Starting Over

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I watched as Nikki danced with Diana andg Bri, watching how her hips swayed with the beat. Moving effortlessly and teasingly. When her eyes met mine, my heart gave itself a squeeze and my insides tightened. But then the thought of her and that Criss dude popped back into my head, my fingers clenched around my beer.

I relaxed when I saw Nikki walking my way, I sat up straight in my chair. Funny how I wanted to be alone in my little corner, but when it came to her I wanted her company. No matter what was going on with me. I was such a sap for this chick. My manhood really needed to come back. She smiled sitting beside me. Yep, my manhood was a lost cause when she's around.

"What are you doing sitting alone in this dark corner, grumpy?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Wanted some alone time." I took a swig from my beer. "And I'm not grumpy." I pouted.

She giggled. "Sure, you're not."

I smiled. "What's with being so nice? Thought you hated me."

She shrugged, taking a swig from her beer. "I did. But I got over it."

"Really? What made you change your mind on me?" I was shocked. Happy, but shocked.

"To start, you saved me when I was drowning. And you're very sweet, though you do have your cocky moments that piss me off." We laughed. "And it's hard to stay mad at you for something that happened so long ago."

I took her hands into mine, looking into her brown eyes. "I'm really sorry about that night, Nicole. I really am. If I was more mature back then, I would have stayed with you. I feel horrible that I did that, I wish I could take it back." I apologized.

She shook her head, smiling. "You're forgiven, Brian. Let's move on from that night. Let's start over."

I grinned. "I like that idea."

"I do too." She agreed, then cleared her throat. "Hi, I'm Nicole. But call me Nikki." She held out her hand.

I smirked." Hey, Nikki. I'm Syn, but you can call me Brian." I took her hand, pulling her against my chest for a hug.

She laughed. "Hey, Brian?"


"Why am I the only one allowed to call you Brian?"

I shrugged. "Anyone can call me Brian, really. Do you want to start calling me Syn?"

She shook her head. "Nah. I like being the only one to call you Brian. I feel special."

"Cause you are, Nikki." I said, bringing my beer to my lips. "So, you and Criss?"

She sighed. "Yeah, I don't know."

"What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing. He's okay, I guess."

"Just a fling?"

"If that's what you want to call it. I mean, we're only here for 2 days now. I won't be seeing him after this, so what's the point?"

"I see what you mean." I nodded. She yawned. "Boring you?" I laughed.

She laughed, shaking her head. "Nah, just tired. Been dancing all night, it's been a long day."

"Well it is-" I checked my phone. "-3:45am. Come on, let's go to bed."

"I like the sound-" She yawned. "-of that."

I smirked and helped her up, letting her link her arm with mine. Supporting all her weight as we headed back to our rooms upstairs. When I spotted her eyelids drooping, I scooped her up into my arms.

"Brian, put me down. I'm heavy." She whined.

I rolled my eyes. "Heavy? I barely feel you in my arms, twig."

She rolled her eyes then, relaxing in my arms. It was true, I barely felt her in my arms. It was like holding a toddler almost. I walked with her in my arms all the way to our floor, even on the elevator I did not let her go. I set her down outside her door.

"Well, here's your room." I nodded. "If you need me, I'm across the hall." I said, heading back to mine.

"Brian..?" I heard her say my name softly.

"Yeah?" I turned, facing her now.

She smiled and walked closer to me, my heart racing as I tried to think of what she was going to do. But my mind drew a blank as her strawberry kiwi scent filled my nose. She placed her hands on my shoulders, leaning closer to me. Her lips closer to mine, my heart felt like it was ready to explode any moment. She pressed her lips to my cheek, then pulling away from me. A smile on her lips as she stepped away from me, I placed my hand on the cheek she kissed.

"Good night, Brian." She said, entering her room.

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