Done Enough

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"Dude, what happened?" Shads came rushing to my side once I came back over the counter.

I just shook my head, pushing past him and the guys. I could hear someone telling Shads and the guys what had happened between me and Nikki. I watched as Diana and Bri give me a look before running outside to go find Nikki, who was probably crying her eyes out cursing about me.

I couldn't wrap my head around it. How could someone remember that after 4 years? No wonder she was so pissed at me. But how did she know it was me? I mean, it could have been anyone! Thankfully it wasn't. But still.

"Dude, please tell me it isn't true." Shads sat beside me.

I shook my head. "I think it is. I don't remember that night very well, it was 4 years ago and we were all drunk. But it may be true."

"You have to go talk to her." Zacky said. "It's a definite."

"I know, I know." I sighed, running my hand through my hair. "I'll give her a little time first."

"When Bri and Diana come back, you have to talk to her. That or tomorrow, depending on what the girls say." Johnny said.

I nodded. "What do I say, though? I can't just go up to her and be all like; Hey sorry I took your virginity and left you the next day without a word."

Shads glared, smacking me upside my head. "Don't say it like that, fuckhead. You'll just make shit worse, tell it to her nicely."

"Yeah, I'll work on that." I rolled my eyes, decking a shot in front of me.

"Damn straight you'll work on it." Rev growled, glaring at me. "I'll make damn sure you work on it, and I'll be damned if it's not sincere. You hurt my Nikki worse than any other girl you've slept with, you took something special from her. I don't give a flying fuck if you both were drunk, you should have stayed and been there for her the next day."

I had nothing to say. I was utterly shocked at Rev. The way he stared at me and spoke with such anger and protection, reminded me of a father who just found out his 14 year old daughter is pregnant. And let me tell you, I was shitting my pants. I couldn't rip my eyes away from Rev's blue ones, I was frozen in my spot that I didn't notice Diana and Bri come back.

Diana glared. "You are so dead, Haner."

I sighed. "I know that."

"No, you don't. You have hell to pay, buddy." Bri growled.

"If you weren't Matt's best friend, I'd surely kill you right now." Diana said, Bri nodding with her.

"Have you seen Nicole?" Nikki's boss walked up to us.

"She's outside right now." Bri said.

"Goofing off on the job and starting a couple fights in one night." Her boss muttered, walking out the back door.

I shook my head as I took a gulp from my Guinness, then what he said hit me.

"Oh fuck!" I jumped up, pushing through the crowd and outside.

I ran around the building to the back where I spotted Nikki and her boss, she was looking at her feet about to cry as he yelled at her.

"Goofing off on the job. Your boyfriend starting a fight. On top of that, you and him making a big commotion while working in front of my customers? Not happening, Nicole. I thought you were my best, hard working employee, but I guess I was wrong. Nicole, I'm sorry, but don't bother coming in tomorrow. You're fired." He said, walking away.

My heart dropped as I watched Nikki drop her face into her hands, falling to her knees as she hunched over. Her boss walked by me, nodding as he passed by. Asshole, I thought. I walked over to Nikki and sat beside her, wrapping my arms around her. Ignoring her protests.

"Just leave me, Brian!" She yelled, tears rolling down her face.

"Nikki, I'm so sorry." I said softly, wiping away the tears with my thumb.

She jumped to her feet. "Just stop. You've done enough already."

I watched her as she walked away from me. I laid down against the ground, staring up at the night sky. Feeling tiny to the world. Wishing one of the stars would fall out of the sky and land on me. I wished I could feel another pain to rid the horrible feeling of Nikki being angry and upset with me. I didn't like it.

"I fucked up." I said to myself.

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