Party like a Mindfreak!

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"Jimmy Jam?!" I yelled from the bathroom.

"I didn't do it!" He yelled back.

I raised a brow. "Didn't do.. Know what? Never mind. Come here, I need you!"

"Yes, me lady?" Jimmy said, appearing in the bathroom doorway.

"Can you tie this for me?" I asked, holding up my hair.

"Tied!" Jimmy said once he was done.

"What do you think?" I asked him, turning for him to see.

His eyes grew huge. "Damn, girl! Looking good."

I blushed, smiling. "Thanks, Jimmy."

He kissed my forehead before leaving the bathroom. I checked myself out in the mirror a last time. Making sure my make up was perfect, my hair was straight against my back. My halter top and dark shredded jeans matched, along with my heels and jewelry. After applying my sparkly lip gloss I walked out, greeting Jimmy as he made comments on how good I looked. Jimmy walked out the door first.

"I present to you the gorgeous, Ms. Nikki Belle." Jimmy announced.

I walked out of the room to come face to face with everyone's eyes on me. I blushed as their stares made me uncomfortable, except for Brian's. I loved how his eyes traced the length of my body as they popped out, his jaw literally on the floor. Made me feel pretty, knowing that I got him of all people to act like that.

"Look at who's being all sexy tonight." Diana grinned. "What's the occasion?"

I shrugged. "She's trying to get herself a man tonight." Bri giggled.

"Shut up." I blushed. "Not trying to get a man. Sheesh, can't I feel sexy for one night?"

"Sure. Whatever you say, Nikki." Diana and Bri said at the same time, linking their arms with mine as we all walked down to the club in the hotel.

I was feeling it. I could feel the alcohol swimming through my veins as I swayed my hips on the dance floor, moving along with the beat as it pulsed through my body. Letting myself go and enjoy my time. We have been partying it up for I don't know how long now, but I knew it's been more than 2 hours or so.

I felt a pair of hands wrap themselves around my waist as I felt them press themselves against me, moving along with my moves as I danced. I looked down at their hands and seeing their fingers tattooed reading, Marlboro. I looked up to see Brian's face so close to mine, pulling me closer as we danced. Our moves getting more sexual with each sway of our hips. I smiled as his lips came closer, his lips turning up into a smile of its own.

"You don't look sexy tonight." He said, alcohol strongly on his breath.

"Oh." I frowned, trying not to take it to heart. Telling myself he was drunk.

"You look beautiful. Just like everyday." He said.

I smiled widely. "That's sweet, Brian."

"It's true."

I just nodded and continued to dance with him. When the song finished we walked back to our table where everyone was seated around, decking shots or drinking their beers. I sat beside Brian as I took a swig from my beer, laughing as Zacky and Jimmy messed with poor Johnny who was squished between them.

"Excuse me?" Someone cleared their throat.

I looked up to see a man with long black hair and brown eyes, a camera crew crowding around him. He kind of reminded me of Brian. Just a wee bit. He had a smile on his face. He was pretty cute.


"How are you?" He asked, holding out his hand.

"I'm good. And you?" I shook it.

He smiled. "I'm great. I'm Criss."

"Nikki." I smiled back.

"Where are you from?" He asked, sitting beside me.

"We're from Huntington Beach, California." I told him.

He nodded. "This is your boyfriend?" He gestured towards Brian.

I shook my head. "No, we're just friends."

He nodded. "Would you guys like to see a magic trick?"

"Sure." I smiled as everyone agreed.

"May I borrow your phone, if you don't mind." He pointed.

"Uhm, sure." I nodded, handing it to him.

"May I borrow your beer? I'll buy you a brand new one." Criss told Brian.

"Deal." Brian chuckled as Criss emptied it out.

"Now, check this out for me. See if it's empty, that there are no tricks." He handed it to Diana.

"Nope. It's real and empty." She giggled. Criss then handed it to Matt.

"It's good, man." Matt nodded, handing it back.

"Alright. I want you to keep one eye on the phone, and the other on the bottle. Ready?"

We nodded, eager to see what he was going to do. Soon, Criss slammed both objects at each other and showed us what he did. My hand flew to my mouth in amazement while everyone made comments. My phone was inside Brian's beer bottle, and the bottle didn't shatter at all. It didn't even have a crack on it. My phone lit up, ringing.

"Look at that, you actually got a call." Criss laughed. "Wait. Who is that?"

I looked at it. "It's my Dad." I giggled.

"No, is that really your Dad?" Criss chuckled. "We got to let you answer it then."

Criss banged the bottle on the table, carefully cracking it open without damaging my phone.

"Get it, get it, quick." He handed me my phone.

"Hey, Dad." I greeted, giggling.

"What are you doing?" Dad asked.

"We're on Mindfreak!" Zacky yelled out.

"Is that your Dad?" Criss asked. I nodded. "What's your Dad's name?"

"Tommy." I said. "Just a second, Dad." I handed the phone to Criss.

"Hey, Dad!" Criss greeted. We all laughed. "I'm here with your beautiful daughter and her friends and we're shooting for my show Mindfreak, so you called at the most perfect time. I'm going to give you back to your daughter now." He handed me back the phone.

"I'm going to call you back, Nikki." Dad said, chuckling. "See you." He hung up.

"He hung up." I laughed.

"I'm sorry." Criss apologized, grinning.

I waved it off, giggling. "How did you do that? That was amazing."

He shook his head. "I'll tell you if you give me a kiss on the cheek." He pointed to his cheek.

"Do it, Nikki." Diana and Bri cheered on.

I blushed as I leaned over to kiss Criss's cheek, but the last second before I pressed my lips to his cheek he turned his head. Kissing me fully on the lips. Criss and I smiled into the kiss as we heard everyone howl with excitement. But even over their howling and cheers, I could hear Brian's teeth clench as a growl slipped through his lips.

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