Hey there, Beautiful

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My phone ringing beside my head, playing Papa Roach's Last Resort, snapped me awake. I ripped it off its charger and answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Better have a good reason for waking me up." I grumbled into the pillow.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Matt's voice echoed in my ear.

"Matt?" I asked, surprised.

"Who else?" He chuckled. "Are you always this happy in the morning?"

"Only on days that end in 'y'." He laughed. "What's up?" I asked him, yawning.

"Just calling to see if you were up and coming over still. And if you could pick up and extra pack of hamburger rolls."

I nodded. "Yeah, sure. And I'll be over in a bit. When's it start?"

"When you get here."

"Okay, then. Just let me get showered and ready and we'll be over." I told him, sliding out of the bed.

"We'll?" He asked.

"Yeah, me and Diana's friend Bri is coming with. Remember?"

"That's right, that's right. Well, I'll let you get ready then. I'll send you the directions."

"Okay dok. See you."

"Later." We hung up.

I quickly texted Bri telling her to get ready for today and to get her ass to the apartment. I jumped into the shower after cursing about the water being cold, then dressed in my bikini for today. Slipping on my daisy dukes and spaghetti strap with matching flip flops. I put on my shades and headed out into the living room, screaming.

"Geesh, woman! Got a set of lungs on you!" Bri covered her ears.

"You. Are. A. Bitch." I said, restarting my heart. Bri shrugged, smiling. "How did you get in?"

"It was unlocked." She said. "Come on, it's noon. We're probably late." Bri led me out of the apartment.

"Matt said there was no set time. You arrive when you arrive." I said, getting behind the wheel. "Oh, before I forget, we have to stop at the market."

"Why?" Bri asked, leaning back in her seat.

"Cause we need to pick up a pack of hamburger rolls. I bet Diana forgot to buy them when she bought the burgers." I joked.

"Probably. But we would make that same mistake too." Bri laughed.

I laughed with her, it was true. We would go to a store and forget what we needed but come out with stuff we don't really need.

Bri and I ran into the market and grabbed a pack of hamburger rolls and ran out. Wanting to get there as fast as we could, not wanting to be the last ones. For some reason, we hated being last. It was just awkward for us. Bri read the directions Matt sent me as I drove, turning down this street and that until we finally pulled out front of a gorgeous house.

"This is where Diana and Matt live?" Bri asked, eyeballing the house. "No way in hell.."

"Bri, Matt's in a band. May not know the name, but they're big. So, I'm not amazed by this." I said, staring at the house.

"Well, why are we still in this car? Let's get out and go see Diana, dammit!" Bri grinned, jumping out of the car.

I laughed as I followed after Bri, both of us walking up the driveway and up the porch steps. Both of us knocking on the large wooden door. A dog was barking on the other side, a large dog by the sound of it.

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