The Love Doctor

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I stared at Huntington Police station for a while, memories of this place flooding my head. From when Jimmy stole a six pack to public intoxication. Taking a deep breath, I walked into Huntington Station where Syn was being held.

Once again.

As I walked in the first thing I noticed was a red headed lady that sat at the front desk, chewing her gum like a cow. I gritted my teeth at the sound and put on a composed face. She looked up me from her nails, eying me up.

"Can I help you, sweetie?" She smiled.

"Yeah. I'm here to pick up my friend, Brian Haner." I told her.

"Have a seat, sweetie." She nodded towards the seats.

I sat against the wall, twiddling my thumbs as I listened to the red head talk to a guy named Dean. Saying that I was here to pick up Haner. I sighed as I ran my hands down my face.

What the hell did Syn do to end up here? He must have done something to have pissed Nikki off. She may not have said that Syn was the reason for her mood, but you can tell he was. He was always the reason why she's pissed. To be honest, it's pretty funny to watch them go at it.

I just really wish they would fuck already. They both need it. Maybe then Nikki and Syn would finally get along and go a day without fighting.

"Someone here for a Haner?" An Officer called out.

I looked up and saw him with Syn right beside him, cuffed and shackled.

"Right here." I raised my hand, pulling out the bail cash.

"His bail is-" The red head began, but stopped when I gave her the money.

"I called and asked earlier how much." I said then looked at Syn, shaking my head.

"Haner, go through those doors and change. An Officer is in there to make sure you don't do anything stupid." Officer Andrews said.

"Yeah, yeah." Syn waved him off, going through some door.

"You must be Zacky." Another Officer walked my way.

"Uh, yeah? How did you-" I asked, confused.

"Nikki called and asked if you were here yet." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "She's my little sister."

"Oh! Well, nice to meet you, Officer Belle."

"You can call me Dean." He chuckled. "A friend of Nikki's is a friend of mine." His eyes went over to the door Syn went through. "Well, maybe some."

I chuckled at his tone. Then the door opened with Syn making a commontion. I glanced over, seeing him in regular clothes and no longer cuffed and shackled.

"Hey, hey. Watch it, buddy." Syn warned.

"Come on, man. Let's get you home before you end up here again." I said, pushing him out the door. "Later, Dean!" I yelled over my shoulder.

Once in the car, I faced Syn who was lighting up a cigarette. He inhaled deeply and let it slowly drift out of his nose. He glanced my way, raising an eyebrow.

"What? What I do?" He asked.

"Yeah, what did you do? Why were you in there? Why's Nikki pissed?" I asked, wanting answers.

Syn sighed. "I was in there because I fought Brent the other night."

"Why did you fight him?" I asked.

"I'm getting there." He said, taking another drag from his cigarette. "At dinner, Brent said he was bringing home a date-"

"Oh no.." I shook my head, already knowing who was Brent's date.

"Yeah. The entire night, Brent was flirting with Nikki. I did good up until he asked her out, then I snapped. We fought throughout the house and to the front lawn, neighbors called the police and that's how I ended up there."

"And that's why Nikki's mad at you?"

He shook his head. "Not quite." He looked out the window. "I told her last night that she was mine."

"Dude! You don't say that! Especially to Nikki!" I laughed.

He chuckled. "I know that now. All I have to do now is get her to like me again." He rubbed his eye. "Which I have not a fuckin clue to do."

I laughed at his response. "Syn, man. I have a few ideas."

Syn looked at me and smirked when I shared my ideas.



"You're a fucking evil mastermind." We laughed.

"Just call me The Love Doctor." Zacky laughed as I rolled my eyes.

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