Fingers Crossed

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I pulled up out front of Nikki's apartment and turned the truck off, staring up at the apartment. Building the courage to go up and knock on her door. I had to sometime, I was the one picking her up since Shads or Diana couldn't do it. They had forgotten about Bella, so they were dropping her off at Shads's parents.

I dragged my hands down my face before sliding out of the truck. Shoving my hands deep in my jacket's pockets, walking up the stairs and coming face to face with her plain white door.

Come on, Brian. Get a hold of yourself here. You can do this, I coached myself before knocking on her door.

"Just a minute!" I heard her call out, my insides tightening. The door swung open, revealing her angelic face. Her eyes dulled slightly, but a slight blush appeared on her cheeks. Was that good? "Why are you here?" She asked.

I cleared my throat. "Shads and Diana asked me to, since they're.. uh, dropping Bella off at Shads's parents."

She nodded. "Okay, then. Uhm, come in." She stepped out of the way.

I walked into her living room, seeing a couple large bags laying against the wall. Nikki walked by me as she ran a hand through her brown hair, staring at the mess of bags with a sigh. I walked towards her but not too close, giving her the space she may want though I wanted differently.

"Is this all of it?" I asked. "You do know we're only going for 3 days, right?"

She cracked a grin. At least that was a step somewhere.

"It's just these two bags." She pulled out two bags, one big and one small. "The rest is just other stuff I haven't unpacked, though I'll probably won't get too."

I wanted to ask her what she meant by that cause she seemed really down about it, and I didn't like hearing her upset. Made me upset. I wanted to hear that cute little laugh she has. Watch how her brown eyes sparkle when she's happy. How she plays with her hair when she talks. The little things about this woman drove me insane. A part of me didn't like it, only cause I didn't want to get hurt in the end if she doesn't share these same feelings. I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't.

I mentally ridded those thoughts and grabbed her bags, taking them out to the truck with Nikki following behind me. As I threw the stuff in the back with mine, Nikki locked her apartment door and got into the passenger side of the truck. I slid in behind the wheel and drove off for the airport. It was pretty silent between us. The only sound was the CD playing softly as background music.

"You excited to go to Vegas?" I asked her, making small talk.

She shrugged. "Yeah, never been there before."

"Really? Well, you'll never want to leave. Believe me." I chuckled.

Nikki giggled, making me smile. "You nervous at all for your awards?"

I shook my head, feeling proud that she's talking to me finally. "Little bit, not going to lie."

"Don't worry. You'll be fine up there when you win."

I looked over at her. "What makes you think we'll win?"

She shrugged. "You guys kick ass. Plus, I have faith in you guys." She smiled.

I smiled back at her before driving again. The rest of the way we didn't talk until we arrived at the airport, where Nikki went to Diana and Bri's sides and leaving me. Zacky came up and clapped me on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, man. Everything will be good again." He said.

I smirked, watching as Nikki laughed. "Keeping my fingers crossed."

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