Nothing But Darkness

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I stared at him as the smirk grew on his face. I could easily scream and punch him, letting all my built up hatred for this guy out. But Diana was my best friend and so was Matt, I didn't want to start something that's 4 years old in front of them. I wasn't that type of girl to start shit in front of my friends, it was very disrespectful. I would do it if me and him were alone. Which would not happen. I wouldn't allow it.

So being the nicest person I can be towards this guy. Brian, his name was. I gave him the best smile I could give him.

"Hey, Brian. I'm Nikki." He smiled, nodding.

"Well now that we are all introduced, let's party it up!" Diana yelled out, raising a fist.

The guys all howled as they cracked beers open that were already in the cooler. Bri and Zacky went jumping into the pool with Johnny following close behind. Matt stood by the grill as he cooked up burgers and dogs. Bella sitting beside him as she looked up at him hungrily, begging for food as her tail wagged beside her. Diana and I linked arms as we walked down to the pool, laying on the chairs so we could get our tan going on.

"Cannonball, fuckers!" Brian yelled.

We watched as Brian hauled ass from the porch to the pool, jumping off the divingboard and almost landing on top of Zacky. Diana and I laughed at Zacky's expression when he resurfaced from almost getting squished by Brian. Brian resurfaced and shook his wet hair like a dog, chuckling as he saw Zack then looked my way when he heard me giggle. A smile appearing on his face.

"I think Syn likes you." Diana giggled beside me.

I took a swig from my beer. "Does he now?"

"You haven't noticed? Ever since he laid eyes on you, he hasn't taken them off. And you're the only one he lets call him by his real name. I've known the guy for a while now and he makes me call him Syn."

I shrugged. "Doesn't mean he likes me."

"Means I like you." Jimmy popped out of nowhere, making me jump.

"Jimmy, you scared me." I breathed out.

"He does that to everyone when they least expect it. Better get used to it, babe." Brian said.

I glared as he walked towards us, rubbing a towel around his head as he dried off his hair. What right does he have to call me babe? None.

"Hey. Put that frown upside down." Jimmy poked my forehead.

I giggled at him. "Oh, yeah? What are you going to do about it?"

He grinned, evilly. "Throw you in the pool."

My eyes widened. "No. Please, don't."

Jimmy's grin grew. "Oh, yes I am."

With that I was now on Jimmy's shoulder, thrashing about as he laughed. Walking towards the pool, ignoring Diana'a cry to stop and put me down. I could see Brian raising an eyebrow at her, confused.

"Jimmy, stop! Please! Put me down!" I yelled, tears of fear rolling down my face.

"Have it your way." He shrugged.

Before anyone could do anything, I was in the pool. Not the shallow end either. I kicked my feet as much as I could, fighting to get my head above surface. Holding my breath as long as I could. No matter how much I tried to swim to the top, I just sunk deeper and deeper to the bottom. Fear took over as my lungs cried out in pain, I opened my mouth and tried to scream for help. Water rushing down my throat at my stupid move.

Soon I felt myself hit the bottom of the pool, my vision going blurry as the water filled my lungs. The scene before me growing darker and darker as seconds ticked by. The last thing I remember was the sound of someone lunging into the pool, and seeing a dark shadow in front of me. After that, I was gone. Darkness consuming me.

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