Viva Las Vegas!

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"Nikki. Nikki, wake up." I felt someone lightly shake my shoulder.

I picked my head up off someone's shoulder, meeting a pair of brown eyes. Luckily for me it wasn't his eyes, instead it was Johnny's. Johnny smiled at me and I smiled back, stretching my arms out.

"Sorry I used you as my pillow, Johnny." I said as he helped me up.

He shook his head. "It's fine. Besides, it was cute. You talk while you sleep."

I groaned. "Anything embarrassing?"

"Nah, you're good. Just kept rambling about someone named Charlie?"

I bit my lip. "That's my dog."

"Didn't know you had one."

"He died." I said as I reached for my bags, just barely touching them.

"I'm sorry about that." Johnny frowned.

I smiled, shaking my head, "It's okay, Johnny. I'm okay."

"Need help, me lady?" Jimmy asked.

I jumped slightly, ignoring Johnny and Jimmy's grins. "No, I don't." I said, sarcastically.

Jimmy shrugged. "See you then."

"Jimmy, wait!" I called after him, but he was off the plane. "Dammit!"

"Here, let me help."

I felt his chest press against my back as he reached over me, grabbing my bags from overhead. I turned as he brought them down, meeting his chest then his eyes. The warm, inviting chocolate eyes as they stared at my own. His eyes went from mine to my lips and back again. Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach, fluttering up my throat as his lips came closer.

"Thanks." I quickly said, rushing off the plane after everyone.

Once away I felt the blood rush out of my cheeks. That was way too close for comfort. I mean, part of me wanted his lips on mine. But another part told me to run. We all knew which one kicked the others ass. I strapped my bag over my shoulder while I carried the little bag on my arm, running to catch up with everyone.

"Look who finally joined us." Bri grinned.

"Thought you were still asleep on the plane." Matt chuckled.

"Nope. Thanks to my Johnny, I'm awake." I bumped my hip with Johnny's, he laughed as he bumped his against mine.

"Where's Syn?" Zacky asked.

"Here. Right here." Brian came running after us.

"Damn! Thought we lost you." Jimmy sighed. "Better luck next time."

We all laughed at Brian's expression. "Asshole." Brian muttered.

"Come on, everyone inside." Matt held open the limo's door for us.

Once all piled in, laughing when Johnny was forced to sit on the floor. I was seated between Jimmy and Matt. We laughed and joked the whole time until we finally reached our destination, The Luxor.

"Here we are." Zacky announced as we piled out, grabbing our stuff.

I stared up at the beautifully lit up pyramid. "Like it?" Brian asked, grabbing my bag off my shoulder and sliding it onto his.

"It's beautiful." I nodded. "Brian, give me that. You don't have to carry it."

He shook his head. "I want to."

"Let's go, slowpokes. It's better inside." Diana yelled over her shoulder.

"Come on." Brian nodded his head, the both of us following everyone.

Matt grabbed our keys and we all packed ourselves into the elevator, going to the very top where only celebrities stay at. Luckily all our rooms were right across from each other. We all crowded into a circle in the middle of the hallway.

"Alright, they gave me 4 room keys. That means only 2 people to a room." Matt said, looking at each of us. "I call Diana, of course."

"I call Bri!" Zacky pulled Bri tightly against his side.

"Nikki!" Jimmy, Johnny, and Brian all said at the same time, they each glared at each other. Well, Jimmy laughed.

"Well, looks like it's up to you Nikki. Who do you want to room with?" Matt asked with a grin, curiosity burning in his eyes.

"Me! Me! Pick me!" The 3 guys chanted.

"The guy I want to room with..." I smiled, watching them closely.

I giggled at each of their expressions. They looked ready to tackle me to the ground any moment now, or their heads would explode with the suspense. Why not play with this a little while longer?

"Is someone that makes me laugh.." I tested, watching as they got closer to me. "And has amazing eyes..." They got a little closer, my smile grew. "And he just happens to be..."

"WHO THE FUCK IS IT?!" Everyone yelled, the suspense finally hitting them in the face.

I busted into laughter. "My date, duh."

"That's me!" Jimmy grinned, scooping me up into his arms. Swinging us quickly. "Ha! You fuckers sad as all hell." Jimmy pointed at Johnny and Brian, who were indeed sad.

"Maybe next time, boys." I grinned as I grabbed a room key from Matt. "Come on, Jimmy Jam. Let's get ready to party tonight!"

"Get some bottles breakin and shit..." Jimmy said, jogging into the room.

I laughed at him as I went to close the door, my eyes meeting warm chocolate eyes. I saw Brian still standing in the hallway with Zacky and Johnny, his eyes on mine while they talked. I smiled and winked over at him, which made that drop dead smirk of his appear on his face. My heart fluttered at the sight as I completely shut the door, getting ready for tonight's party.

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