More Than Ever...

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.:Brian's POV:.

The sun shining brightly through the open window made me groan as it burned my eyes, shoving my face deep into the pillow. My head was throbbing from the killer hangover I had, feeling alomst like someone was stabbing me in the brain over and over again. Something stirred beside me, cuddling up into my chest. I peeked an eye out from the pillow to see Nikki lying beside me, a small smile on her lips.

Last night's actions flooded my mind and a grin made its way onto my face, picturing the love making we made all night long. I tightened my arms around her, bringing her even closer as I pressed my lips to her forehead.

No words can ever describe the feelings I have for this woman. Even though she constantly denies me, I think now we may change our relationship status. If she were mine, I'd give her the world. I never want to fuck up with her, I promise her I won't. I'd make sure she was happy with me.

Once she becomes mine, I'll never let her go.

I got off the bed and put my jeans and boxers back on, not bothering with a shirt as I made my way into the kitchen. Grabbing two glasses of water and four aspirins, I took my aspirins before setting hers down on the end table. Freezing when she groaned.

"Fuck!" She grumbled into the pillow, her arm spread out where I was once laying. "Brian?" She sat up, looking at the empty spot beside her. "... Not again..."

I frowned. "I'm right here, Nikki. I didn't leave you." I said, scaring her as she pulled the blankets around her naked body as she faced me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." She apologized, embarrassed. "Motherfucker..." She cradled her head, hangover kicking in.

I smirked. "Here, take this." I held out the aspirin and water for her.

"Thanks." She took them from me.

I nodded. "Hungry?"

Her stomach growled, making her blush as she giggled. "I think that says it all."

I laughed. "I'll make pancakes." I kissed her, surprised she kissed back.

She smiled. "Sounds yummy."

I smiled as she got out of the bed putting my shirt on before looking for her panties I had thrown somewhere. I turned and went for the kitchen, grabbing the essentials I would need for our breakfast.

While cooking our breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries that I had found in the fridge, I could hear the shower turn on. A part of me wanted to go and join her, but I decided not to push it. Giving her time to adjust. Besides we made love all through the night last night.

Smiling I thought of last night yet again. It was the first time I ever made love to someone. I was ecstatic that it was with Nikki, I couldn't tell you how many dreams I have had about her. Sure I had it a little more romantic and not drunkenly done, but you take what you can get.

A chair screeching across the floor made me snap out of my thoughts to see Nikki sitting at the island, her wet hair cascading down her face as a beautiful smile formed on her lips. I smiled back, walking over and placing her plate down in front of her.

"Thank you." She smiled, kissing my cheek.

"You're welcome." I grabbed my plate and sat beside her.

"This is really good. I didn't know you cooked." Nikki said, popping in another forkful of pancake.

I chuckled. "I can, I just choose not to."

"Bum." She giggled.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Excuse me?"

She smiled. "I called you a bum." She stuck her tongue out at me.

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