Love and Hate

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"What's going on in here?" Someone slurred.

Brian and I looked over to see Michelle leaning against the door frame, eying the both of us with a violent glare. I pulled out of Brian's arms and took a few steps away as Michelle walked closer to us.

"Michelle-" I began.

"No, don't you dare say a word to me." She growled. "You keep your dirty, filthy fucking hands off my man. Got that? He don't want you like he wants me. I thought you were my friend, that I could trust you not to move in on my man. But I was wrong. Brian and I are together again, and I will not sit back and watch you try and attempt to take what is rightfully mine. So run your whore self and find another girl's man, cause this right here-" She clung onto Brian. "-is all mine."

I crossed my arms over my chest as I stared at her, shocked. Did she really just say that? Is she fucking kidding me? I walked closer to her, getting up in her face.

"Excuse me, bitch. But who the fuck are you to tell me what I fucking can or can't do? If I want to talk to you, I sure as all hell am going to. No way am I going to let you order me around. Bitch, the one who is going to do the ordering around here is me. Do you got that? I was the one who not only invited you, but gave you the chance for friendship while everyone else here hates you and your sister's fucking guts. So if I were you I'd be kissing my ass right now. Another thing-"

"Come on, Nikki. Just walk away." Brian pulled away from Michelle's grasp, and pulled me away from her.

"Don't fucking touch me, Brian." I snapped, pushing him away. "I'm not fucking done with this bitch."

"Don't you fucking talk to my boyfriend like that." Michelle got to my face, yelling. "I'll knock you right out."

"Hit me then!" I growled, getting closer. "Bitch, I'll fucking rip your heart out right before your very eyes. Just try me." I threatened.

I felt a hard punch to my jaw, but I didn't fall to the ground. I grabbed my jaw and looked at Michelle, who glared at me. I smirked as I laughed. Then I let loose.

I let my fist snap forward and knock her right in the nose, sending her ass flying to the floor. I wasted no time and sat myself on her, grabbing a handful of her hair as I punched her repeatedly in the face. Not giving her the time of day to block herself or get a punch in. She clawed at me as she tried to rip me off of her, but I just ignored it as I kept wailing of her. I could feel someone trying to pull me off her but I shoved them away and went back at Michelle, giving her all I had before someone accomplished at getting me off her.

I felt a pair of large arms wrap themselves around my waist, yanking me off Michelle and placing me over their shoulder. I thrashed in their tight hold while I went to reach for Michelle who was crying as she hid herself behind Jimmy and Johnny. From what I could see; Zacky and Matt were struggling to hold back Bri and Diana, both of them violently reaching for Michelle as streams of death threats and curses escaped their lips. Zacky and Matt carried both Bri and Diana into another room upstairs while Jimmy and Johnny led Michelle out the back door and to what I'm guessing was to her car.

Brian carried me into the living room and dropped me onto the sofa, standing in front of me with his large tatted arms crossed over his chest as he stared down at me with his brown eyes. I pushed the hair out of my face as I looked up at him, glaring harshly. He glared right back at me.

"Don't you fucking look at me like that." I growled at him.

"The hell I can! What the fuck was that back there?" He asked.

"You're seriously that stupid to not know what a fight is? I just fucking kicked your girlfriend's ass, that's what that was."

"She's not my fucking girlfriend, Nikki. Why the hell didn't you just fucking listen to me like you should have, and just walked the hell away. The bitch was drunk off her ass, and you going all pit bull after her just set off the short fuse she has." Brian yelled at me, his nostrils flaring.

I got to my feet then. "I have every damn right to go and give her a piece of my mind. I wasn't going to just stand there like an idiot while she told me what I should do and that I was this slutty whore, when really she is since she's cheated on you with your cousin while you were at work and on tour." I yelled at him, watching as he grew more angry. "And not my girlfriend my ass, Brian. I watched the both of you all night. She was all over you and you let her. You still fucking love the tramp after what she's done to you. Admit it, Brian. Don't lie and say you don't. Just say it. You still love her."

"Nikki, will you fucking hear yourself talk!" Brian yelled, grabbing at his hair. "Just fucking listen to me, Michelle and I are not dating. I can't stand that bitch, you know that. I told you that last night! When she said that we were dating she was lying to you to get under your skin. The bitch was drunk!" He yelled. "The only person I fucking love is-" He stopped short. "Erm, never mind." He shook his head, turning his back to me.

I crossed my arms over my chest, rolling my eyes. "What? Who the hell do you love that isn't Michelle then?" I asked.

"No one." He growled.

I dropped my hands at my sides, anger rushing through me yet again. "Really, Brian? This fucking macho man thing you have going on is on my last fucking nerve. You need to stop lying to yourself and admit you love Michelle."

Brian turned quickly to face me, his face livid. "Shut the fuck up, Nikki! I'm not the only one lying to myself here. You are too! But you're too damn stubborn to admit it!" Brian yelled. "Do you really want to fucking know who I love? Do you?!" He yelled.

I got up in his face. "Sure, why not? Not like you'll fucking tell me anyway!"

"I love you, Nikki. I fucking loved you the day I laid my eyes on you. And damn it; I've been trying since then to show you that I changed, that I was not that dickhead you met 4 years ago. You're all I ever fucking think about anymore and it drives me insane, especially when you go off and flirt with Rev. Or when you dated that Criss guy. But I stuck it out for you. Why? Cause I love you, Nicole. And my dumbass will always love you."

Brian pushed me roughly up against a nearby wall, his lips crashing onto mine. His lips moved in urgency against my own, the both of us pulling the other tighter against ourselves. Letting all our anger out by kissing. Brian bit down on my bottom lip and I granted him entrance, his tongue wrestling violently with mine as he lifted me up onto his waist. My hands knotted in his hair and gave it a pull, making Brian growl as his hands on my waist dug into my skin.

"Oh, fuck. Porn in the making!" Jimmy yelled out.

Brian set me back on my feet as we both watched Jimmy cover his eyes and turn on his heel, walking straight into the wall beside the front door.

"Agh, fuck." He grumbled, walking out the front door safely.

I straightened myself up as I walked around Brian, he grabbed my arm. But I wouldn't look at him as I ran my hands through my hair, fixing it.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"Home." I yanked my arm out of his, running out the door without looking back.

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