Dropping bombs

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Pickup lines again, but since my iPad is charging and I can't really switch from the book to this without getting frustrated, I'll just use multitasking going back to Wattpad and Google. Some of these are PG-13.

Natsu has been dropping pickup lines from sweet to pervy, which made Lucy on edge but sometimes it makes her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Sure, it can get really embarrassing but that's just how Natsu is. When he started doing it, it wasn't really...that good...which made Gray and Gajeel rolling on the floor laughing their butts off. But he started getting better and better. The only problem is that sometimes he would drop them off in a not-so-great timing.

When they were playing tag since Happy was feeling down that Carla turned down his fish again, Natsu fell down on the cold, hard ground scraping his knee. And then he dropped a pickup line as his head was on his hand, elbow propped up on the ground and legs crossed but straightened as he laid down on the ground while blood was running down his nose,
"Do you have a band aid? 'Cause I just scraped my knee falling for you" Lucy sighed as they helped Natsu back up on his feet.

While they were on a mission, their map was taken away by the wind and Natsu was the one holding it,
"Do you have a map? 'cause Honey I just keep getting lost in your eyes." He said while hand was on his chest and his head turned from side to side looking at Lucy, which made her try to pull her hair out while Natsu turned his back to her looking towards the direction the map flew away to.

When it was Lucy's mother's death anniversary, she was crying leaning on the bed's side while curled into a ball in Natsu's arms as he caressed her hair. They were sitting on the floor as Lucy was wrapped in her blanket.

"Hey Luce..?" He murmured above her head. Lucy sniffed and hummed a 'hmm?'. "Do you have a pencil?" He said in a low voice in a sad tone, not wanting for Lucy to hate him for bringing up a pickup line right at this moment. "'Cause I want to erase your past and write our future" he kissed her temple before Lucy lifted her head and pecked him on the cheek.

While they were sightseeing and Lucy was looking at the sky, the weather was really great. Clouds weren't crowding the sky, giving the sun some space as birds flapped their wings enjoying their freedom.

"Waahh~ the sunshine makes the scenery more breathtaking!" She spread her arms out as she was standing on a big rock.

"You are so beautiful that you give the sun a reason to shine, Luce" Natsu said into her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

When Natsu was beaten up badly in a bottle he placed his hand on Lucy's cheek which was wet due to her tears driven by worry, even if he was gonna be alright.

"L-uce....are you a camera?" He coughed. "Because every time I look at you, I smile" right then, he flashed the grin that Lucy loved so much, that erased all her worries away.

Then came the days when he said these pickup lines.....

While Levy and Lucy were chatting about a new book in the library near Lucy's apartment, Natsu came from Lucy's behind and said,
"Luce. Are you an orphanage? 'Cause I wanna give you kids." Which made Lucy look like a tomato while Levy tried to suppress her laughs.

When it was just a peaceful day at the beach and Lucy was sunbathing with Erza, Natsu approached her and said,
"I was feeling a little off today—thanks to that bus ride— but you definitely turned me on." Since Lucy wore a two-piece that showed off her curves and cleavage.

When they had a party in the guild and Lucy was wearing a tight red dress and she found Natsu drooling while starring at her chest.

"Natsu! Stop staring at me like that!"

"W-what? I'm not staring at your boobs, I'm staring at your heart. Psh.." When Lucy was out of the earshot, he mumbled, "plus I already saw what's under that clothing...."

While they were watching a comedy movie and Lucy was laughing so hard that she was clutching her stomach, when Natsu said,
"Smile, if you want to make love with me." Then came a really funny scene, which made Lucy laugh so hard. Harder than the other laughs she had through the movie. Natsu just smirked as Lucy stopped laughing while smiling but when she looked at his face her eyes widened and she muttered an 'uh-oh' while Natsu replied with an 'oh yes' and tackled her.

When Lucy was cooking their lunch while wearing her comfortable shorts which wear really really short, Natsu came up behind her and whispered seductively in her ear,
"If you were my little toe.." He started in a husky, sexy voice. "I'd bang you in every piece of furniture in here."

Well...I guess that's enough for now 😅 comment if you guys want some more!

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