Food Fight!!!

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Everyone was all crowded around the table as we all ate our burgers and hotdogs. Us girls laughing as we scooted away from Jimmy, who had started a food fight between the guys. I used Johnny as a shield since he was sitting beside me. Diana was the smart one and hid under the damn table, while Bri and I used one of the guys that were closest to us.

"Oh, Nikki?!" I heard Jimmy call my name.

I looked over in his direction, my eyes widening. Jimmy stood behind me with that smile of his, in his hands were the ketchup and mustard bottles pointing directly at me. I pulled Johnny in front of me as I backed away. Johnny laughed.

"Oh, hell no. You're on your own." Johnny ran off, leaving me alone.

I giggled. "You're going to leave a damsel in distress?"

"Fuck yeah!" He grinned.

"You suck at being my prince charming!" I yelled at him as I ran away from Jimmy.

"Heeerrreee's Revvy!" Jimmy jumped in front of me, coming out of nowhere.

"Fuck my life." I laughed as I backed away.

"Gotcha!" Brian yelled from behind me, wrapping his arms around me.

Brian pinned my arms at my sides so I could not move, and lifted me off the ground. Laughing when I cursed and fought against him, trying to get free as Jimmy came closer. I also didn't want to be in his arms of all things, I didn't even want him to touch me.

"Ready?" Brian yelled. Jimmy's grin grew. "Aim!" Jimmy pointed the mustard and ketchup at me.

"Jimmy, don't do it." I warned him. "Brian, tell him to stop." I felt Brian chuckle.

"FIRE!" Brian yelled out.

I screamed as I thrashed in Brian's arms while Jimmy squirted the ketchup and mustard onto me. Both men laughing their asses off as I screamed. But as for revenge on so many levels, while I was thrashing in Brian's arms he groaned and let go of me. Dropping to the deck floor as he cupped himself, wincing in pain. I smirked.

"Serves you right." I said then faced Jimmy. "You're next, Jimbo."

His eyes widened. "Shit!" He ran off.

Diana laughed, skipping to my side. "I gotta talk to you." She whispered in my ear.

"Ookay." I raised an eyebrow as she dragged me into the house. I leaned against the counter, watching her. "So what's up?"

"What's with you and Syn?" She asked.

I groaned. "Nothing's up! I don't like him!"

Diana shook her head. "No, not that. What's your beef with him?"

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

Diana sighed heavily. "Not only have I noticed, but Syn and Matt have too. Like, every time Syn's around you or merely touches you, you squirm away from him and have this disgusted expression on your face. Did he say or do something to you?" Diana asked me.

I nibbled on my lips as I stared at her, deciding whether or not to tell her. I could see that she wanted to help, that she knew something was wrong. But was I ready to spill? Could I tell her about mine and Brian's one night stand on my 21st, thus losing my virginity to him when I barely knew him at the time? Hell, I still didn't know him.

"No, he didn't do anything." I shook my head. "I guess it's just the vibe he gives off, you know? The whole flirty vibe."

Diana looked like she didn't believe it, but nodded anyway. "Okay, do you mind if I tell him that? Cause he wants to know too, he wants you not to feel weird around him."

"Yeah, sure." I ran a hand through my hair.

Diana went back outside and I grabbed another beer before following after, seeing Brian sitting in a chair with an ice pack on his crotch. I hid a smile. I may seem horrible for smiling at his pain, but I see it as revenge for the past.

I spotted Jimmy with his back to me, sitting in a chair as he ate. I grinned as I picked the mustard and ketchup bottles off the floor and sneaked up behind him. Putting a finger to my lips when Bri and Zacky caught sight of me, they went back to eating. I leaned down to Jimmy's ear.

"Got you." I whispered as I squirted it on his hair.

Jimmy jumped up as curses streamed out from between his lips, making me and everyone laugh out loud. Well, Brian laughed and groaned as the movement hurt him. Jimmy ran over and engulfed me in a hug, pressing his hair against my face giving me a mustard and ketchup mask. Everyone laughed. Jimmy and I smiled and nodded before grabbing the mustard and ketchup, drowning every one of them in it as they ran from us.

"Aw, look at us!" Bri giggled, wiping the ketchup away from her eyes.

"We're the mustard and ketchup family." I giggled, drenched in it.

"Group hug!" Matt yelled out.

We all laughed as we huddled into a damn tight hug, laughing at each other. My eyes met Brian's and seeing his face covered in mustard and ketchup made me crack the hell up, the only thing you could see were his eyes only. He laughed along with me, his laughter ringing in my ears.

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