Party like a Rock Star

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.:Nikki’s POV:.

“Nikki? Nikki, wake up.” Someone lightly shook my shoulder.

I slowly blinked a couple times, my eyes adjusting to the bright light as I glanced around. Where the fuck was I? My eyes met a pair of warm, chocolate eyes and playful smirk stretched across his thin lips. My heart raced as a blush formed on my cheeks, his smirk growing.

“Wakey, wakey, Sleeping Beauty.” Brian chuckled. “We’re in Vegas. We have to leave the plane now.”

I stretched, yawning. “Okay… Sorry for falling asleep on you.” I apologized.

Brian laughed, grabbing our bags. “Don’t be sorry. It was cute.”

I blushed more as I followed him off the plane; holding onto our bags with one hand while his free hand wrapped around my waist, he pulled me close to his side and lead us into the cab that awaited us. A shock of electricity shot through me at his touch. I wonder if he felt it as well? Or was I simply going insane?

Most likely the second choice...

We soon pulled up outside the Bellagio Towers, as Brian paid the cab driver I admired the beauty of the place as the fountains angrily shot up, making me jump slightly. I heard Brian’s chuckle behind me as his arm wrapped around my shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze.

“Get scared?” He smiled.

I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving him. “No way. Just wasn’t expecting that.” I giggled. “Now, can we get our room? I want to change and party.”

Brian laughed. “Right this way, Miss Belle.”

He led me into the hotel, his arm tightly around me. While he got us our room, I looked absentmindedly around the lobby, taking it all in since I really wouldn’t get to look at it later.

“Here is your room, Sir. Room 354.” The hostess smiled, leaning forward to show her cleavage to Brian.

I glared at her. I wanted to rip her head right off her shoulders for trying to get at Brian like that. Her tits were obviously fake. No way were they that huge and perky. But to my surprise, Brian didn’t even look down once. He kept his eyes on mine as he grabbed the room key from her.

“Thank you.” He gave her a quick smile, before looking back down at me.

I raised an eyebrow at him, making his smile grow.

“What? Come on, let’s get to our room.” I ordered.

He towed me away from the lobby desk and into the elevator.

I smiled as I leaned against the elevator wall, opposite from him. “I can’t believe I’m finally back here!”

Brian smirked. “You really love Vegas, don’t you?”

I nodded, shrugging. “It’s beautiful and there’s always something to do.”

He laughed as the elevator doors opened and I rushed out.

“Last one’s a rotten ass!” Brian yelled over his shoulder as he ran by me, our bags in his hands still.

“Brian! You ass!” I laughed, chasing after him.

Pushing my legs faster to catch up with him. Since he was running with our bags, it would give me the better luck at winning our little race.

But lucky him, his legs were longer and he had a head start so it wasn’t fair. I was surprised that our bags didn't slow him down, but he is also strong so that helped him. I walked up to him as he smiled wildly, his breath coming out in ragged breaths. He opened our hotel room door, holding the door open for me.

“Cheater.” I giggled, walking into the room. I heard him laugh behind me.

I stopped in the middle of the room, shocked. It was beautiful, beyond imagination. But that’s not what had me frozen on the spot. It was the king sized bed that had me frozen. Why weren’t there two beds? I was under the impression that we weren’t sharing a bed. Sharing a room, I could care less for.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Brian asked, opening the curtains to reveal the view of the Las Vegas night life.

I nodded. “Surely is.”

“So, I’m sure you want to change before we go clubbing. I’ll go get ice from down the hall. I’ll take my time.” He said, grabbing our room key.

“Okay.” I said even though he was already gone.

I searched through my suitcase, shoving the purple lingerie to the very bottom and grabbing a pair tight, dark jeans and a halter top. Grabbing my lace bra and panties and my wedges I hurried into the bathroom, taking a quick shower before we go.

As soon as my body hit the hot water, my muscles relaxed immediately as my thoughts began to wander. From the lingerie that laid at the bottom of my suitcase to sharing a bed with Brian after a night of drinking.

Was Brie going to be right? I hoped, scratch that, I prayed that she wouldn’t be right. But I’m sure I’m just overreacting to all of this. Nothing is going to happen between me and Brian. We’re just two friends going out for some fun tonight and coming back to sleep in the same bed.

That's it.

Nothing will happen, Nikki. Nothing. Brian knows where he stands and he’s fine with that.

That’s what I kept telling myself but my stupid heart racing at the thought of Brian told me otherwise. It cried for Brian’s touch, to feel that electricity shoot throughout my body again. To feel his calloused fingers run across my skin. His chocolate eyes locking with mine, holding me in their hypnotizing gaze. To see that devilish smirk appear on those lips, and craving to bite those sinful lips of his…

The water turning ice cold snapped me out of my thoughts. I jumped out of the shower, wrapping the towel tightly around my body. I shook my head, ridding any thoughts of Brian. Those were not allowed.

 Just friends, I told myself as I dressed for tonight.

I emerged from the bathroom to see Brian lounging across our bed, flipping through channels on the television. He was dressed in black jeans and his usual sleeveless t-shirts that showed off his amazing, heavily tatted muscled arms, and a pair of combat boots on his feet. His hair spiked and eyeliner carefully drawn around his chocolate eyes. I nibbled my lip as my eyes checked him out.

Brian glanced up, finally noticing me standing there. His chocolate eyes examining my entire body, a smile appearing on his face as he approved my outfit of choice. He got up off the bed and closed the distance between us, my breath caught in my throat.

"You look beautiful..." He said softly. I could easily taste his breath on my tongue.

I cleared my throat. "Thank you. You look good too."

He smirked, holding out his arm for me to take. "To the clubs?"

I smiled, taking his arm. "Hell yes!"

He laughed, leading us out of our room and making sure our door was locked.

"Party like a mother fuckin rock star!!" He yelled in the hallway, earning a couple death glares from other residents.

 Especially the ones with young children.

And were we going to party... Harder than anyone would have expected...


Soo, what do YOU think is going to happen??

I want to hear back from you guys, see what you have in mind


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