You light up my world.

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"Come on, Natsu!" He sprinted towards the living room, barefooted with bags of chips in his arms.

"Alright, alright. I'm here, I'm here." He plopped down beside me as I teared one open without all the chips inside blasting out from it as I did so. Natsu reached towards the coffee table, grabbing the remote control. "It's not yet 6:20, so let's go through the channels." I hummed whilst munching on the indescribable taste of le chips. "Hey! Give me some too," he whined.

I let him get some chips as I pushed the button for switching through channels until I stopped.

"Tonight, we are gonna light up your world..!" The host said as they were showing tricks with lighten up equipments. There were people doing flow arts, they showed the orbits that you have to spin and then it would have a tension. As they spun it around it was lighten up, it looked cool.

I felt Natsu lean on my shoulder and wrap his arms around my waist. "Somebody already did light up my world." I feel him kiss my shoulder making a shiver of excitement run through my spine.

"Did you know that 1.3 billion people live without electricity?" Kuya Kim, the host said. They helped a village that had no electricity due to the tropical cyclone that came to their country called Yolanda.

The show ended.

"W-well now that, that's done. Let's go watch that movie..!" Natsu chuckled as his chin was still on my shoulder, he switched the channels to the 'Star Movies'.

All throughout the movie showing, Natsu's arms were wrapped around my waist as I sat on his lap and my head was on his chest.

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