Just Friends...

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.:Nikki's POV:.

Diana and I pulled to a park outside of the studio, coffees in our hands knowing the guys would need it. Even though coffee was the last thing any of these guys needed. Especially Jimmy. That man could get hyper off anything, but still loved his crazy ass.

As we both walked in we quickly ducked as a book was thrown, our eyes widening as it slammed against the door behind us. Yelling and laughing filled the room, Jimmy's insane laughter above everyone elses.

"What the hell is going on in here?!" Diana yelled, making everyone freeze.

"Baby!" Matt jumped up, kissing her fully on the lips.

She smiled widely. "Hey, you. I missed you." She kissed him again.

Brian made a gagging sound. "Yuck. Would you two quit it? It's sick!"

Diana rolled her eyes. "Get laid." She laughed as Brian glared.

"Hey, Haner!" I called, grabbing Brian's attention.

I wanted answers as to why he bought us airplane tickets to Las Vegas in the morning. It wasn't like he owed me anything. So what was his deal? Did he think I would forgive him? Even though I have, I wasn't going to let him know that. It would go straight to his head.

His head quickly turned to me, his eyes softening as they landed on me. My heart began to race up my throat as I stared at him, my knees becoming wobbly as he eyed me up and down. A devilish smirk upon his thing lips, leaving no area unseen. He clearly liked the outfit.

"Yes?" He said, coming closer.

I swallowed, my confidence long gone. "I- uh. Here's your coffee."

I all but shoved the coffee in his hands, squeezing by him to plop myself down beside Johnny on the sofa. Johnny smiled, raising an eyebrow as he took in the new appearance. I blushed majorly red, feeling uncomfortable. Even around the Avenged guys, who were brothers to me. Jimmy yanked me off the sofa, engulfing me in a tight hug as he jumped about.

"Nikki, baby! I misses yous!" He smiled, checking me out. "You look sexy!"

I blushed more, looking down. "Thank you.."

"Rev, leave her alone." Brian ordered, his eyes dark as he eyed Jimmy.

Jimmy let me go and I gave a slight nod towards Brian, giving the best smile I could. I could see the concern in his chocolate eyes, begging for answers to my mood. I shook my head and looked away from him. I sat back down on the leather sofa, pulling a pillow onto my lap. Attempting at hiding some of my body from the guys eyes, except for Matt's. Zacky, on the other hand, wasn't about. Neither was Bri.

"Are Zack and Bri going at it again?" I asked, sighing heavily.

Johnny shook his head. "They went to go buy guitar strings." He gave a look towards Brian. "Isn't that right, Gates?"

Brian crossed his arms, mumbling. "Shut up... Not my fault I have muscles."

"We're back!" Bri skipped into the room, tugging at Zacky's hand. "Here's your strings, Gates. They were a bitch to find." Bri giggled, throwing a box of strings at Brian.

"Thanks, Bri." Brian mumbled, catching and tossing the box onto the chair where his guitar sat.

I watched as Brian grabbed the cigarette pack out of his leather jacket's pocket, heading outside. Bri was chatting my ear off about something that sounded like Zack liking peanut butter in his ear? I don't know.  Shows how much I was paying attention. I felt bad for not focusing on her since she seemed really excited.

"I'm sorry, Bri. I need air." I excused myself.

Bri humphed but nodded. "Okay. We'll talk when you get back."

I nodded, not needing to say anything back since she was soon distracted by Zacky's lips. I rolled my eyes. All this love was making me sick. Don't get me wrong, I was so beyond happy that Bri and Diana found two amazing guys they really cared for. But there's only so much you can take. Maybe going to Vegas won't be such a bad idea...

I walked out of the studio, silently coming up behind Brian and sitting down in the chair beside his. He was clearly lost in his thoughts as he didn't notice me sitting here beside him, the smoke leaving his lips and marlboro were much more captivating.

"Brian?" I said his name softly.

He jumped slightly, eyes softening when he saw it was me. "Nikki, sorry. Didn't know you were out here."

I shook my head. "It's okay." I cleared my throat. "Is everything alright?"

He nodded, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, just fine. Glad to see your still talking to me." He chuckled. "I'm worried about you, though. Is everything okay? You seemed... on edge in there."

I looked down, playing with the hem on the skirt. "I don't like how Jimmy and Johnny's eyes were on me..." I admitted. Brian gave me a confused look. I glanced up at him, frowning. "After what happened between us four years ago... I just feel dirty... Especially when a guy stares at me if I show skin." I gestured towards my outfit that Diana put me in.

Brian frowned, kneeling in front of me. "Nikki, I am so sorry for what I did to you four years ago. I can't even begin to explain how sorry. That's why I want to make it up to you by taking you to Vegas. Along with all the other stupid shit I have said or done to you. I want to spend time with you, start us over on a new foot. To leave the past in the past, and move on as friends."

My heart felt like it was stabbed when he said friends. I don't know why it acted that way. This is how we should be, just friends. Nothing more.

I nodded, giving him a small smile. "I'd like that. Look, I'm sorry for how I acted at the jail, I was just angry. I don't like being claimed when I don't want to be. And especially when I'm not. I understand you had some feelings for me but I believe we are best as friends. We're not healthy together and we never will be."

It hurt beyond words saying that. My heart screaming for me to shut up and tell him I loved him. While my brain told my heart to shut the fuck up, that he was not worth getting hurt over. Again.

Brian's face was composed, but I can see the hurt clear as day in his eyes. He took a deep breath and nodded, standing up straight. "Okay... So, we're still on for Vegas tomorrow night?"

I smiled. "Yeah. Two friends and Las Vegas. People better watch out, we know how to party."

He chuckled, leading us back inside. "Fuck yeah! Who knows what could happen once we get there? Just remember; What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." He evilly laughed.

I just rolled my eyes at the goofball, shoving him forward. He stumbled, landing on his back into the studio. Not only making me burst into laughter, but the entire room. He got up grumbling a "I meant to do that.." And stomped off to his guitar.

I giggled as I twirled a lock of my hair around my finger, watching him play a random riff. Suddenly looking forward to our trip to Vegas tomorrow.

Just me and him.

I silently laughed to myself as he words replayed in my head.

"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas..."

Like something would ever happen in Vegas that we couldn't say or tell anyone of the Avenged family.

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