Going Home

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"Motherfucker." I growled as the sunlight hit me in the face, then the hangover kicked in.

I shoved my face deeper into my pillow and felt something like hair brush against my face, then someone snuggling closer to my body. Oh, fuck. Don't you dare tell me I brought back a chick. I didn't feel like faking that I was going to call her when I kicked her out. I picked my head up and peeked through my eyelids seeing Nikki sleeping soundly beside me.

I smirked and laid back down, relaxing while last night flooded through my head as I pulled her body a bit closer. So close I was to kissing her. So fucking close. Then Short shit over there had to ruin it.

"Wakey, wake- Oh my God!" Diana shouted.

Nikki jumped awake as she screamed, her quick movement sending my ass off the bed and onto the floor. I groaned as I sat up to see Diana grinning ear to ear. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"You two hooked up!" Diana leaped onto the bed, hugging Nikki. "I so happy!"

"Diana.. Diana..." Nikki began to say.

"Oh, I knew you both had a thing for each other. I can't believe this has finally happened, I mean you two are simply adorable for each other.."

Diana kept dragging on and on about us being together as I got up and walked into the bathroom. Johnny rolled over, throwing the pillow over his head. I chuckled as I heard Diana kept on going, words jumbling together as she spoke quickly and excitedly. When I finished my business Diana wrapped her arms around me, taking me by surprise. I glanced up at Nikki who was giggling on the bed.

"You better treat my girl right, or I'll chop your balls off." Diana giggled, which made it even more scary.

"Uhm, Okay... ?" I gave her a worried look.

She smiled, skipping towards the door. "Oh, before I forget. Matt called the airport and you better dress quickly. We're leaving for Huntington soon." She shut the door behind her.

"That was awkward..." I commented.

"Yeah, it was." Nikki chuckled.

I ran my hands through my hair as I watched Nikki crawl out of my bed, collecting her things.

"Well, I better get back to mine. Hopefully Jimmy's guest is gone by now." Nikki giggled softly. "I'll see you later, then."

"See you." I nodded as she left the room.

"You guys are dating now or something?" Johnny asked, crawling out of bed.

I shook my head, yawning. "No."

"You should. I mean, it's obvious you like Nikki. So why not make a move before someone else does?"

I rolled my eyes. "Can we not talk about this so early in the damn morning? It's fuckin-" I checked my phone, frowning. "-4:45pm." Johnny chuckled.

Johnny and I quickly dressed and met everyone out in the hallway, I took my normal spot beside Nikki as we grabbed our bags. Nikki and I explained to Diana that we weren't dating, we just shared a room since Rev had a little guest last night. She was sad about that, but soon got over as soon as Shads took her hand in his. Then we all headed to the limo that waited on us to take us to the airport.

"How you feel?" I asked Nikki, the both of us walking slowly, away from the crowd.

She shrugged. "Hungover and sad."

"Why sad?"

"I really don't want to leave Vegas. I love it here." She giggled cutely.

I linked our hands together, admiring how they fit perfectly. "I'll bring you back one day."

"I'd like that." She smiled, making me smile in return.

We arrived at the airport and I bought two coffees at the stand, handing one to Nikki. She thanked me as she took a sip. Our flight was a little delayed so we all chilled on the sofas in the corner of the lobby, Nikki curled up beside me as she laid her head on my shoulder, Johnny was passed out on the other side of her. Matt, Diana, and Zacky with Bri on his lap sat on the sofa across from ours.

"Short shit's passed the fuck out." Zacky chuckled.

"We should mess with him." I smirked.

"Don't do that." Diana whined.

"Leave him alone, bullies." Nikki mumbled, sleepily.

"Watch this." Shads grinned, spitting on Johnny. Zack and I laughed that he didn't budge.

"Motherfucker is knocked out." Zacky grinned.

"I got something." I smirked, digging through my bag.

"Brian, what are you doing?" Nikki asked me, yawned.

I put a finger to my lips as I creeped up to Johnny, uncapping the sharpie marker. I drew on his face, giving him a mustache. I could hear everyone fighting off the laughter.

"Give him a uni-brow!" Nikki said in a whisper.

I chuckled as I gave him one, hiding behind the sofa when he started moving. Soon everyone gave in and started drawing on him. What made me crack up was the drawing of a dick beside his mouth. I forget who drew that, but who ever did is a fucking genius.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Rev grinned. "Let me draw something."

I handed him the marker and soon he added his drawings to the collection on Johnny's face. We woke Johnny when the plane finally arrived, all of us bit back our laughter as Johnny walked through the airport. Asking us why people were either laughing at him or giving him weird looks. I sat with Nikki in the middle of the plane, the both of us watching Johnny get up from his seat at the front of the plane heading to the bathroom.

"Piss break." Johnny grinned.

"Nice to know." Nikki giggled.

"I like to share." Johnny laughed, walking into the bathroom. I counted down from 3. "MOTHER FUCKERS!" Nikki and I busted into laughter. "You guys are fucking funny." Johnny growled once he came out of the bathroom, taking back his seat.

"How you like the make over there, Short shit?!" I shouted at him, grinning.

"Fuck you all!" He flipped me off, making all of us laugh.

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