Too Far

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"Agh, fuck me." I mumbled sleepily, rolling over.

I snuggled my face into the fluffy pillow, smiling as I felt warmth radiate in my direction. Then felt something like a pair of arms around my waist tighten, pulling me closer towards a bare chest. I peeked from under my eyelashes to see a tan muscular chest, the words BlueBlood tatooed on his peck. Black hair lightly caressing against his neck and tickling my face. My eyes fluttered shut as I yawned, then snapped open.

There laying beside me was Brian. A smile upon his lips as a soft snore escaped between them. His large tatted arms wrapped around me. I could feel the texture of his jeans against my legs while he snuggled closer, arms tightening around me. Mumbling words I couldn't understand in his sleep. I looked down at my body and seeing that I was in just a tank top and my panties. I let out an ear splitting scream.

"Fuck!" Brian yelled as he fell off the bed.
"What's going on?!" Matt ran in with Diana peeking under his arm.
I pulled the blankets over me. "What the fuck are you doing in my bed?!"
Brian groaned as he rubbed his head. "I was sleeping?"
"Who said in my bed?!" I yelled, clutching the blanket closer.
He rubbed his head. "You did last night. Actually, you begged and dragged me here."
I glared. "I was drunk."
"Come on, man. Get out of here before you're murdered." Matt chuckled.
I glared at Matt. "You are now next on my list." I threw a pillow at him.

Matt winked at me as Brian walked past him then shut the door, not without Diana mouthing "We'll talk later". I groaned as I laid back on my bed, hiding my face in the pillow that smelled of Brian.

I slipped back into my shorts and fixed my bed head, then walked downstairs to see everyone in the kitchen. Diana handed me a coffee mug, knowing damn well I needed it. Her eyes begging for details, all I could give her was a roll of my eyes as I sat down next to Johnny. Laying my head on his shoulder.

"Aw, my wifey sleepy?" He asked.
I giggled. "Yep." I yawned. "So when do you guys go for the studio?"
"In an hour." Matt said, looking at the clock on the wall.
"Where the fuck are my clothes?!" We all heard Jimmy yell, unsure of where his naked ass was in the house.
"Jim's naked...?" I asked, eying the guys.
They shrugged. "All his idea." Brian said.
"Sure it is." I nodded. "Still mad at you, by the way."
He chuckled. "I know."
"They're in the dryer, Rev." Diana called down.
"Found them!" He yelled back.
"Where's Zack?" Johnny asked.
"With Bri still." Matt wiggled his brows. "We'll probably see them at the studio."
"Well, I'm going home to get ready. Matt, could you text me the directions?"
He nodded. "Sure can."
"See you." I waved as I left.
"BYE NIKKI!" I heard Jimmy yell loudly.

I drove back to my apartment after texting Matt where my apartment was, he was helping me find a quicker way to the studio instead of a long confusing way. Which I was thankful for, I didn't like long ways. Some how I would always find a way to get super lost. I quickly showered and changed into a pair ripped jeans and a Misfits tank top, while straightening my hair I heard someone banging on the door.

"One second!" I yelled, turning the straightener off. The banging continued, just louder. "Bri, if this is your doing, God so help me.." I opened the door, coming face to face with his chocolate eyes as he smirked.
"Miss me?" Brian chuckled.
"No." I went to slam the door, but he caught it. "Go away."
"Hey now, no need to be rude." He chuckled. "Just wanted to give you a ride to the studio, instead of you having to waste your gas finding it."
"Thanks.." I shoved against the door, trying to close it as he pushed against it. "..for the offer, but I like driving.. by myself."

Brian squeezed through the little opening that was there, surprisingly fitting through. In the same second he got through, the door slammed shut making me fall on my ass since I was still pushing all my strength on the door. Brian stood over me with his cocky smirk, holding out his hand for me to take. Biting back a laugh. I glared up at him, watching the smirk grow into a smile.

"By the way, it wasn't an offer, babe." He chuckled, walking through my apartment.
"Yeah well, inviting yourself in wasn't an offer either. But you still came in." I grumbled as I walked back into my room.
"For such a tiny girl, there's so much hostility. What's wrong?" Brian asked, sitting on my bed.
"The fact that you just invited yourself in is a start." I said, staring at Brian through my mirror.
He laughed as he laid on my bed. "Oh, put down your damn guard and just fuck me already. My body is ready for you."
I scoffed, lurching to my feet. "How dare you say that to me in my house!" I yelled at him. "What the fuck makes you think I want to fuck you? Even if I had the slightest thought to ever touch you, I wouldn't. Not only because you have a girlfriend but also I think you are the most arrogant, repulsive, perverted man in the entire world! You don't care about a woman's feelings. All you care is about yourself."

I turned on my heel and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind me as tears quickly rolled down my face.

There was so much more I had to say to him, but I couldn't voice it out. Not when I'm breaking down like this. For some reason it hurt me to say those words to him, though they were true. Well, most of them. He wasn't repulsive looking, he was far from that. He was a gorgeous man, I'll give him that. But he's extremely cocky, and never thinks before he speaks. Always thinking something's a joke, thus taking things way too far.

Brian knocked on the door lightly. "Nikki? Can you come out here?" Brian asked softly.
I sniffed, wiping away my snotty nose. "Brian.." I choked out, not able to finish what I was about to say.
I heard a thump on the door, Brian probably laying his head against the door. "Nicole, I'm so sorry for what I said." He said softly again. "Can you please come out?"

I sniffed as I wiped at my nose again, fixing myself in the mirror before opening the bathroom door. My eyes traveled up to Brian's chocolate ones, full of sadness and regret. No longer was his cocky trademark smirk on his face but a frown replaced it. He pulled me against his chest, his arms wrapping around my figure tightly. Hiding his face in my hair. His breath running through my hair raised the hair on the back of my neck. His fingers lightly caressing my arms raised goosebumps on my skin, my heart was beating in my ears.

"Nicole, I'm sorry. So sorry." Brian kept apologizing.
I pulled away from him, looking him in the eyes. I just nodded. "Can we go now?" I asked just below a whisper.
He nodded, a frown still on his lips. "Yeah. Come on."

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