Pretty damn hard

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I looked at him as he started to speak his mind, finally. After all this time.

"Maybe it was your laugh." Huh? "or your eyes or your smile it could've been your hair or your voice or your personality." He paused.

"whatever it was...." He leaned closer to me as his fingers held my chin up. "It made me fall, pretty damn hard." I blushed as our lips brushed against each other after his confession before pressing into each others.

We pulled away as he stared into my eyes.

"I love you Luce." I started crying tears of joy.

"I love you too, Natsu." He leaned his forehead on mine and smiled. I smiled while tears flowed down my cheeks.

Moonie-chan says:
Natsu's speech wasn't mine. 😊 that's 'cause it's his speech but the speech didn't belong to him as well.

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