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The ride to the studio was silent. The only sound in the car was the radio playing, Alice Cooper's Poison sang through the speakers. Normally I would be all into this since I loved this song, but right now I wasn't in the mood. I continued to stare out the window, watching as the world flew past us as Brian drove.

I would see from the corner of my eye when Brian would either glance in my direction, the frown still plastered on his face. Or he would open his mouth to say something, but then slowly close it as it didn't sound right in his head. My phone buzzed in my pocket, making Brian glance in my direction yet again as I checked the message. It was from Bri.

"Omg! I have so much to tell u once u get here! U r comin rite?" She texted.

"Yeah, I'm coming." I texted back. Not a second later, my phone buzzed.

"Yay! :D Can't wait 2 see U! O n diana 2 xD"

I lightly shook my head as Brian pulled into what I'm assuming was his studio's parking lot, then pull up beside a shiny new BMW. As I slid out of his car, I admired the BMW as we walked by it, Brian slowing down his pace so he could walk with me. Something he really didn't need to do.

Brian held the door for me and the sounds of the guys laughing and cursing echoed through the room. I smiled as I caught sight of Diana and Bri lounging on the black leather sofa, Bri was wrapped up in Zacky's arms.

"Nikki!" Diana and Bri shouted, running my way.

"You alright there, Syn?" Diana asked, glancing at Brian.

I looked up to see him put on a fake smirk as he nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Tired still."

"Well, there's a coffee for you over on the table." Bri said, pointing in the direction.

"Thanks." He muttered, pushing past us.

"Okay..." Diana mumbled then eyed me. "Come on, let's talk outside."

Diana, Bri and I headed outside, leaving the guys to work on their album. Even with the door closed we could hear them cursing at their instruments, or whatever the hell went wrong in there. Making us girls laugh out here, sitting around the table.

"So Bri, you had something to share?" I asked her, grinning.

She smiled widely. "Like hell I do! You'll never guess what happened last night after Zacky and I left for his."

"You both had sex?" Diana giggled.

"Besides that." Bri rolled her eyes. "Give up? He asked me out! I'm dating Zacky Vengeance!" She nearly shouted.

I laughed at her, hugging her. "Congrats, Bri! Knew you both would end up together soon."

"Hell yeah, have you seen those two all day yesterday? They were practically eye raping each other." Diana laughed.

"Was not." Bri blushed. "So Nikki, what's with you and Gates?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

I sighed, looking away from her. "Nothing's up."

"Uh huh, sure. You two were flirting all night and you both come in together?" Diana raised a brow.

"Flirting?" I questioned. Diana nodded.

"Yep. You both were all over each other. May I add you both would make a freaking cute couple?"

"All over each other how exactly?" I ignored the cute couple part.

Diana shrugged. "You both were constantly hugging, laughing and joking around. Dancing. Messing around, being your playful selves. You both were too cute!"

"Awe, Nikki and Syn would be cute together. You two should hook up." Bri agreed.

"Me and Brian will never happen." I shook my head.

"And why not? He obviously likes you. A lot." Bri asked.

"Maybe for the fact he has a girlfriend-"

"No, he doesn't." Diana shook her head. "Michelle is not his girlfriend anymore, thankfully. They broke up right after you left earlier. She called him up and Brian went into the other room, he was yelling but we couldn't understand what he was yelling. Then he came down pissed saying, Thank fucking God it's over!" Diana imitated his voice.

"Oh, that sucks for Michelle. My other reason is that I'm just not attracted to him." I shrugged, looking towards the busy road.

Bri snorted, I looked back at her. "Not attracted to him? I'm sorry, but if I wasn't so attracted to Zacky I would be all over Gates in a heartbeat. He is gorgeous."

Diana and I smiled at Bri. "Excuse me?" His voice asked, shocked.

Bri's eyes widened as she turned to face Zacky, who was standing behind her. She giggled, jumping up to hug him. "Hey, babe. Have I told you how much I loved you?"

Zacky chuckled. "Oh, really? I thought you wanted to be all over Gates?" He asked, playfully. Diana and I laughed.

"Didn't you hear the whole "If I wasn't so attracted to Zacky" part?" She asked.

Zacky chuckled as he pressed his lips to hers, looking down on her lovingly. I smiled at the connection they shared, it was adorable. They were adorable for each other. Zacky smiled over at us.

"We're ordering, you girls want anything?" He asked.

"Where from?" Diana asked.

"Fuji's." Brian asked, leaning against the door frame with the menu in his hands.

"I just want a chicken wrap." Diana said.

Brian nodded, his eyes on mine. "Nikki?"

"Can I see the menu?" He handed it over, hovering over me. "Guess I'll just have the barbecue chicken wrap." I handed it back to him. He nodded and went back inside, putting the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Zack? You know what's up with Syn? He seems depressed." Diana asked.

Zacky shook his head. "Nah, he's not saying anything."

"You think it's over Michelle?" Bri asked.

Diana shook her head. "I'm positive. He's been saying how much he hates her since they got back together last month."

"I'm sure he'll be fine at the club tonight." Zack said.

"Shit, I have work tonight." I groaned, letting my head hit the back of the chair.

"Red Raven, right?" Zacky asked.

I nodded. "The one and only."

"Well, we'll all go there tonight. That way when your shift is over, you can hang with us." Zacky grinned.

"Look at my man with the plan." Bri kissed his cheek.

"Look at my girl lookin so fine with her rhyme." Zacky grinned.

"Really guys?" I asked with a giggle. They shrugged.

[Syn] Girl I Know [Gates]Where stories live. Discover now