Date Night

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I pushed the cart down the meat aisle, searching for hamburger meat. I was too busy searching that I wasn't paying attention and crashed into someone's cart.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." I apologized, helping him pick up what dropped.

"Nah, you're fine. I got this." He smiled.

"No, here. Let me help." I insisted, helping him clean up.

"Thanks." He said as we cleaned up. "I'm Brent."

"Nikki." I smiled, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Hey, Nikki? I know this is too early and all, but what are you doing tonight?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Attempting at dinner." I giggled.

He chuckled. "Do you want to join me and my family for dinner?"

"Oh, I don't know. I don't want to be a bother, and you barely know me."

He waved it off. "Don't be crazy. You won't be a bother to us at all, and we'll get to know each other tonight." He smiled. "Give me your number and I'll text you the directions."

I gave him my number and hugged him goodbye after a little while longer of talking, and flirting on his side. Which I didn't mind, he was pretty cute. Muscles with chocolate eyes. He reminded me of Brian, just without the tattoos and the smirk.

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair, thinking of him. Of the kiss. How his lips moved with mine, turning into my new addiction. An addiction I've been fighting all week. I wanted to see him, I wanted to talk to him. But I was scared. Scared to fall for him. I didn't want to since he's a rock star and all that. Not many rock star relationships work out, and I don't want to be hurt by him again. My heart wouldn't take it, it couldn't the first time he left me.

I lightly shook my head and finished up my shopping, wanting to get back to the apartment quicker and get ready for tonight. I had to tear through my closet for nice clothes since I wanted to impress Brent's family, I didn't want them thinking I was some bum their son met. They could think that later once I get used to them, if I become closer to Brent.

Once at home I threw everything that I bought in either the cabinets or in the fridge, then jogged into my bedroom and to the closet. Staring at all the clothes hanging up but not really seeing anything good. I heard my phone beep, signaling a text message.

"Hey its brent (: jus lettin u know that im goin to pick u up so could u tell me where u live? It'll jus be easier that way and not so weird ya kno lol" Brent texted.

I giggled, texting him back. "Sounds good to me. I live on 3498 hollywood ave apartment B"

I was thankful he was picking me up instead. I was kind of wishing he would, since it was a little weird for me to go over someone's house that I barely knew for dinner.

After showering; I decided on just wearing a nice pair of jeans and a simple purple tank top, applying the basic eyeliner and mascara. I didn't want to seem all fancy but not bumming it either. Hoping that his parents aren't all high class. Someone banged at my door and I ran to answer it, the door swinging open to reveal Brent's smiling face.

"Hey, come on in." I smiled, moving out the way so he could walk in.

"Hey, thanks." He walked in and plopped down on the sofa.

"I'll be out in a second." I told him, heading back to my room.

"Take your time, hon." I heard Brent say.

I quickly fixed myself in the mirror, running a brush through my hair yet again and spraying myself with perfume. I checked myself out once more, then walked back out to join Brent. He wolf whistled as he took my hand in his.

"Lookin gorgeous, Nikki." He complimented.

I blushed, giggling. "Oh, stop. It's nothing big. But thank you."

He smiled. "Ready?"

I nodded. "You sure your family is okay with this?"

"Hell yeah. They're all excited. Especially my brother, saying it's about time I brought a girl back to meet the family." He laughed.

I laughed with him as we headed towards his car. He held the passenger door for me as he helped me into the car, then heading to his side. Starting it up and driving towards his parents place, the both of us laughing and talking on the way there.

For some odd reason, something wasn't settling right. Like something was going to go down. But the thing is; what is?

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