After These 4 Years

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"-next up is Avenged Sevenfold's-"

I turned the radio off. I never wanted to hear of that band again or meet them. From what I could vaguely remember, he was in that band or had something to do with them. Either way, they became my most hated band ever. The name made my blood boil.

I pulled to a park in the back of the night club, Red Raven. A well known night club with some really great reviews. I slid out and pulled my black shorts down a tiny bit, our uniforms were kind of like the ones from Hooters. Just not as bright.

I walked through the dancing crowd, the fog on the floor silently drifting like a ghost. Music pumping throughout my body as I pushed and shoved my way to the bar. When I finally reached it, Bri grinned as she popped up from behind the counter.

'Hey, chicky!" She waved.

I jumped over the counter and wrapped the apron around my waist. "Hey. What did I miss so far?"

Bri shrugged. "Nothing, really. No fights. Yet." She sighed. "So tell me, who did you meet? A guy?!" She grinned.

Yeah, that was the last thing I wanted to meet.

I shook my head at her. "No. You'll never guess."

Bri groaned. "Then what?!"

"Diana." I laughed as Bri squealed.

"Oh my God, seriously!? How is she? How much did she change? What is she doing?!"

I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear as I refilled what some guy ordered. "She's great. Nothing's changed."

"So, she's still her hyper self?" Bri asked.

"Don't you know it." I giggled. "She's working with a band and dating their vocalist."

"Oh, really?!" Bri gasped. "Who she working for?"

I thought that over. "Huh, she never really said who."

"Great, good job there Nikki." Bri laughed, playfully shoving me.

I laughed. "She also wants us to come over tomorrow, they're having a pool party."

"Sweet! I'll just need to buy a new hot bikini and check out some hot rock stars." Bri winked, serving a customer. "They are hot, right?" Bri asked, skipping to my side to throw away an empty beer bottle.

I took another customer. "I guess? I mean, her boyfriend was pretty hot. So her type of guy."

"You're useless!" Bri laughed.

"But you love me." I bumped my hip with hers.

"Someone has too." She joked. I playfully glared.

"Hey, can we get some service?" Some guy yelled out, his friend chuckling.

"This asshole.." Bri growled, looking over at him. " fucking hot as hell." Bri grinned, walking over to him.

I laughed at her. She was insane. I took another customer as I watched Bri talk to the guy with the black hair and green eyes. Making sure nothing bad would happen to her. Both of them smiling as they chatted away.

I took notice to his friend on the other side of him. He had a smirk plastered on his face as he listened to his friend and Bri's conversation. He was pretty cute from what I could see, but something tugged at my brain about him. I kept my eyes on his face as I tried to figure out where I have seen him. His eyes met mine then.

The empty beer bottle in my hand slipped through my fingers, crashing and shattering to millions of pieces at my feet. My blood turning cold. The world swirled around me, like I was on a tilt a whirl at the carnival. The air around me gone. I couldn't breathe cause the air was so thick.

"Nikki!" I heard Bri yell out.

I jumped over the counter and stumbled outside, needing the fresh air. I headed to the back of the night club, leaning against the brick wall and slid down it. Sitting on the cool, gravel ground with my head between my legs. Focusing everything I had on breathing correctly.

I knew those eyes. Knew them anywhere. Those warm, inviting chocolate eyes. The eyes of danger. The long black hair brushing against his chizzled face. He was here. It had to be him.

"Nikki, you okay?" Bri asked, kneeling down beside me.

I looked up at her, shaking my head. "Ye... yeah. I'm fine."

She frowned. "You sure? What happened back there?"

"Nothing, Bri. I'm just not feeling good all of a sudden." I placed my hand on my stomach.

"Go home, Nik. I'll take care of everything here." Bri helped me to my feet.

"No, I'm fine. I can't leave you here." I shook my head.

Bri gently pushed me towards my car. "Just go. Get better and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thanks, Bri." I hugged her.

"Anytime, chicky."

On the ride home I pictured his face. Those chocolate brown eyes of his. Ugh, snap out of it Nik. It probably wasn't him. I mean, the bar is barely lit and he could have been anybody! He isn't the only guy in the world to have brown eyes and long black hair, for crying out loud!

I sighed heavily as I ran a hand through my hair. But still, it makes you think. After these 4 years, who would have thought I would have possibly seen him again?

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