Cuffed and Shackled

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"Are you okay?" I asked Brent, handing him another wet towel.

He smiled, taking it. "Yeah, perfectly fine. Just a little blood and a few bruises. Nothing to worry over."

I smiled at him before collecting my things, sliding into my hoodie.

"Do you mind taking me home?" I asked Papa Gates.

"Nah, course I don't. Come on." He led me out the door.

I hugged McKenna and Suzy goodbye, apologizing for what had happened tonight. Suzy just smiled and brushed it off, saying it wasn't my fault. Though, it kind of was. To me, at least.

Papa Gates dropped me off at my apartment, and I thanked him for everything and apologized for what had happened as well. He also did not blame me for the fight between Brian and Brent. Would someone just ease my guilt already and stop being so damn nice?

After Papa Gates left, I quickly ran into my apartment and grabbed my car keys. Running back to my jeep and starting it up, heading down to the police station. I pulled to a park beside Dean's cruiser, and ran out and into the station. Speed walking up the the front desk where a red headed lady sat, chewing her gum loudly. Irking me to no end. I cleared my throat.

"Yes?" She asked dully, looking up from her book.

"Hey, can you grab Officer Belle?" I asked, tapping my nails on her desk.

"Who's asking?" She eyed me.

"His sister, Nikki." I eyed her right back.

"Yeah, give me a minute."

I nodded and took my seat against the white wall, playing with a lock of hair as I waited for Dean. Tuning out the sound of the receptionist chewing her gum, gritting my teeth before snapping at her.

The sound of footsteps were heard on the other side of a heavy looking door, then it swung open revealing my brother on the other side of it.

"Come on, Nikki." He gestured me to follow him.

Dean led us by many cells, most were empty and very few had one or two prisoners being held. They would whistle or make comments as I passed by, another cop ordering them to shut it. I was more than grateful when we finally made it to Dean's office. He leaned against the wall, while I took a seat.

"So, what brings you here?" Dean asked, sitting on his desk.

"I came to bail out Brian."

"The one I arrested earlier?" Dean asked, raising a brow.

I rolled my eyes. "No, the one you arrested last year. Yes the one you arrested tonight."

"Whoa, hey! Chill. You and I both know he has to stay until I get the papers back saying his bail."

"Dean, I need him out tonight."


"Cause he has an important job tomorrow, he needs to be there."

"Nikki, I know you. Why do you want him out so bad? You like him?" Dean grinned.

I scoffed. "No, I don't. I want him out and away from this place so I can not only kill him, but give him a piece of my mind."

"You suck at lying, you know that?" Dean chuckled.

I sighed. "What I've been told a lot lately."

Dean smirked, but it had nothing on Brian's smirk. "I'd like to help you out, but I have to keep him tonight. I'll call you first thing when you can pick him up. For now, I can let you two talk. Is that okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's fine."

"Alright, let me go let the guys know."

I pulled out my phone as I relaxed in the leather chair, going down to Diana's contact.

"You'll never guess where im at" I texted her.

"U in jail again?????" She texted back. I laughed.

"Not me this time. Try brian."

"What?! What happen??"

"Let's jus say he got into a fight and cops were called"

"Such an idiot.."

I heard the door open and Dean stood in front of me.

"They're grabbing him now. Follow me."

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and followed Dean down many halls, walking into a room that was divided down the middle. A glass was dividing the room in half, prisoners on one side while visitors were on the other. You had to use a phone to talk to who you were visiting.

"He'll be here in a minute. I need to go fill out some paper work, come to my office if you need anything." Dean said.

I nodded and took my seat as I waited, glancing around. Seeing girlfriends, mothers and wives, or pregnant girlfriends and wives yelling or crying at their spouses or children for what they have done now. From robberies to drunken antics. I sighed and faced back in front of me.

Watching as Brian walked my way, cuffed and shackled with two large cops on either side of him. He had his brown eyes on his feet as he walked, his hands clenched into fists. The cops shoved him into the seat and Brian picked his head up then, my heart breaking at the very sight our eyes met.

His once warm chocolate brown eyes have lost their light, they were lifeless and sad. No longer was that smirk plastered on his face, or that adorable laughter ringing in my ears. This wasn't the Brian I knew and cared for. And it upsetted me.

It was not my Brian staring at me.

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