Never Say Never

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The sun shining brightly through the curtains hit me square in the face, making me curse under my breath as I rolled over. Snuggling deeper into the blankets, comfort surrounding me.

Wait, comfort? My sofa was anything but comfy. And me rolling over sure as hell would have sent my ass to the floor. My eyes fluttered open to see that I was in my bed, alone. I sat up as I stretched, yawning.

"Brian?" I called out his name, listening closely but hearing nothing.

I looked down beside me to see a letter on my nightstand. I leaned over and reached for it, seeing his handwriting on it.

Thanks for taking care of my drunk ass last night. I'm going to pay your bill today and I'll see you later, since you're cooking me dinner tonight. Just remember that I like my meat very juicy but not red on the inside like Shads, and cut evenly with even numbers of slices. Think you can handle that? Haha! If you're wondering, no we did not sleep in bed together. I got up early cause of fucking work called my hungover ass and saw you on the sofa. So being the most awesome good looking man that I am, picked you up and carried you to your bed. You can thank me later for that ;D You're the best, Nikki babes!

Goofball :P

I giggled as I shook my head at his letter. He was such a doofus. I could hear my phone ringing in the other room, I jumped out of bed and ran into the living room and snatched the phone off the table as I lounged on the sofa.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"That's how you answer now? Really?" Diana questioned.

"You know it!"

"You're insane, woman." Diana laughed.

"I'm not insane, I'm not- not insane!" I sang out.

"Don't quit your day job.. Oh, wait you don't have a job. Bum."

"Damn, that was harsh even for you!" I said as Diana giggled. "Bitch."

"Learn from the best! Any who, I'm driving over to your place now, we're going food shopping."

"Alright, I'll be ready soon. The door is unlocked so just let yourself in." I said, heading into my room.

"Kay! Bye!" She hung up.

I quickly dressed in just shredded jeans and a custom made Papa Roach tank top, I was applying eyeliner when Diana walked into my room and laid across my bed. I rolled my eyes as I shook my head at her, laughing when she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Why does the pillow smell like Syn?" She asked.

My eyes met hers in the mirror. "Cause he spent the night here." I shrugged.

Diana's eyes grew huge. "He what?! Did you two..."

I shook my head. "When will you ever learn that there is nothing, let me say it again, NOTHING between me and Brian? You're lucky that we're at the friend stage."

Diana rolled her eyes. "But you two still slept in the same bed... twice."

"No, just once in Vegas. He slept in my bed alone last night."

She smelled the other pillow. "Explain why this one smells like you."

I gave her a look. "Are you really smelling my pillows?" I giggled.

Diana laughed. "I am, get over it. Now explain, woman!" She threw the pillow at me.

I laughed. "First off, it's my bed. Why wouldn't it smell like me? And just read the letter on the table."

"Ooh, he left you a love note too?" Diana grinned, grabbing the letter and reading. "Aw, isn't he Mister Romantic?"

"Yeah, sure, I guess." I shrugged as I stood up. "Can we go shopping for tonight's dinner now?"

"Hell yeah. Let's go!" Diana jumped up, dragging me out.

The shopping cart we had was filled to the very top, both Diana and I had to push it to get it moving. She was in the back pushing, while I dragged it from the front. It was a sight to see, to say the least. We were giving the guys a freaking meal that will have them stuffed for years to come! We were making some spicy chicken that Diana's Grandmother taught her with a lot of vegetables. And for dessert was a cake that we were baking ourselves that will read; Congratulations, Best New Artists!

"Nikki, can you go grab the chocolate cake mix and the icing?" Diana asked.

I nodded. "Be back in a flash!"

With that I turned on my heel and ran to the aisle on the other side of the market, searching for chocolate cake mix. There was one box left and at the same time I went to grab it, someone else went for it too. I looked up in time to see Michelle looking at me, the both of us laughing.

"Hey, Nikki. Crazy seeing you here." She hugged me.

"Hey, Michelle. I know! Who would have ever thought I'd be at the market?" I joked.

Michelle playfully slapped my shoulder. "Haha, very funny. What's up with you?"

I shrugged. "Making the Avenged boys their dinner tonight once they come back from the studio later on. It's their present since they won Best New Artist at the VMA's over the weekend."

Michelle nodded. "They did? Pass on my congratulations, then. And take this," She handed me the cake mix. "You need it more than I do."

"Thanks." I smiled. "Hey, Michelle?"


"What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, really. Was going to sit at home and watch a few movies. Maybe go out if Val isn't busy." She shrugged.

"Well if Val is busy and you don't want to sit at home, you are more than welcome to come tonight."

"But Diana-"

I shook my head. "Leave Diana to me. If I know my best friend, I can get her to suck it up."

"Thanks, Nikki." Michelle smiled.

"No problem. So, see you tonight?"

Michelle nodded. "Hell yeah."

"Sweet. See you then."

I walked back to Diana who was placing everything on the conveyer belt, while the cashier priced everything. I put the cake mix and the icing on as well.

"Took you long enough." Diana joked.

"Sorry. Ran into someone."

"Who?" Diana asked.


"What did she want?" Diana said, disgustedly.

"Nothing, really. Hope you don't mind that I invited her tonight."

"You what?" Diana looked at me. "Why? Her and her sister are evil plotting bitches! They want to chomp any girl's head off that touches their men as they say."

I laughed. "Michelle doesn't seem that bad."

"That's cause you're not with Syn.. yet. But when you two make it official-" I opened my mouth to argue. "Let me finish. You may say now that there's no chance between you two, but one day there will be a time you two finally hook up and Michelle will know in that same second. And when she does, she'll come after you guns hot."

"If for some reason I'm that drunk or insane that I hook up with Brian, I'm sure Michelle won't give a damn."

"Keep telling yourself that. I'm just warning you now, cause I went through it with Michelle's twin Val. And let me tell you, it was the longest 3 years of my life. Fighting her and arguing with her every damn day; whether in person, on the phone, or in interviews. I want you to be prepared."

"I will be if I ever think of dating Brian. But it's something I'm not worrying over since it will never happen." I waved it off.

"Never say never." Diana said, paying the cashier.

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