Typical Avenged Sevenfold Night

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I came around the corner onto Shads and Diana's street, seeing a couple fire trucks parked out front of their house. Firefighters running into the house and a couple standing, huddled in a small circle, out on the lawn. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.


I pulled to a screeching halt in the driveway and jumped out of my truck, seeing Diana sitting on the steps with her head in her hands and Bella laying beside her. I ran up to her.

"Diana, what's going on? Are you okay? Where's Nikki?" I asked, urgently.

"Syn, I'm so sorry. So sorry. We tried to make a good dinner for you and the guys. I'm so sorry." Diana shook her head, still apologizing.

I gave up on getting an answer from her and glanced around the yard, searching for Nikki. That's all I wanted right now; knowing, seeing, and feeling that she was safe and alive. I finally spotted Nikki over by the fire truck, smiling as she spoke to a fireman with blonde hair. He smiled down at her as the both of them laughed. My fists tightened as my teeth clenched tight, walking over to two. Nikki looked over as I got closer, her smile growing.

"Brian! You cut your hair!" She yelled out.

The fireman eyed me up as I hugged Nikki to my body, pressing my face in her hair. My body relaxing slightly knowing that she was safe and alive. Now I need to know about this blonde prick that wants Nikki. My Nikki.

"I did. Thank God you're okay." I breathed out.

"Of course I am. It was only a little baby fire." Nikki shrugged. The fireman cleared his throat, I looked up at him. "Oh, Brian. I want you to meet my Dad."

"Your Dad?" I asked, my jaw dropping.

Nikki's Dad smirked, nodding. "That's me. Name's Tommy." He held out his hand.

"Brian. Nikki's friend." I said, shaking his hand. He tightened his hand around mine, giving me a warning look.

"Friend, huh?" He glanced between the two of us.

Nikki nodded. "Yeah, just friends. Took us a while to get to that level."

Tommy kept his eyes on mine, figuring me out. "What do you mean by that?"

"We just had a rough start, is all." I shrugged.

There was no way in hell I was telling him that I took his daughter's virginity and left her. If I did, I'd be six feet under already. And I'm not ready to die. Hell no.

"He's just very cocky, and you know I don't like that." Nikki told her Dad.

Tommy nodded, eying me still. I kept my fingers crossed that he bought it. "Alright, then."

"Come on, Tommy. We're done here." Another fireman walked up, clapping Tommy on the shoulder.

Tommy waved him off. "I'll be there in a second."

"Guess it's time for you to go?" Nikki asked, frowning.

Tommy nodded, a soft smile on his face. "Yeah, time to go. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah." Nikki hugged her Dad. "Love ya, Dad."

"Love you too, Sweetie." He kissed the top of her head, then looked at me as he held out his hand. "Nice meeting you, Brian."

"Yeah, likewise. I'll see you around." I shook his hand.

"Damn right you'll be seeing me around." Her Dad warned, crawling into the truck.

"Well, you're Dad is scary." I said after the truck disappeared around the corner.

Nikki giggled. "Not really. But that's only cause you're a guy hanging around his only little girl."

"You're an only child?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Nope. I have an older brother."

"What's he do?"

"He's a police officer."

"Kiddin me? Your Dad's a fireman. Your brother is a police officer. Yet you came out as a bartender. How does that work out?" I chuckled.

"Free beer when they get off duty." She shrugged. "They would come in time to time when I was working. They actually just left before you guys arrived the night I lost my job."

"Sorry again about that." I apologized.

Nikki shook her head. "It's in the past. We made a deal to move on, remember?"

I smirked, nodding. "Yeah, I remember."

"Good. Looks like Matt and Johnny are here." She said.

We both looked over to see Shads and Johnny crawl out their cars, Shads rushing to Diana's side as he calmed her down. Nikki went over to Diana to help Shads calm her down, since she was still upset and freaked from the itty bitty fire they had.

"What a way to start the night, eh?" Johnny chuckled.

I smirked. "Typical Avenged Sevenfold night, you know that."

"That I do. There isn't any other way." Johnny laughed.

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