Right or Wrong?

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"Hey, Nikki?" Brian called my name, walking towards me.

I glared but my heart raced. "What do you want, Haner?"

Brian stood beside me, lightly tracing my cheek with his finger tips. "I want you, Nicole. Now and forever."

With that said, his lips were back on mine. Pushing me down with much force onto the sofa. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he crawled on top, our lips moving with much urgency. His lips left mine for my neck.

"Brian.." I said his name softly.

"I love you, Nikki." Brian said against my lips, pinning my hands above my head.

"I love you, Br-"

"NIKKI!" Diana's voice screamed at me, making me scream.

"You bitch!" I gasped. "Nearly gave me a heart attack."

She smiled. "Well, I was getting sick of hearing you moaning Brian's name."

I glared. "I wasn't moaning his nasty ass name. I fucking hate him."

Diana rolled her eyes. "You so were! Brian... Brian.. Oh yes!" She mimicked me, acting it out.

I pushed her off of me, giggling. "Stop riding me. Save that for Matt."

"Bet your sweet ass I am." She winked.

I scrunched my nose. "Ew. I'm not hungry anymore." I yawned. "Where's Bri?"

"At the studio with the guys. Where we should be." Diana said, pulling me out of bed by my leg.

I fell to the floor on my ass. "Oof. Did you really have to do that?" I asked Diana, rubbing my ass as she raided my closet.

"Of course! Now go put these on." She threw clothes at me.

I looked at the clothes in my hands. She gave me a purple v-neck that showed a lot of clevage and reached just a little under my belly button. Along with a jean mini skirt that I never wore. I was never a girly girl, and this skirt was short!

"What the hell? Trying to make me look like a whore?" I asked, showing the clothes.

"They're in your closet, not my fault. Now, stop bitching and get dressed." Diana giggled, searching through my closet again.

I sighed and cringed at the clothes, going into the bathroom and changing into them. When I walked out, Diana was sitting on my bed. A huge smile on her face.

"I feel like I should be on a street corner." I grumbled, pulling at the skirt.

Diana laughed. "Shut up. You look amazing! Your boobs are great and your legs are stunning! Why don't you ever show off your legs?" She smacked my hands away, pulling up my skirt.

I shrugged. "Cause I don't-"

I was interrupted by someone banging against my door loudly, using more force then needed. I gave Diana a look and she just shrugged, following close at my heels as I went for the door.

Standing at the door, I took a deep breath as Diana nudged me.

"Well? Go on. See who it is." She said, eyes on the door.

I peered through the peephole and seeing nothing but white.

"I can't see. Something's blocking my view." My eyes widened. "I better not be getting kicked out or worse."

I threw open the door, seeing my name written on the envelope taped to my door. I carefully took it off and checked inside.

"What is it? Who's it from? Spill already, woman!" Diana asked, eagerly.

I held a finger to her as I read the note inside. It read;

Hey, Nikki.

I understand you're very angry with me, and knowing that upsets me. I want to prove to you that I am a good guy, if you would let me. I promise not to make any moves. Just two friends, okay? I'm so very sorry, Nikki. Oh! Enjoy the special surprise I have in store in the envelope and when I see you later today. -Goofball

Diana snatched the note out of my hand as I checked the envelope again, seeing a plane ticket. My eyes growing as I looked closer at it.

"Awe! He really likes you!" Diana squealed. "What's that?" She pointed to the ticket in my hand.

I smiled. "One of two plane tickets.. To Vegas.."

"Look at that smile on your face." Diana giggled.

I composed myself. "Shh. Sorry if I fell in love with Vegas."

"It's not Vegas you fell in love with, Nikki." Diana smiled. "Remember, love happens in Vegas."

"Maybe for you, but not me." I shook my head, putting the note and ticket in my purse. "Can we go to the studio now?"

"Someone's excited to see their lover." Diana laughed, skipping out of my apartment towards her car.

I rolled my eyes. "There's nothing between him and I."

Even as I said that, my heart said different. It would beat 10 times faster any time I mentioned him or thought of him. I will prove my heart wrong.

Brian was a rock star. A sexy one at that, I'll admit. He has millions of women wanting him. He also has a past of cheating and lying in his relationships. And one night stands, which I was a victim of four years ago. Why go through all that heart ache again?

I joined Diana in her car, with her singing her heart out to whatever was on the radio. I giggled at her as she made funny faces at the driver beside us. I glanced down at the envelope in my hands, smiling wider as I hugged it to my body.

I was going back to Vegas. Sure it was with Brian- There goes my heart rate again- but maybe it'll be fun. I mean, it was last time with him. Maybe I'll give him another chance for friendship.

He did seem sorry in the note...

Was this right? Or will this turn out bad? So very bad...

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