Gates Family

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I turned the stereo down as I pulled to a stop out front my Dad's house, putting the truck into park. I turned the truck off and leaned back against the seat, staring up at the ceiling as I breathed out heavily.

It's been almost a week since I've seen or heard from Nikki. And it killed me not to be around her, knowing she may be hurting because of me. I wanted to make it go away, all her confusion and worry. I moved way too fast that night I told her I loved her, it wasn't how I wanted to tell her. Not how I had it planned. But the kiss... that was far beyond my imagination.

"Fuck out of your car, man!" My brother Brent banged against my window, scaring the shit out of me.

"You fucker." I slid out, chuckling. "Scared the hell out of me."

"Damn. Better not call my ass tonight cause your scared to turn the damn light off. Fuckin sissy." Brent laughed. I laughed as I caught him in a choke hold. "Can't... breathe..."

"Alright, alright. Break it up, you two." Suzy yelled out the window. "Brian! Boys are fighting... Again!"

I laughed when I tackled Brent to the ground, the both of us wrestling on the lawn for all the neighbors to see. Again. Hopefully they don't call the police on us. Again. Wonder if Nikki's brother would be the officer that arrests me, if the neighbors call the cops on us.

"Time to cool off, both of you." Dad chuckled, then sprayed us with the hose.

"Fuck! Dad! Stop! We're good, We're good! Turn the fucking hose off!" Both Brent and I yelled, trying to get away from the water though we were already soaked.

"What's wrong, boys? Thought you needed to cool off?" Dad grinned as he dropped the hose.

"Yeah, about that..." I muttered, taking my soaking wet shirt off.

"Oh geez, Brian. Please. Wait til you get inside to take your shirt off. You know I don't like sharing." Brent chuckled, making kissy noises at me.

I chuckled, pushing him away. "Freak."

"I wonder about you two sometimes.." Dad mumbled as he walked inside. Brent and I laughed.

"Why are you two soaked?" Suzy walked out of the kitchen, eying Brent and myself.

We grinned at each other, then pointed at Dad. "He sprayed us with the hose."

"Really?" Suzy gave Dad a look, he just merely shrugged as he laughed. "Well the both of you get off my new floor and get upstairs to put dry clothes on."

"What's the matter, Suzy? Don't like us wetting your floor?" I asked with a smirk, shaking my wet hair around.

"Yes, Brian! Now would you stop that?" Suzy giggled, pushing me and Brent up the stairs. "Yes, these are new hardwood floors. Learn to respect them."

"They don't even know how to respect their parents, what makes you think.." Dad's laughter echoed off the walls as he disappeared into another room.

After changing into a pair of dry clothes that I had stashed away here, I bounded down the stairs and into the living room. Spotting my Dad and Brent staring zombie like at the game on the TV, while McKenna laid across the floor coloring in her book. She picked her head up and smiled when she spotted me, jumping to her feet as she ran my way.

"Brian!" She shouted, lunging herself into my arms.

"McKenna! Miss me?" I asked, hugging her.

"Yeah, haven't seen you in forever." She frowned.

"But I'm back now, and you're stuck with me." I tickled McKenna sides, she laughed as she tried to squirm away.

"Stop, Big Head. Stop." She giggled out, wiggling away.

I smirked. "Big Head? You asked for it, Brat." I continued to tickle her sides, she screamed in laughter.

I stopped a little bit after that, telling her she needed a break to breathe and we'll play in a bit. I headed out front and sat down on the step, watching the cars that went by as I smoked my cigarette. Letting the smoke fill my lungs with each drag, my mind miles away that I didn't even know my Dad was outside with me.

"You okay?" He asked as he sat beside me, making me jump slightly.

I shook my head. "I guess, yeah."

Dad gave me a look. "Brian, I know when something's bothering you. Now, tell me what's going on. Is it Michelle?"

I shook my head, taking another long drag. "Not about her, but she plays a part in it."

"Are you two still dating?"

"No. I left her and this time, I'm not taking her back."

"Good for you, son." Dad clapped me on the shoulder. "Now, what's going on that Michelle plays a part of?"

I took another drag, staring at the cigarette between my fingers. "You see there's this girl I met a few months back, and things between us have gotten a lot better from when we first met."

"Better?" Dad raised a brow.

I nodded. "I knew her 4 years ago, just barely knew her actually. It was her 21st birthday and we all celebrated together. There was a lot of alcohol, and well, I kind of.. took her virginity and left her the next morning before she woke up."

Dad smacked me upside the head. "You're a dick, Brian. I did not raise you that way."

"I know, I know. But I apologized and we've gotten along greatly since then, sure we argue now and then but we make up quickly. Last week we had a dinner party; us guys, the girls and Michelle. Diana and Nikki made us dinner for the awards we won and later that night I was talking to Nikki and hugged her, but as soon as I hugged her Michelle walked in on us. And you know how she gets."

Dad nodded. "Jealous and possessive."

"Exactly. So Michelle's drunk ass totally just calls Nikki out, and telling you now that Nikki has one hell of a temper. I knew right away when Michelle said that to Nikki, that Nikki was going to kill her. So Nikki gets right up in Michelle's face and damn-" I chuckled, remembering. "-she dragged Michelle's ass over the fire. So I go to pull Nikki away before this gets out of hand, but of course Michelle starts her shit again and then they start fighting. Michelle threw the first punch and Nikki just snapped, in a quick second Nikki's punching the shit out of Michelle and I stood there shocked as all hell. Shads and everyone come running in as they hear the commotion and Shads tries to pull Nikki away but she shoves him off. But I got Nikki away and Michelle finally left, so we're in the living room alone and we're arguing again. Both yelling at each other about what had just happened. And well, I told Nikki the truth. That I loved her and only her. Then I kissed her." I sighed heavily. "And I haven't heard or seen her since then. It's killing me inside not being around her."

Dad was silent for a minute, registering everything I just told him. "You really love her, don't you?"

I nodded. "I do. With all my heart. I'm afraid I might have scared her away."

The door swung open, Brent walking out. "Sorry. Heading to the market, be back."

"Have fun." We muttered as he got into his car, driving off.

Dad shook his head then got back to the situation. "Hm, well, this is what you got to do..."

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