Something's Up

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Papa Roach's Getting Away with Murder played on my phone, signaling someone was calling again. I reached for it off my end table, checking the caller ID. Syn Gates, it read. I rolled my eyes and ignored it. He has been calling for the past hour now, don't you think he would have got the picture by now?

I sighed as I tore my eyes back to the TV screen but not really seeing it. I couldn't talk to him, he fucked up everything. Because of him, I lost my job. How the hell was I going to pay rent? Or buy food? Someone knocking at my door made me groan. You have got to be serious.

I picked myself up off the sofa and walked towards the door. Praying that he wasn't on the other side of it. I peeked through the peephole, but someone blocked it with their finger. Something Brian would probably do, right?

"Nikki?" I heard Diana's voice on the other side.

I opened the door then. "Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked her, closing the door as she walked in.

She shrugged. "Come to check on you. Haven't heard from you in a few days. Syn says you've been ignoring his calls, he's worried about you."

I rolled my eyes, laying back on the sofa. "Worried? Tell him don't bother to. I'm fine."

Diana sat on me, I groaned. "Come on, Nik. Just talk to the guy."

I shook my head. "No."

"You can't dodge him, Nik. We're flying out tonight, remember? Vegas? You are packed, right?" Diana asked.

"Wanna bet?" I gave her a look. "And yeah, I'm packed and ready to go. We're staying for, how long?"

"3 days!" Diana grinned. "Freaking love Vegas. You'll love it too."

I grinned. "I can't wait to get out there."

"You'll love the place we're all staying at. It's called, The Luxor. It's so beautiful and it has a nightclub inside as well!"

"Sounds like my kinda place." I smiled.

"Love also happens in Vegas." Diana nudged me.

"If you're thinking Brian and I will hook up, you're dead wrong." I glared.

"Just stating a true fact, is all. Matt and I made it official in Vegas." She shrugged. "Hell, it doesn't have to be Syn. Could be someone else."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, we'll see." My phone rang again. "If it's him..."

Diana picked it up. "It's Syn."

"Ignore it." I waved it off.

"Hey, Syn." She answered with a huge ass smile.

"Bitch." I muttered, laughing when she slapped my knee.

"Yeah, she's right here." Diana nodded. "Yep, she's absolutely fine. Just her bitchy self." Diana laughed. "Uh huh... uh huh... yeah, okay. That sounds great. Okay, talk to you later. Bye!" She hung up, grinning.

"What he want?" I asked, curious.

She shook her head. "Nothing."

I glared. "Diana, tell me. Now."

"Nothing you need to worry about." She waved it off.

"It obviously deals with me since he called MY phone, and not yours."

She rolled her eyes, jumping to her feet. "Everything isn't always about you, Nikki my dear. Just be ready at 7-" She looked at her phone. "-Which is in an hour. Matt and I will be here to pick you up."

"I thought we were leaving at 9?" I asked.

"BYE!" She ran out the door.

I raised an eyebrow as I stared at the door, trying to piece everything together. It all wasn't making sense. Something was up, that I know. But thing is, what's up??

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