Serious Apples

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"I'll see you guys tomorrow." I hugged Matt goodbye.

"You better. We're cooking for these pigs." Diana smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll be there." I assured her. Then Brian pressed down on his truck's horn, his laughter heard over it.

"Come on! I ain't got all night!" He yelled, laughing.

"Yes you do, doofus! Spongebob is all replays anymore!" I yelled at him, giggling at his expression.

"It's a new episode, for you info! He finally gets his license and I don't want to miss that!" Brian yelled.

I laughed. "I got to go. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Alright, see you." Diana and I hugged each other once more.

I ran and hopped in Brian's truck, waving bye as he drove off. The both of us singing along to Mr. Bungle's Stubb A Dubb on his mix CD as he drove insanely to my apartment. How he got his license surprises me. Soon he pulled out front of my apartment and put the truck in park.

"Ready?" He asked.

"As I'll ever be." I said, sliding out.

Brian grabbed my bags and followed me into the apartment, walking up the stairs to my room. I raised a brow when I spotted something nailed to my door, walking closer to it slowly. Nervous to see what it was. I was right. I didn't want to see this. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I ripped it off my door, reading it over.

"What's that?" Brian asked.

I just shook my head and unlocked the door, tossing the notice onto the coffee table as I sat on the sofa. Cradling my head in my hands as I shook my head. How could this happen? I thought I had more time! What was going to happen? Where was I-

"Nikki! Relax, relax. What's wrong?" Brian asked, cradling me to his chest.

I didn't even realize I was in hysterics. Brian looked terrified as he held me. Well, that's embarrassing.

"T-take.. a loo-ook." I choked out, hiding my face in his chest.

"Is this a joke?" Brian asked, eyes on the eviction notice.

I picked my head off his chest, glaring as I got to my feet. "What the hell makes you think that's a joke? You have to have something wrong in your fuckin head to play that kind of joke, Brian!" I yelled at him, which I didn't mean too. "Do you honestly fucking think for one second that I would be acting this way if it were a joke? Think about it!"

"Nicole, shut the fuck up! Don't fucking yell at me. I'm just as shocked as you are." He yelled at me.

"Get the fuck out." I growled as I ran to my room, slamming the door shut.

I laid across my bed as I hid my face in my pillow, staining it with eyeliner and tears. How could this have happened? Well, I knew how it happened. I just can't believe it's happening. I heard my bedroom door softly close then felt the bed tilt as Brian crawled in beside me, rubbing my back soothingly. I sniffed as I picked my head up to look at him. He frowned and pulled me into his arms, letting me rest my head on his chest. Staining his shirt with my tears and make up.

"I'm.. I'm sorry for how I-" I began to apologize.

"Shh. I know, I know." Brian whispered, his arms tightening around me. "I understand that you were upset, and I asked a really stupid question. I'm sorry for yelling back at you."

"I deserved it. My temper got the best of me." I shook my head.

Brian wiped away the tears that rolled down my face. "So you have 3 days to be moved out?"

I nodded. "That's what the eviction notice says."

"If you pay it off, will they cancel it?" He asked.

"How am I going to pay it off, Brian? I don't have a job, remember?"

He nodded. "I remember. But I could pay it off for you."

"No, Brian. It's your money and I can't pay you back. It's too much."

Brian rolled his eyes. "I don't want you to pay me back. Just let me do this, Nik. It's my fault anyway that you lost your job, let me pay this off so you don't lose your apartment."

"I'm not going to win this, am I?" I asked him.

He smirked cutely. "Nope!"

I sighed. "Fine. But when you need something, come and tell me. I want to repay you."

"Don't hold your breath." He said.

I rolled my eyes, relaxing in his arms. "So, isn't Spongebob on?"

He grinned. "I think it is."

I smiled back. "Go put it on and I'll grab you a beer."

"You don't know how good that sounds." Brian chuckled, skipping out of my room.

I rolled my eyes as I slid off the bed, fixing myself in the mirror. Satisfied with my look, I joined Brian who was seated on the sofa as he flipped through the channels. I headed into the kitchen and grabbed 2 beers for us. I handed one to him and cuddled up beside him, his arm wrapping around my shoulders.

Funny how I hated him so much in the beginning, thinking I would never be alone with him. That I wanted nothing to do with the man who took my virginity 4 years ago, that I would hate him for the rest of my life. But here I am, cuddled up with him as we drink a cold beer and watch Spongebob. Just 2 friends spending time together. It was crazy.

It was almost 1 in the morning and let's just say, Brian was spending the night with me. I was so not letting him drive home tonight. While I only had that 1 beer, since I was still a bit hungover from last night, Brian almost emptied out my fridge. I think there are only 3 left, there used to be 20. Right now I was trying to get his drunk ass into bed, but his loopy self was giggling the whole time as I struggled. The man weighed a ton to me.

"Come.. on... you big.. Goofball!" I dragged him by his leg, leading him to my room.

"Who lives in a apple on the moon?!" Brian sang out of tune, laughing. "Do.. do you know?!"

"I.. don't.. know.." I said through gritted teeth, trying to slide him through my bedroom door.

Would have been a whole lot easier if his arms weren't swinging around, and would not grab the door's ledges. Finally through with the goofball laughing up a storm over complete nothing, I couldn't help but laugh as I tried to lift him onto the bed.

"Brian, you do know.. that this would be... a lot easier... if you would help." I said, trying to get him up.

He chuckled. "Nikki baby gonna-" He hiccuped. "-join me in beddy bye?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, I'm going to sleep on the sofa."

He pouted as he stumbled to his feet. "Join meee!!!!"

Brian wrapped his arms around me and laid us on the bed, with him on top of me as he laughed into the crook of my neck.

"Brian! You're heavy." I choked out, trying not to laugh.

He smirked. The white around his eyes now red and glossy. His breath smelling strongly of alcohol. He pushed my hair away from my face.

"You so pwetty, Nikki baby. You pwetty like a flower." He laughed.

"Thank you, Brian." I rolled him off me, making him roll onto his back. "Time for you to go to sleep." I said, reaching over him to grab the pillow. Brian made me straddle his waist.

"Nikki, can.." He hiccuped. "Can.. can.. I tell yous somefin?"

"What is it?"

"Not be mad?"

"I won't be mad, Brian."

"I wanna... I wanna show you love... I wanna make love to you again... But..." He laughed loudly. "I said but!" He chuckled a little more, then got serious. "Serious apples, it'll be better." His large hands rubbed my waist. I got off him.

"You're drunk, Brian. Get some sleep." I said, tucking him in.

"You will... be..." He breathed out, dead to the world as he fell asleep.

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