39 PM

Heya Luce!

Hey Natsu.

Whatcha doing?

Nothing much, just writing the 5th chapter of my book.

Oh, okay...

How about you?


read 2:39 PM

3:07 PM, February X 20XX


Natsu, why did you seen zone me earlier? ☹️



Did I ever tell you that I like you?


Oh sorry, autocorrect.


I meant to say I love you.


And I love you will all of my butt.
read 3:09 PM

3:11 PM

.......why butt?

Because my butt is bigger than my heart.

Oh....haha....nice one Natsu

No Luce, I'm serious. I really love you.
read 3:12 PM

3:15 PM


That night, Lucy was nowhere to be found in her apartment. She wasn't found in the guild or any part of the town.

For she was with Natsu.

NaLu babies 😈

Jk jk 😂

This is what happened:

Natsu heard a knock at his door.
"Huh?" He opened it to see Lucy smiling shyly at him. "H-hey....Luce" he was totally unprepared for this since he only planned to confess by text, he wasn't expecting her to come to his house.

"Hey Natsu."

"C-come in...."

"Sure." She went in the house and then she turned back to Natsu. "I had something to say, it was too important for me to text it to you. Hope I didn't interrupt anything."

"Huh? No! No!"

"well here it goes...." Lucy fiddled with her hands. "I-I um....."

"Luce, listen. If this is about earlier it's okay if you don't feel—" Lucy was too shy to say what she wanted to say so she just showed it to Natsu, by locking lips. Which made Natsu's mouth shut.
It felt like it has been an hour already for Lucy and Natsu hasn't been kissing back or budging any muscle. Lucy was about to pull back when Natsu placed his hands on Lucy's hips and Lucy responded by wrapping her arms on his cheeks, deepening the kiss.

How'd you like that? Totally original, I made it by my own mind and the ideas just kept flowing while I was typing. 😊

Oh! Inspired by: Ryan Higa

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