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"Jimmy, put her down!" Diana screamed at Rev, but he ignored her.

"Diana, what's wrong?" I asked her, worry now coursing through my veins.

"She can't swim!" Diana told me, tears in her eyes.

Oh shit.

"REV!" I yelled out.

But it was too late. The sound of water splashing filled my ears as I watched him drop Nikki into the pool. Laughing as he pointed at Nikki's sinking body. Before anyone had moved an inch, I was already running at full speed to the pool and diving in head first.

The water splashed around me and I swam to the bottom of the pool, seeing Nikki laying at the bottom of it. Not moving. My heart had dropped at the sight. I pushed my arms and legs faster, grabbing Nikki around the waist and over my shoulder. I swam as quick as I could to the surface, gasping for air as we finally reached it. Diana grabbed Nikki under her arms and pulled her out, freaking out.

"Oh my God. Nikki!" Diana screamed, patting Nikki's face.

"Is she dead? Oh God, don't tell me she's dead!" Bri cried as Zacky held her, hiding her face in his chest.

"What happened?" Shads came running down to us.

"Jimmy he.. he dropped Nikki into the pool..." Diana explained to him.

"Diana, move." I growled, taking her spot before Nikki.

Thankfully Diana was in too much shock to yell at me for my tone at her. I pushed Nikki's hair away from her face, then pressing my lips to hers. Breathing air into her lungs then pushing down on her chest three times. Then pressed my ear to her heart. I could hear a very soft thumping. That was good. But I wanted more, I wanted perfect.

"Come on, Nikki. Stay with us." I said before doing CPR on her again.

I went to press my lips to her cold ones for a third time before she coughed up water, rolling to her side so she could breathe. I breathed out a sigh of relief, my heart rate slowing finally. Diana and Bri crowded around us, tears falling down their faces.

"Fuck, Nikki. Don't scare us like that ever again!" Diana said.

"Nikki, I'm so sorry. Terribly sorry. I-" Rev apologized.

"Leave her be, Rev." I growled at him, glaring. "I'm sure she doesn't want to talk to the guy who almost killed her."

"Brian, stop." Nikki coughed, her voice raspy. "He didn't know. It was an accident."

"Since when did you know CPR?" Diana asked me, hugging Nikki.

"Wait, you saved me?" Nikki asked, shocked.

I nodded. "Why do you sound so shocked?"

Nikki just shrugged and looked away from me. It looked like it hurt her to stare at me. Why, though? I haven't done anything to hurt her. Hell, I saved her. At least give me something here!

Then I felt arms wrap tightly around my waist. I looked down to see a brown blob of hair resting against my chest, soon I wrapped my arms around Nikki. Hugging her closer to my body.

"Thank you." She said just above a whisper.


She pulled out of my arms too soon for my liking. She gave me a weak smile and looked away, back to Rev who was frowning. I watched her as she got up with the help from Diana and Bri, then went over to Rev and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back.

"I'm sorry-" He began until she leaned up to place a finger to his lips.

She shook her head. "It was an accident. You're forgiven." She took a deep breath, then smiled slightly. "Where's my beer?"

We laughed and handed her one. "You're insane, you know that?" Bri laughed. "You almost died and all you want is a beer?"

Nikki shrugged, taking a swig. "No one said I was sane."

I chuckled as I draped my arm over Nikki's shoulders, feeling her stiffen beside me. "Cheers to that!"

She squirmed away from me. "Food done yet? I'm starved." She said, walking away. I frowned.

"Oh fuck!" Shads yelled, running up the grass to the deck.

I was about to follow after him until I felt someone grab my arm, pulling me away backwards and sitting me in a chair. Rubbing my arm I looked up to see Diana in front of me, her arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow raised. I sighed.

"What did I do now?" I asked.

"What did you do to Nikki?" She asked me.

I shrugged. "I saved her?"

She shook her head. "Not that, doofus."

"Then what the fuck are you talking about?"

"One; don't get smart with me. Two; every time you touch her, she squirms away from you and has a weird expression, like she doesn't want you touching her. Did you say something to her that I missed?"

I shook my head. "Didn't say a damn thing that was disrespectful to her. I was actually wondering the same thing, but if she acts like that then I won't get anything from her. You would have a better shot at getting anything from her." I took a gulp from my beer. "And if you do, tell me. I want to know so I can fix whatever problem she has with me." Diana smiled ear from ear. I raised a brow. "What?"

"You like my Nikki chicky." She playfully slapped my shoulder.

I smirked, chuckling. "Do not."

"You know you're a terrible liar, right?" Diana laughed.

"Not lying. You know I'm with Michelle."

Diana rolled her eyes. "You told me you hated her the other day."

"I do." I took another gulp.

"You're impossible." Diana giggled, walking up the grass to join everyone.

I chuckled as I stood up, bringing my beer to my lips again. Thinking over what she just said to me. It was hilarious that she thought I liked Nikki, I just met the chick. Sure, she was hot as all hell. But I thought the same thing with Michelle. And fuck, big mistake that was.

"Bri!" Nikki laughed as Bri showered her with the hose.

I smiled as Nikki's laughter filled my ears, making my chuckle with her. Someone nudging my arm made me look down to see Diana grinning. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." I muttered, making Diana laugh and skip away.

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