Chapter 1: Another Fail

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I was so sick of boys. Why couldn't I find a real mature man that actually had his life together? I guess I was the perfect candidate for rude guys that only wanted sex. I tossed my purse to the side on the table and lay back on my couch. I just got in from going on another online date. He was nice, sure, but he definitely wasn't cute nor my type. Pictures are not a reliable source.

I sat up and grabbed my computer before signing back in to the dating site I used all the time. I decided to join after spending over two years being single. I still had no luck. I seen a few new messages from perverts that were in their sixties and then a small heart notification on one of my pictures. I hovered over the persons username.


They didn't have a profile picture. I clicked on his profile and did a bit of creeping. His name was Daryl and he was thirty one and lived in Georgia. I lived in Nebraska, and the chances of meeting up were nearly impossible. But, nonetheless his like made my day better I decided to be brave and message him saying thanks.

Dear Daryl,
Hi, my name is Ally and I seen you liked one of my pictures. Thanks! :) It made my day! Hope I hear back from you.

I clicked send and my message sent. Now all I had to do was wait for a reply, that's if I even got one. Daryl didn't have a profile picture and I was curious to know what he looked like. I shut my laptop and stood up to take a bath. I made sure to add extra bubbles because I was stressed out and needed little space time to relax.

I am part of the Ddlg lifestyle, which means, Daddy Dom little girl. The Dom acts as a Daddy and the submissive acts like a child. It has nothing to do with incest or my biological father. I hated when people thought that. Little space is when I am being little and enjoying my childlike nature. I had to do everything myself and there were no rules because I currently didn't have a Daddy. Although, I did set some rules for myself like eating healthy and getting enough sleep because it made me feel good having a bit of structure.

I wasn't little all the time, I couldn't be. I had a job and bills to pay. But, it was nice to come home everyday and be myself. I was playing with my bath toys and coloring on myself with bath crayons. I sometimes wondered if it would be like this forever. I have had many dates, and they never go any further. And I'm usually the one to turn them down for a second date. Expect one time when I went on two dates with the same guy and told him about my little side. He was nice on our first date and held the qualities I was looking for, but it all went downhill once I told him about Ddlg.

"You want me to be your daddy and take care of you while you act like a child?" My date, Ronnie scoffed. "That's fucking sick and disgusting!" He growled harshly.

"No, you have to let me explain." I said as he stood up to leave. "Nah, save it. Freak." He got up in the middle of our date and left. The waiter came back and I paid for me and Ronnie since he left. I took my food home with me that night and lay in bed curled up to my stuffies and pacifier in my mouth, crying.

I was always scared that would happen again. Since that bad date, I don't tell anyone my secret, no one. I was sick and tired of being judged for the things I liked. So what if I liked ddlg? It doesn't effect you any.

I rinsed off and wrapped a towel around my body and went to my bedroom. I slipped on my pajamas and went back out to check my computer. I smiled seeing I had a new message and it was from Daryl.

Hey, Ally. You're welcome. - Daryl

I frowned at the short message. He gave me nothing to go on with this reply. He didn't ask a question or anything, but I took his 'hey' as an invitation to chat.

How are you today Daryl? Thanks for taking the time to talk to me. :) - Ally

I shut my computer and got ready for bed. I had work in the morning and had to be up at seven. I hated waking up for work, but I had too. I went to sleep that night with my paci in my mouth and colorful thoughts.


The next morning I made my French vanilla cappuccino to start my day. I had to have it everyday to function. I got dressed and gathered up my things all ready to go. I had a few minutes to relax before I had to leave. So, I decided to check my computer.

I checked my dating profile first to see what if anything new came up. My stomach dropped when I seen a reply from Daryl.

Anytime. I'm alright. You? - Daryl

I quickly wrote back.

Okay. I have work today. :( - Ally

I didn't want to be late, so I closed up my laptop. I wouldn't be home until this evening. I worked as a librarian at the local elementary school. I loved working with kids because it gave me a chance to be one too and nobody ever questioned it.

"Good morning Ms. Edwards!" I heard as I walked through the halls. I smiled and waved to the kids before going to my desk. I checked into the office and signed it. I got settled in and went to work with sorting the books to their appropriate place.

Throughout the day kids came down and checked out books, returned them, swapped them. Some even came down just to read in peace. I pulled out my phone and check my profile since no one was around. Daryl had answered me and it made me smile.

That sucks. But work is money, and money is good. - Daryl

He was right about that. I sent him back a message.

It is! What's your occupation? - Ally

I set my phone down when I seen a group of kindergarteners come in for story time. I locked up my phone and grabbed a book by Eric Carl, a children's author, and started reading.

As I was reading the kids looked at the pictures and giggled. I found myself slipping into my little state, but pulled myself out of it because I had to be professional. I wouldn't mind sitting down and having someone read to me.

The kids left and I had some free time to work on anything that needed done, luckily I didn't have much except for a few kids that would come in and check out books.

I had another message from Daryl.

I fix bikes and cars. - Daryl

So he's a mechanic? Daryl didn't seem like much of a talker to me because he was always straight to the point and his responses were short. Maybe he didn't like talking to me. I tried not to think negative.

I sent back a smiley face and started packing up to go home. I stopped and grabbed some apple juice at Walmart and found myself over in the baby section. I always wandered over that way, and people had asked me before if I was expecting. The look on their faces when I said no shocked them.

I couldn't help but fall into little space looking at all the cute pacifiers. I reached my hand out to grab one with diamond, but I pulled back. I had three already, I didn't need it.

As I got home I ran a bath so I could clean up and play a little. I put on some light, upbeat country music and sang along while playing with my ducky. 'If only I had a daddy...' I thought to myself.

I went to bed that night without another word from Daryl.

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Miles Away (Daryl Dixon Ddlg Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora