Meeting Diana

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My phone vibrated on the dresser. I threw my hair up into a sloppy ponytail, and checked the message. It was from Diana.

"Hey, get your ass to the Starbucks @ Melrose ave. Love ya xx"

I grinned as I quickly changed and got ready to head out. It's been a while since I have seen Diana, she went off into the music business and disappeared. While Bri and I stayed back, working at a bar.

I slid into my car and drove down to the Starbucks, Diana had said she has a special surprise as well. Wonder what she could have up her sleeve?

When I pulled into the parking lot, through the window I could see a bunch of people crowding around someone. Great, of course the day I see Diana a celebrity pops up. Just our luck.

I slid out of the car and pulled my hood over my head since it started to rain, coming down hard. Which was rare since it's always sunny in Huntington Beach.

The bell dinged as I walked in, looking around the place. Trying to find Diana somewhere in this crazy mess. I pushed through the crowds and got myself an iced coffee, then leaned against the wall as I texted Diana to see where she was.

"Nikki!" I heard someone call my name.

I looked up to see someone jumping up and down as they pushed through the middle of the crowd. I grinned as I ran to meet her. Diana.

"What the hell are you doing in that mess?!" I giggled, hugging her.

"You can blame Matt for that. Ha! That so rhymed." She smiled, proudly. "Anywho, you have to meet Matt." She took my hand, leading me into the swarming crowd.

"Who the hell is Matt?" I asked her.

"That would be me." A voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see a muscular man, arms covered in tattoos. Wearing aviators and had a lip piercing. He was pretty intimidating to stand next too.

"Nikki, this is my boyfriend, Matt. Matt, this is my best friend, Nikki." Diana introduced us, all smiles.

"Heard a lot about you." Matt smiled, holding out his hand.

Damn, no wonder why Diana hooked up with this guy. Those damn dimples of his knocked you right off your feet. Good catch, Diana.

"Hopefully good things." I smiled, shaking his large hand.

"Only very few." Diana grinned.

When the crowd around Matt finally died down, we sat down and got to know each other. Apart from Matt seeming so scary at first, the kind of man that could do some serious damage to a small girl like myself with a flick of his little finger, he was actually a very sweet guy. But that doesn't mean it will change my outlook on men.

Ever since that night on my 21st birthday, it destroyed me mentally and physically. I was no longer that Nikki I once knew. Bri and Diana still don't know what exactly happened that night, and hopefully they'll never find out. I didn't want the sympathy. But since that night with him, I see every guy as him. And because of that, I haven't been with any man besides my family.

Though I can't remember his name that well, I do remember the tattoos, the long black hair and brown eyes. Those warm, inviting chocolate eyes. The eyes of danger. Everything else about him is a blur in my memory.

"Hello? Earth to Nikki! You in there?" Diana waved her hand in my face.

I lightly shook my head, coming back to reality. "Huh? Yeah, sorry. Got lost in my thoughts, I guess."

Matt chuckled. "Does that happen often?"

I shrugged. "Define what you mean by often."

"Anywho," Diana said. "Matt and I were wondering if you would like to join us at our house tomorrow. We're having a pool party."

"Sure, I'd love that. But, I'm not swimming." I warned them.

"Why not? That's the point of a pool party." Matt asked.

"She can't swim." Diana explained.

"Oh. Well, you can just hang out at the shallow end." Matt shrugged.

"We'll see what happens." I said. Matt's phone vibrated on the table, he checked it.

"We have to go. Larry needs me to work on a few things. You want to come, Nikki?" Matt asked as he and Diana stood.

I stood up as well. "Nah. I have to get ready for work tonight. Bri will get angry if I don't show."

"Oh my God! I haven't seen Bri in so long! You should bring her tomorrow!" Diana jumped excitedly.

I smiled. "Sure, we'll be there."

"Alright. I'll have Matt text you the directions. Since you know I'm terrible with them." Diana giggled.

I laughed as I hugged her goodbye and said goodbye to Matt, there was no way I was hugging him. He was just too big. We quickly exchanged numbers before leaving, after being reminded by Diana. I slid into my jeep and pulled out my phone, texting Bri right away.

"You'll never guess who I just met! :D"

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