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After helping the guys shop for their clothes for the VMA's tonight, which was an adventure all on its own, we all headed back to the hotel meeting up with everyone else. I noticed Diana's sad expression as she stared up at Matt, who was looking everywhere but at her. What was going on between the two?

I pulled at Brian's sleeve. "Brian?"

"Hm?" He looked down at me.

"What's up with Diana and Matt? Did they fight last night?" I asked, worrying over them.

Brian shrugged. "Not that I know of. I'll ask him about it later when we get ready for tonight."

I nodded and frowned over at Diana and Matt again. I didn't like this. I hope they aren't fighting, that would be terrible. They were perfect for each other, in my opinion. I know they probably fought before, but this was different. You can plainly see it.

"So what do you think, Nikki?" I heard Diana ask me.

I lightly shook my head. "Huh?"

Brian chuckled. "Stay with us, Nik."

I smiled weakly. "Sorry."

"I said; if the guys get an award tonight, we should cook them dinner the night we get home, or the next night depending on the time we arrive home."

"Oh, hell yeah!" I agreed. "We should get the stoves up and burning, cause Avenged Sevenfold will definitely win."

"Cheers to that, Nikki!" Zacky glomped me in a hug, tackling me to the floor.

"Agh! Zack!" I giggled. "You're squishing me!"

"Get off, Vengeance." Brian yanked Zacky off me, then helped me up. "You okay?"

I nodded. "Still breathing." I grinned.

Brian chuckled. I smiled and ignored Diana and Bri's grins. The guys went to go practice for tonight's performance, while us girls went shopping to keep us entertained until the VMA's. Brian had slipped me his credit card, against my protests, saying that I could buy whatever my heart desired. Doesn't he know to NEVER give a girl a credit card?

We were shopping in Victoria's Secret at the moment, joking around with each other as we shopped.

"Oh my God, Nikki. Look behind you." Bri whispered, looking over my shoulder.

I turned around to see what Bri was talking about. When I saw what she was seeing, my eyes widened at the sight. There was a heavy set woman wearing the most tightest shirt possible. And not to be mean since it's not her fault, but I wonder how the hell did that shirt not rip yet?

I'm going to hell just for thinking that, aren't I?

"Shit! Victoria should have kept that secret to herself!" I shouted.

"NIKKI!" Diana and Bri covered my mouth, dragging me to the back of the store.

I giggled. "What I do?"

"You're such a bitch." Diana laughed.

"Am not! Bri's the one who pointed her out." I whined.

"But you didn't have to say anything." Bri grinned. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Would you two stop already?" Diana rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." I waved her off, looking through the clothes.

"Oh, Diana?!" Bri sang out.


"You should totally wear this for Matt tonight." Bri winked.

I watched as Diana's face fell. "I don't know, Bri."

"Oh, come on. It's so your color! And Matt will love it!" Bri continued on.

"Bri, drop it." I said softly, hugging Diana who looked on the verge of tears. "Are you okay?"

She shook her head. "Yeah, I'm fine." She choked out.

"Let me rephrase that; What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Matt." Diana choked out, tears rolling down her face.

"Do I have to kick his ass?" Bri growled.

Diana giggled weakly, shrugging. "I don't know. I don't know what's up with Matt."

"Tell us what's going on?" I asked, wiping away the tears.

"We were all fine last night, just having a blast and all. Then this morning he just seemed... distant. When I asked him what's wrong, he would only give me one word answers. He won't even look at me." Diana shook her head. "I don't know what I did to make him act this way. Did I say something wrong last night? Did we fight and I just don't remember it? Embarrass him? Or.." Diana cradled her face in her hands as she sobbed.

"Diana, Diana. Relax, sweetie. We're here. Tell us, what's wrong?" Bri and I hugged her, comforting her.

"What if he's planning on leaving me?!" She cried out.

"Sweetie, he's not leaving you. He wouldn't ever. He loves you too much to ever think of leaving." I said softly.

"Yeah, you're all he talks about. He talks about you so much it makes me feel like I'm dating you." Bri joked.

Diana coughed a giggle. "You sure?"

Bri and I nodded. "We wouldn't ever lie to you, Diana."

She smiled, hugging us. "Thanks, girls. You're the best."

"We know." Bri and I grinned widely.

"Now, let's get back to shopping." Diana smiled, wiping away the last few tears.

"Hell yeah! Spend the boys money." I fanned myself with Brian's credit card.

"Speaking of boys," Diana and Bri grinned, eyes on mine. "What's up with you and Syn?"

I smiled. "Nothing. Just friends, is all."

Bri and Diana exchanged a look. "Yeah, okay."

"That man is in love with you." Bri commented.

"That he is." Diana nodded. "Never leaving her side. Have you seen how he constantly watches her? Proves me right, he is a damn creeper." Diana laughed.

"Shut up." I giggled, rolling my eyes.

"You should buy this for him. The guy loves purple." Bri held up a piece of purple lingerie.

"I'm sure he won't fit into that, Bri." I smirked.

Diana laughed. "It's for YOU to wear for HIM, Nikki."

Butterflies fluttered at the thought of wearing it for Brian, and the actions that take after he sees me in that. Picturing everything that will happen. My insides tightened from nervousness at the thought of Brian and I sleeping together again. I have no idea what to do. He was the only guy I ever slept with, and that was 4 years ago!

I shook my head. "I'm not wearing that for him."

Diana and Bri groaned. "Just give the guy a chance. You may actually like being with him."

"Nope. Not happening." I shook my head.

"Stubborn as always." Diana murmured, laughing when I threw panties at her.

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