Red Raven

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"Hey, where's my Miller?!" A customer yelled out.

"It's coming! Keep your boxers on, buddy!" I yelled, bringing his beer.

He smirked. "If you weren't so damn hot, I wouldn't pay you."

"If you weren't paying me, I'd kick you out." I smirked, walking away to attend another customer.

All my customers were like that tonight, always hitting on me. Even married men. Made me sick to my stomach. Each customer I had seemed to be worse than the last, thus making my temper raise more and more. And I couldn't take it out on them or I'll be fired. And I'm already walking on thin ice.

"Hey, bar wench?! Down here!" A guy yelled down to me.

I gritted my teeth as he and the rest of the customers laughed at his name for me. I turned quickly on my heels to give him hell, but stopped short when I saw him. Or them, really. Jimmy was laughing his ass off along with everyone else, even Brian cracked a grin. I giggled, throwing my towel at Jimmy.

"I was about to rip your head off!" I giggled at Jimmy.

"Love me, though." He shrugged.

"Always." I smiled. "What can I get you guys?"

They told me their orders and went to go sit down at a booth, Bri and Diana dragging Matt and Zacky up to dance. I laughed at their expressions as I filled their orders, feeling a pair of eyes on me. I glanced up to see Brian sitting on the stool, watching me. I looked around before looking back at him, raising an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked, feeling self conscious.

He shrugged. "You look pretty tonight."

"Uhm, thanks? Doesn't change anything, you know."

He sighed. "Yeah, I know."

I carried the tray of beers and shots towards the Avenged table, Jimmy and Johnny decking shots like lightening. I took one with them. needing it if I was going to be accompanied by Brian. I hopped over the counter and stood in front of Brian, leaning against the counter. He had that damn frown on his face as he played with the coaster.

"Here. On the house." I filled up a Guinness for him.

"Thanks." He nodded towards me, lifting the cup to his lips.

"Hey, gorgeous? Need a refill!" The guy from earlier called.

"Coming!" I called back to him, then looked at Brian. Noticing his hands tighten around the glass. "Be right back." I told him.

I ignored the guy as I took his Miller and refilled it. Blocking out his sexual comments towards me. I was about to explode any second now. This guy was pushing it to the max.

"How much do you bet I'm going to have her in my bed tonight, Marc?" The guy commented.

"Would you shut the fuck up and have some respect for her?!" Brian growled as he lurched off his seat. I turned quickly, shocked by Brian's outburst. Brian walked towards him. "That is my friend you are talking about, I will not sit here and let you harass her. You should count yourself fucking lucky I won't knock the shit out of you. You will not have her in your bed tonight, I promise to you that I will not let that happen. So just sit there, shut the fuck up and drink your fucking beer. Got it?"

"Brian, just go sit down." I pleaded, setting the drink in front of the customer. "Just leave it be."

The guy chuckled. "Yeah, Brian. Listen to her like a dog. Come on, boy. Get."

Brian sighed and looked back at me. I nodded towards his stool, hoping he would listen. He sighed yet again and nodded, heading back to his seat.

The guy busted into laughter. "See that, Marc? The boy is whipped for-"

The guy didn't have a chance to finish his sentence for Brian had punched him straight to the nose, knocking him onto the floor. Brian didn't give him a chance to collect himself, instead he got on top of him and kept punching him. Swearing death threats with each and every hit. Since he was wearing his usual sleeveless tees, you can see his large, tattooed muscles flex with each punch.

I jumped over the counter and grabbed Brian around the waist, trying to pry him off the guy. Praying in my head my boss won't come out.

"Brian, get off him!" I pleaded, yanking at his waist. He didn't budge.

"Come on, man. You did enough." Matt came by my side, grabbing Brian in a headlock. Brian thrashed in Matt's tight hold.

"What's going on here?" My boss pushed through the crowd that circled us. "Nicole, what happened?" He asked me.

"Mr. Reynolds, you see-"

"This asshole was making sexual comments towards Nikki, saying that he was going to get her home and fuck her good and hard." Brian growled. "I wasn't going to sit there and let him say that about my friend, so I took matters into my own hands."

Mr. Reynolds glared at Brian then at me. "You have one more strike, Nicole. Keep your friend under control or you're fired. Got that?"

I nodded. "Loud and clear."

He nodded, looking at Matt and Brian. "Make sure that he stays under control, Sir."

"You got it." Matt nodded.

"And you." Mr. Reynolds glared at the guy on the floor, picking him up by the collar. "Are out of here for harassing my employee."

The crowd clapped and cheered as Mr. Reynolds threw the guy out. I jumped back over the counter and got back to work while Matt had a little talk with Brian. When I came back, Brian was sitting all alone. Ignoring the girls that tried to grab his attention. I sighed as I walked back over, taking his empty glass and refilling it. He didn't look at me.

"Thanks." I said softly.

Brian's eyes met mine, shocked. "For what?"

"For standing up for me like that."

"But I got you in trouble."

I shrugged. "I always get in trouble. He says that to me every damn day."

Brian chuckled. "Then you're welcome." He played with his glass, spinning it.

I sighed, resting my head on my hand. "What's with you?"

He shrugged, not meeting my eyes. "Nothing."

"Remember when you called me a terrible liar earlier?" I asked. He nodded. "Well, you are too."

He smirked, looking at me now. "Am I now?"

I nodded. "So just spill already. What's with you?"

He sighed. "Why do you hate me so damn much?" I opened my mouth, but he cut me off. "And don't say it's cause I'm a flirt. I know that's a lie." He saw right through me with those chocolate eyes. "Nikki, just be honest with me. I really want to know."

"None of your concern, Brian." I said, walking away to attend a customer.

"It is my concern, Nicole!" Brian yelled, following me. "Damn it. Stop avoiding me and just tell me. What did I do to make you hate me?!"

"Just forget it, Brian!" I glared, serving the customer. "It's whatever now!"

Brian hopped the counter, cornering me. "No Nicole, it's not whatever now. I need to know. And you're going to fucking tell me!"

"Fine! You really fucking want to know why I hate you so much?!" I growled, getting in his face.

"No, I really want to fucking know your middle name. Yes I really want to know! God damn!" He yelled.

"You took my virginity 4 years ago on my 21st birthday, and left me the next day before I woke up!" I yelled at him.

With tears burning to spill over, I watched as Brian's eyes softened as his jaw dropped. His whole body seemed to have turned jello like instead of the angry beast he just was 5 seconds ago. I took his shocked state to make my escape, crawling under his arm and jumping over the counter. Ignoring Bri, Diana and the guys as they called my name, heading outside as the tears quickly rolled down my face.

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