Devil Isn't Ugly

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We all sat around the fire that Matt and Brian had started up, using branches they cut off from the neighbor's tree. I was sitting between Diana and Johnny. Bri and Zacky were all cuddled up on the other side of Johnny, with Jimmy on their side making faces at Matt and Diana. Brian was seated right across from me, his brown eyes gleaming against the fire's light.

With my arms wrapped around me I brought my beer bottle to my lips, listening to Matt tell a story about the band on their very first road trip. I laughed when he mentioned Jimmy sticking his bare ass out the van's window as they sped by an old couple on the highway. The night wind had picked up some and blew past us, pushing my hair all over my face. Raising goosebumps on my skin as I shivered from the cold.

"Cold?" I heard Brian ask from across the fire.
I nodded. "Just a little."

I watched him set his beer bottle on the deck floor then stand up, he walked towards me and held out his hand. I placed my hand in his large one, my heart fluttering at the little touch, and led me to the front of the house to his truck. I wrapped my arms around my body as he dug through the back seat of his truck.

"Here. Wear this." He handed me his black hoodie.
"Brian, I-" I shook my head.
"Nikki, take it. You'll be warm in no time." He said, putting it on me.
It smelled strongly of him, his cologne and cigarette smell. "Thanks."
"Anytime." He smirked, lighting a cigarette between his lips. "So Nikki, I-"
"Brian?" A woman's voice echoed through the night air, then a car door slam shut.

We both looked over to see a woman with brown hair walk up to us. Pulling her jacket closer around her body. I heard a quiet groan escape Brian's lips as she got closer. She glanced at me, eying me up and down before smiling at Brian. She hugged him then looked at me.

"Who are you?" She asked.
She nodded. "I'm Michelle. Brian's girlfriend."
I just nodded. "I'm going to head back." I turned on my heel.
"Nikki, wait!" I heard Brian call out, but I kept walking.

I walked back to the deck out back and sat down, bringing the beer to my lips and letting it slide down my throat. Catching Diana's eyes on mine. I raised a brow.

"Where's Syn?"
"Out front with his girlfriend." I shrugged.
"What the fuck?!" Diana yelled, shooting up. "Why is she here?!"
"Babe, sit down." Matt pulled her down beside him.
"No, Matt. She's not allowed here." Diana growled.
"What? What's wrong with her?" I asked.
"Hey, everyone." Michelle's voice greeted as her and Brian joined us, her linking her hand with Brian's. Diana glared while everyone mumbled hellos.

I kept my eyes away from Brian and Michelle, I didn't want to see her pretty much have sex with him in front of us. She was slobbering all over his face. No wonder Diana didn't want her here. Bri had a disgusted expression on her face when she glanced over at Brian's direction, making gagging sounds. I stifled a giggle while I kept my eyes on Diana's, who looked ready to attack Michelle any moment now.

"Be right back. Diana? Where's the bathroom?" I asked.
"Upstairs, first door on your left."

I nodded and headed towards the door, not before seeing Brian's brown eyes watch me walk away.

Shutting the bathroom door behind me, I stared at myself in the mirror. How could my heart flutter like it has whenever he touched me after what he did to me in the past? How could I be attracted to him? I mean, yeah, he's a very good looking man. But still! Devil isn't ugly, Nikki.

I sighed as I cupped my hands with water, splashing it over my face. I needed to get over this. I needed to move on. I want to move on, but it's so hard. I don't know what to do!

Someone knocking on the door made me jump and yelp, then Brian stormed into the bathroom. Speak of the devil, and the devil shall appear. Or in this case, think of the devil. I watched him as he shut the door closed behind him, his chocolate eyes intent on mine.

"You okay?" He asked.
"Why are you so worried?" I asked him, sitting on the toilet seat.
He sighed. "Cause I like you. Though you seem to not like me."
"Shouldn't you be outside with your girlfriend?" I kept questioning him, trying to get him away.
"She's a grown woman, she can take care of herself."
I smirked. "Okay, Mister Romantic. I see how much in love you both are."
He chuckled. "I don't love her. Not anymore."
"Then why are you still with her? Stop hurting the poor girl." I glared.
"Poor girl? Shit, stick around and see who's really getting hurt." He laughed without humor.
"Why are you here?" I asked him.
He shrugged. "Wanted to talk to you."
"Yeah well, I really don't want to talk to you. Now could you leave me be?"
His eyes darkened. "No. Will you put down your fucking wall and tell me why you hate me so damn much?"
"Why do you care so much about me hating you? And with a fucking attitude like that, you can forget about me putting my wall down. You just built it higher." I glared up at him.
"Why do I care?" He growled. Then paused, thinking it over.
"See? You don't care. So, don't bother." I sighed.

I got off the seat and pushed past him, squeezing through the little space he gave. He was a big guy with big tatted arms that filled most of the bathroom. When I finally squeezed by him, I walked downstairs to see Michelle alone in the kitchen staring at her feet. She gave me a weak smile when I entered the room and I smiled back. She seemed nice, why was everyone getting on her?

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