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I know I should really be editing but...hehe...🙃

Lucy tied her hair into a braid as she resumed cleaning her room. This was the 7th time she had to retie it since this was one of the problems of long haired girls.
Natsu climbed up to her window to see her braid untying again but before it could, he grabbed onto it but didn't pull it.

"N-Natsu?!" She was startled whilst holding the dust pan.

"Here, lemme tie your hair for you." He tied her hair into braids, the only problem was.... Her hair was braided into 7 pieces, braids in front of her face and to the back of her head. She looked funny, like an octopus. "Pfft..!" Natsu attempted to run away but Lucy clang on his body making him fall on the floor, she straddled him by the waist as she made little braids on his head too. They laughed at each other as they took a picture.

Welp, this isn't really much so I'm gonna go editing now.

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