~5K reads~

630 8 2

*jazz hands*
Arigato gozaimasu minna-san!!!
I love you guys so much! I appreciate it!
I'm a happy potato ryt now!!

I can't believe this....halfway through 10K...
I've never even imagined this reaching this amount of reads.

And I've never expected to write a book surpassing a hundred parts 😂
Well, I guess you never know.

Thank you.

Salamat po.




Xie xie.


I know that there is many many many more ways to say thank you. And that's not just expressed with words, but that doesn't mean that I'll appear beside you and give you a hug and a cookie.

TA-DAH! Look to your left!

Nah, I'm just kidding. Look to your right!

I said right 😂👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻 jannxjakiwuhsjxnam YAY jsjhdhsiakmnciwpa

But here's a virtual hug 🤗

and a cookie 🍪

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